Exam Details

Subject web application & development
Exam / Course b.voc software development
Organization Mar Ivanios College
Exam Date November, 2016
City, State kerala, thiruvananthapuram

Question Paper

(Pages 1693
Reg. No. :.………………… Name:………………….
Third Semester B.Voc. Degree Examination, November 2016
First Degree Programme under CSS
Skill Course IX: (for Software Development)
AUSD371: Web Application Development
for 2014 Admissions Improvement Only
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer ALL questions in one or two sentences.
1. What is DNS
2. Which attribute you will use with TD tag to merge two cells horizontally
3. A collection of frames in the browser window is known as
4. How do you insert a comment in a CSS file
5. What is variable context in Perl
6. What is the purpose of _FILE_ literal
7. How can you create an object in JavaScript
8. Which built in method in JavaScript combines the text of two strings and returns a new string
9. When doPost method of Servlet to be called
10. List any two functions to read form data automatically in Servlet.
(10 1 10 Marks)
Answer any EIGHT questions, not exceeding a paragraph of 50 words.
11. What do you mean by web server
12. Which are the attributes of tag
13. Write down any four text formatting tags in HTML and their uses.
14. Name the types of selectors in CSS.
15. What is the importance of JavaScript on a web page
16. What is XML parser
17. Write a Perl program to remove an element from the beginning of an array.
18. Explain the use of POST method in a CGI program.
19. State the difference between the "next" and "last" commands in Perl.
20. What do you mean by mouse over event in JavaScript
21. Explain the working of service method of a Servlet.
22. What are Servlets filters
2 16 Marks)
Answer any SIX questions, in a page of 100 words.
23. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using XML
24. Discuss the types of domain names.
25. Write an HTML code to create the web page of a district in Kerala with the following details:
i). A heading followed by a paragraph of 3 sentences about the district (use text formatting tags and attributes).
ii). A list of tourist places in the district.
26. Explain in detail about comparison operators in JavaScript.
27. Write the JavaScript code to find the greatest of N numbers.
28. Explain with example, the basic control structures used in Perl programming.
29. Write a Perl program to print all the prime numbers upto N.
30. Explain servlets life cycle.
31. How servlets are invoked What is the difference between doPost and doGet
4 24 Marks)
Answer any TWO questions, not exceeding four pages.
32. Explain in details about the following:
i). Image mapping
ii). Frames
iii). Hyperlink
33. Write an HTML code to create a registration form with the following details:
Registration Form
Confirm Password
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Validate the fields using JavaScript code.
34. Write short notes on:
i). CGI architecture
ii). Cookies
iii). Server Side Includes
35. i). Explain with a neat diagram, the Java Servlets architecture. Marks)
ii). Explain about request and response objects in servlets. Marks)
15 30 Marks)
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