Exam Details

Subject network administration
Exam / Course b.voc software development
Organization Mar Ivanios College
Exam Date April, 2018
City, State kerala, thiruvananthapuram

Question Paper

(Pages 3401
Reg. No. :.………………… Name:.………………….
Sixth Semester B.Voc. DegreeExamination, April 2018
First Degree Programme under CSS
Skill Course XXIV: (for Software Development)
AUSD671: Mobile Application Development
(Common for Regular 2015 and Reappearance 2014 Admn.)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer ALL questions in one or two sentences.
1. What is wimax?
2. Give any two wireless devices.
3. Name any two cellular services.
4. What is the role of onCreate() method in android programming?
5. Define SDK.
6. Give the relevance of ID attribute.
7. What is SQLite database?
8. Define an Intent.
9. Define API.
10. Give the name of the latest android version.
(10 × 1 10 Marks)
Answer any EIGHT questions, not exceeding a paragraph of 50 words.
11. What is m-business?
12. Differentiate between handover and roaming.
13. What is the use of manifest file in android application?
14. What is DVM? How is it different from JVM?
15. Name two widgets in android studio with its purpose.
16. What is the requirement of kernel level in android architecture?
17. How is View and ViewGroup different?
18. Name two constants used to specify width and height in android.
19. What is the use of raw directory?
20. What is a toast in android?
21. Describe the steps to add images to your android application.
22. How can you play media files in android apps?
× 2 16 Marks)
Answer any SIX questions, in a page of 100 words.
23. Explain the four types of switching methods for digital traffic.
24. Describe the major components of a cellular phone.
25. With a neat diagram, explain the architecture of android.
26. Describe on activity stack.
27. Draw the activity pyramid of android life cycle.
28. Write a short note on XML fundamentals.
29. How do you specify your app's launcher activity?
30. Describe the static states in an android activity.
31. How can you create menus in android? Explain with an example.
× 4 24 Marks)
Answer any TWO questions, not exceeding four pages.
32. Discuss in detail
a). Wireless delivery technologies used in mobile phones. Marks)
b). How is a call connected and disconnected. Marks)
c). Mobile information access devices. Marks)
33. Explain the anatomy of an android application using a sample hello world program.
34. Explain in detail saving and restoring Activity state with sample codes to support.
35. a). Write an android application for login and registration. (10 Marks)
b). Write notes on android interaction with other apps. Marks)
× 15 30 Marks)

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