Exam Details

Subject embedded real time operating systems
Exam / Course computer science and engineering
Organization Vardhaman College Of Engineering
Exam Date December, 2017
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

Hall Ticket No:
Question Paper Code B3602
(AUTONOMOUS) M. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, December 2017
(Embedded Systems) Date: 29 December, 2017 FN
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 70
Answer any FIVE Questions
Each Question carries equal marks
Illustrate the functionalities of any FIVE process control commands in UNIX with relevant examples.
What is shared memory? What are the problems associated with shared memory and explain how they can be overcome? Highlight the role of semaphores in RTOS.
Differentiate between Hard and soft real time systems with relevant examples. Briefly explain the Periodic, aperiodic and sporadic tasks with examples.
Explain the following functional parameters of Real Time Systems:
i. Pre-emptivity of Jobs
ii. Criticality of jobs
iii. Laxity type and Laxity function
Differentiate between the following with relevant examples Online versus Offline Scheduling Preemptive versus Non-Preemptive Scheduling algorithms.
Illustrate the weighted round robin approach used in Real time systems with an example and relevant figure.
Illustrate what is shared data problem and its causes with examples? Explain the different ways of handling the shared data problem and ways to overcome it with example.
What is Priority Inversion problem in real time system? Illustrate the different causes for its occurrence and ways how it can be overcome with suitable examples.
Interpret the need of RTOS in a Real Time System? List and explain the important features and services of real time operating systems.
What is an interrupt? Illustrate how Interrupts and ISR are handled in RTOS environment with an example.
List the salient features of VxWorks. Explain how memory management is implemented in Vxworks with relevant examples and figure.
What is context switching? Illustrate how the context switching is carried out in the case of Vxworks with relevant figure and an example.
Identify the different system requirements, multiple tasks, and their functions to implement the Automatic Chocolate Vending machine along with the figure showing the system of ACVS and its ports. Also create a list of tasks, functions and IPCs to implement the ACVS using μCOS-II and show the relevant pseudo code for this implementation.
Illustrate how RTOS is used in Image processing applications with examples.
Explain how RTOS can used for implementing the control system applications with examples.

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