Exam Details

Subject animal diversity
Exam / Course botany
Organization Mar Ivanios College
Exam Date November, 2017
City, State kerala, thiruvananthapuram

Question Paper

(Pages 1047
Reg. No. :………………… Name :………………….
First Semester B.Sc. Degree Examination, November 2017
First Degree Programme under CBCSS
Complementary Course: Zoology I (for Botany)
AUZO131: Animal Diversity
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Instruction: Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
Answer ALL questions in one or two sentences.
1. What are Archeocytes Explain its role in sponges.
2. What are flame cells and its functions
3. Give the importance of Collar cells in Poriferens.
4. What is Blooming in Sea sparkle
5. Explain osmoregulation with suitable example.
6. What are Cnidocytes and its functions
7. Write significance of diatomaceous earth.
8. Name a digenetic parasite and a disease caused by it.
9. Describe sexual dimorphism with suitable example.
10. Which disease is caused by Tsetse fly
(10 x 1 10 Marks)
Answer any EIGHT questions, not exceeding a paragraph.
11. Explain Parasitic adaptations of Sacculina.
12. Describe metagenesis in Aurelia.
13. Comment on Sponge Gemmule formation and its significance.
14. Write characteristics features of Spongilla.
15. Define Systematics and its importance.
16. Obligatory mutualism is exhibited by Termite. Explain.
17. Describe the Pathogenecity of Wuchereria bancrofti.
18. Explain characteristic features of Physalia.
19. Describe the evolutionary significance of Limulus.
20. A short account on prophylactic measures of dengue fever.
21. Explain the economic importance of Molluscans.
22. Discuss the Polymorphism in Coelenterates.
x 2 16 Marks)
Short essay type Answer any SIX questions.
23. Discuss the parasitic adaptations of Tape worm.
24. Write a note on evolutionary significance of Paripatus.
25. Describe regeneration process in Bipalium.
26. Explain life cycle of Fasciola hepatica.
27. Give an account on vector borne diseases, any four.
28. Explain Whittaker's five kingdom classification.
29. Describe the defensive adaptations of Cephalopods.
30. A brief account on the larval forms of Crustaceans.
31. Explain different types of coelom with suitable example.
x 4 24 Marks)
Long essay type Answer any TWO questions.
32. Give an account on water vascular system in sponges.
33. Explain the process of vermiculture and its importance.
34. Describe the life cycle and pathogenecity of Entamoeba histolytica.
35. Describe the various appendages of prawn.
x 15 30 Marks)

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