Exam Details

Subject advanced cad
Exam / Course m.tech
Organization Institute Of Aeronautical Engineering
Exam Date February, 2018
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

Hall Ticket No Question Paper Code: BCC001
M.Tech I Semester End Examinations (Regular) January/February, 2018
Regulation: IARE-R16
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70
Answer ONE Question from each Unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
All parts of the question must be answered in one place only
1. The vertices of a triangle are situated at points and Find the coordinates
of the vertices if the triangle is rotated by 300 in counterclockwise direction about its centroid.

Explain the concept of obtaining a reflection about an arbitrary line starting from the reflection
about an axis.

2. Explain Z-buffer algorithm for hidden surface removal.
Differentiate between model coordinate system, working coordinate system and screen coordinate
3. Find the midpoint of a Hermite cubic spline with the two points as and and the tangent
vectors as and
Derive the parametric equation of cubic Bezier curve.
4. Differentiate between C0, C1 andC2 order of continuity for joining two curves.
The coordinates of four points are given by and Find the equation of the
Bezier curve. Also find points on the curve for u=0.25, 0.5, 0.75.
5. Derive the parametric equation of ruled surface.
Explain the boundary conditions of a rectangular surface patch.
6. Differentiate between analytic and synthetic surface.
Describe the different representation schemes of curve.
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7. Find the equation of the Bezier surface with four control points and
P11(4,2). Also find the surface vectors and its midpoint.
Draw a composite Bezier surface of zero order and first order continuity.
8. Derive the parametric equation of coons surface.
Explain the following surface manipulation.
i. Trimming
ii. Segmentation
9. Differentiate between Boundary representation and Constructive Solid Geometry echniques in
solid modeling.
Draw a detailed sketch of Constructive Solid Geometry tree with suitable example.
10. Explain initial graphics exchange specification (IGES) file structure.
In what way does VRML language benefits collaborative design? Explain.


  • ac to dc converters
  • advanced cad
  • advanced concrete technology
  • advanced data structures
  • advanced database management system
  • advanced mechanics of solids
  • advanced reinforced concrete design
  • advanced solid mechanics
  • advanced steel design
  • advanced structural analysis
  • advanced web technologies
  • big data analytics
  • computer aided manufacturing
  • computer aided process planning
  • computer architecture
  • computer oriented numerical methods
  • cyber security
  • data science
  • data structures and problem solving
  • dc to ac converters
  • design for manufacturing and assembly
  • design for manufacturing mems and micro systems
  • design of hydraulic and pneumatic system
  • distributed operated system
  • earthquake resistant design of buildings
  • embedded c
  • embedded networking
  • embedded real time operating systems
  • embedded system architecture
  • embedded system design
  • embedded wireless sensor networks
  • english for research paper writing
  • finite element method
  • flexible ac transmission systems
  • flexible manufacturing system
  • foundations of data science
  • foundations of data sciences
  • fpga architecture and applications
  • hardware and software co-design
  • high performance architecture
  • intelligent controllers
  • internet of things
  • introduction to aerospace engineering
  • mathematical foundation of computer
  • mathematical methods in engineering
  • matrix methods of structural analysis
  • micro controllers and programmable digital signal processing
  • multilevel inverters
  • numerical method for partial differential equations
  • power electronic control of ac drives
  • power electronic control of dc drives
  • power quality
  • precision engineering
  • principles of distributed embedded systems
  • programmable logic controllers and their applications
  • rapid prototype technologies
  • rehabilitation and retrofitting of structures
  • renewable energy systems
  • research methodology
  • soft computing
  • special machines and their controllers
  • stress analysis and vibration
  • structural dynamics
  • structural health monitoring
  • theory of elasticity and plasticity
  • theory of thin plates and shells
  • web intelligent and algorithm
  • wireless lan’s and pan’s
  • wireless lans and pans
  • wireless sensor networks