Exam Details

Subject 20th century malayalam literature in english translation
Exam / Course english
Organization Mar Ivanios College
Exam Date April, 2018
City, State kerala, thiruvananthapuram

Question Paper

(Pages 3352
Reg. No. :.………………… Name :.………………….
Sixth Semester B.A. Degree Examination, April 2018
First Degree Programme under CBCSS
Core Course: English XII
AUEN642: 20th Century Malayalam Literature in English Translation
(Common for Regular 2015 and Reappearance 2014 Admn.)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer ALL questions each in a word or in a sentence.
1. Who is commemorated in the poem, "Where is John?"
2. Where did the poet find the autograph tree?
3. Who was Jamadagni? What did his father ask him to do?
4. To which classic Tamil text does the title of the poem, "Lay of the Anklet" refer?
5. How many secretaries did the Long-Nosed One appoint? Did all of them remain with him till the end?
6. Which short story in In the Shade of Sahyadri opens with the author's statement, "This story is purely fictitious"?
7. Who wrote the short story, "Orotha and the Spirits?"
8. In which short story do you come across the tale of Pandi and Pandiyathi?
9. What prompts Raghu, the hero of the novel Roots to revisit the village where he grew up?
10. In which town does the action of the novel, Mist, mainly take place?
(10 1 10 Marks)
Answer any EIGHT questions, each in a short paragraph not exceeding 50 words.
11. What is the lore of the Parayi mentioned in "A Requiem to Mother Earth?" In what context does the poet refer to it?
12. How does the speaker in Balachandran Chullikkad's poem respond when the thunder asks the question, "Where is John?"
13. What happens to the poet when he kisses the signatures on the autograph tree?
14. The poem, "Lay of the Anklet" mentions a man becoming the tree for a woman to twine upon. Who are the people mentioned here? What is the speaker trying to convey?
15. What happened when Chenna, the owner of the dog, returned to look for him?
16. What was the Long-Nosed One's profession when his nose began to grow? How did he spend his days when he had work?
17. Who is the speaker in C Ayyappan's short story, "Spectral Speech?" How did she reach her present condition?
18. What does Shekhara Pillai, the watchman do at the end of the story, "In the Moonlit Land?"
19. What information does the projectionist pass on to the narrator in the story, "The Last Show?"
20. What are the impressions you form about the family life of Raghu from the opening chapter of the novel, Roots?
21. Explain the significance of the title of the play, Kanchana Sita.
22. How, according to ONV Kurup, do the children of Mother Earth treat her?
2 16 Marks)
Answer any SIX questions, each in a paragraph not exceeding 100 words.
23. What is the speaker's first response when she heard the twinkling sound of the temple bell?
24. Who is the son of Sahyan? What happens to him in the course of the poem?
25. How did the dog in "In the Flood" react when the thieves came to Chenna's shack to steal bananas and hay?
26. Who was Nangelipennu? What does the reader learn about her personal life from Lalithambika Antharjanam's short story?
27. Give an account of the narrator's first meeting with "The Girl Who Spreads Light."
28. How would you reconstruct the key incidents in the short story, "Spectral Speech?"
29. Write a short note on the character of Buddu in Mist.
30. How does Valmiki defend Sita in the closing part of Kanchana Sita?
31. Compare and contrast the characters of Lakshmanan and Bharatan in Kanchana Sita.
4 24 Marks)
Answer any TWO questions, each in about 300 words.
32. Attempt a critical reading of Balamani Amma's poem, "The Story of the Axe."
33. Bring out the significance of the title of the novel, Roots.
34. Write an essay on the theme of waiting in Mist.
35. Assess the role of the women characters in Kanchana Sita.
15 30 Marks)

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