Exam Details

Subject software engineering principles
Exam / Course computer science and engineering
Organization Vardhaman College Of Engineering
Exam Date January, 2018
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

Hall Ticket No:
Question Paper Code B3271
(AUTONOMOUS) M. Tech I Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, January 2018
(Common to Digital Electronics and Communication Systems, Embedded Systems,
Power Electronics and Electric Drives Engineering Design) Date: 04 January, 2018 FN
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 70
Answer any FIVE Questions
Each Question carries equal marks
Explain the software engineering layers in detail.
Many modern applications change frequently-before they are presented to the end user and then after the first version has been put into use. Suggest a few ways to build software to stop deterioration due to change.
As you move outward along the spiral process flow, what can you say about the software that is being developed or maintained?
Most agile process models recommend face-to-face communication. Yet today, members of a software team and their customers may be geographically separated from one another. Do you think this implies that geographical separation is something to avoid? Can you think of ways to overcome this problem?
What does win-win mean in the context of negotiation during the requirements engineering activity?
What do you mean by software requirement management? Explain why it is important.
Explain why it may be necessary to design the system architecture before the specifications are written.
Explain the software design quality guidelines and its attributes.
Provide a few examples that illustrate why response time variability can be an issue.
What is a framework and how does it differ from a pattern? What is an idiom and how does it differ from a pattern?
How can project scheduling affect integration testing? Explain in detail.
Using your own words, describe the difference between verification and validation. Do both make use of test-case design methods and testing strategies?
Explain the concept of path testing with suitable example.
What is the difference between White Box Testing and Black Box Testing? Will exhaustive testing (even if it is possible for very small programs) guarantee that the program is 100 percent correct?
Umbrella activities occur throughout the software process. Do you think they are applied evenly across the process, or are some concentrated in one or more framework activities? Justify your answer.
What is an indirect measure and why are such measures common in software metrics work?

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