Exam Details

Subject thermodynamics
Exam / Course b.tech
Organization Institute Of Aeronautical Engineering
Exam Date May, 2018
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

Hall Ticket No Course Code AME003
Four Year B.Tech IV Semester CIE II, MAY 2018
Regulations: IARE-R16
Time: 2 Hours Max Marks: 25
Answer all question from Part A
Answer any four questions from Part B
All parts of the question must be answered in one place only
1. Explain the critical state of water. Remember CO: 2 Marks:
Derive the expression for internal energy. Understand CO: 2 Marks:
Explain adiabatic saturation temperature. Remember CO: 7 Marks:
What are the variable factors used for comparison of cycles?
Remember CO: 9 Marks:
Write the processes involved in brayton cycle. Understand CO: 11 Marks:
2. Compare the enthalpy, entropy and volume of steam at 1.4MPa and 3800C.
Understand CO: 4 Marks:
A certain gas has Cp=1.968 and Cv=1.507kJ/kg K. Find its molecular weight and the
gas constant. Understand CO: 4 Marks:
3. Compare the volumetric and gravimetric analysis of mixtures.
Understand CO: 1 Marks:
The analysis by weight of a perfect gas mixture at 200C and 1.3 bar is 10% O2, 70% N2, 15% CO2
and CO. For a reference state of 00C and 1bar, determine partial pressure of the constituent
and gas constant of mixture. Remember CO: 1 Marks:
4. Explain the degree of saturation with an example. Understand CO: 8 Marks:
Find the relative humidity and specific humidity for air at 300C and having dew point temperature
of 150C. Represent on psychrometric chart. Understand CO: 8 |Marks:
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5. Derive an expression for air standard efficiency of dual cycle.
Understand CO: 8 Marks:
An engine with 200mm cylinder diameter and 300mm stroke working on theoretical diesel cycle.
The initial pressure and temperature of air used are 1bar and 270C. The cut of is of the
stroke. Determine air standard efficiency, mean effective pressure and power of the engine if the
working cycles per minute are 300? Assume the compression ratio is 15 and the working fluid is
air. Understand CO: 8 |Marks:
6. What is an air standard cycle? What are the limitations of air standard cycle? State the
assumptions to be taken for its analysis. Understand CO: 11 Marks:
An air refrigeration open system operating between 1 M Pa and 100 k Pa is required to produce
a cooling effect of 2000 kJ/min. Temperature of the air leaving the cold chamber is 5°C
and at leaving the cooler is 30°C. Neglect losses and clearance in the compressor and expander.
Determine Understand CO: 11 Marks:
Mass of air circulated per min.
ii) Compressor work, expander work, and cycle work
iii) COP and power in kW required
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  • mathematical transforms techniques
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