Exam Details

Subject principles of management
Exam / Course b.voc software development
Organization Mar Ivanios College
Exam Date November, 2016
City, State kerala, thiruvananthapuram

Question Paper

(Pages 1522
Reg. No. :.………………… Name:………………….
Fifth Semester B.Voc. Degree Examination, November 2016
First Degree Programme under CSS
General Course XIV: (for Software Development)
AUSD562: Principles of Management
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer ALL questions in one or two sentences.
1. What is CPM
2. What do you mean by HRM
3. What is total quality management
4. What is penetrating pricing
5. Why selection is known as a negative process
6. Define the concept of quality.
7. What is on the job training
8. What do you meant by advertisement
9. Name any four sales promotion techniques.
10. List any four ISO certifications.
(10 1 10 Marks)
Answer any EIGHT questions, not exceeding a paragraph
11. What is decision making
12. What are the different off the job training methods
13. What is organizational behaviour
14. What is the need of CMM levels
15. What are the merits of NPV method
16. What do you mean by pricing strategy
17. Why co-ordination is known as the essence of management
18. What is demotion
19. What is the need for work flow design
20. What is organizational behavior
21. Differentiate PERT and CPM.
22. What is operations management
2 16 Marks)
Short essay type problems: Answer any SIX questions.
23. What are the major differences between structured and unstructured decision making
24. What are the elements of marketing mix
25. What are the seven sigma principles
26. Explain the levels of management.
27. What are the differences between on the job and off the job training
28. What is the significance of marketing management
29. Explain the different styles of management.
30. What are the different types of markets
31. Explain the Net Present Value analysis.
4 24 Marks)
Long essay type problems: Answer any TWO questions.
32. Explain the Product Life Cycle.
33. Explain the major differences between training and development.
34. Explain the Maslow's Motivational Theory.
35. What are the major functions of management
15 30 Marks)

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