Exam Details

Subject operating system
Exam / Course msccs
Organization Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University
Exam Date December, 2016
City, State rajasthan, kota

Question Paper

December Examination 2016
MSCCS (Final) Examination
Operating System
Paper MSCCS-10
Time 3 Hours Max. Marks 100
Note: The question paper is divided into three sections B and C. Write answers as per given instructions.
Section A 10 × 2 20
(Very Short Answer Questions)
Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum upto 30 words. Each question carries 2 marks.
Define Distributed OS.
Give difference between Computer Virus and Worm?
Give an example of Distributed File System.
List the advantages of Distributed System.
Give the definition of Thread.
State cache coherence problem.
What is the use of log?
MSCCS-10 300 3 (P.T.O.)
MSCCS-10 300 3 (Contd.)
(viii) What is checkpoint?
What do you mean by Encryption?
What is ACID properties of a Transaction?
Section B 4 × 10 40
(Short Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any four questions. Each answer should not
exceed 200 words. Each question carries 10 marks.
Explain path-pushing deadlock detection Algorithm.
Write short note on Semaphores.
What is Resource Allocation Graph? How Deadlock can be
described by Resource Allocation Graph? Explain.
Explain Migration Algorithm for implementing DSM with
What is Cryptography? Explain Encryption and Decryption
What is the advantages of Multiprocessor? Explain the
classification of Multiprocessor.
Write short note on Shadow Paging.
Discuss the relation between Shell and Kernel in Linux.
MSCCS-10 300 3
Section C 2 × 20 40
(Long Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any two questions. You have to delimit your each
answer maximum upto 500 words. Each question carries
20 marks.
10) What is deadlock? Discuss in distributed deadlock detection
and resolution.
11) What is Regular Expression in AWK? Suppose an input file
"student-mark.txt" with the following content Student name,
Roll Number, Test1 score, Test2 score and Test3 score.
Example of input file:
cat student-mark.txt
Sandeep 2143 78 84 77
Sushil 2321 56 58 45
Alok 2537 78 67 45
Sudrendra 2415 30 47 20
Now write Awk script that will calculate and generate the report
to show the Average marks of each student, average of Test1,
Test2 and Test3 scores.
12) Discuss the Architecture and Design issues related to
Distributed Shared memory.
13) Write short note on the following:
Message Passing Model
Remote Procedure Calls.


  • computer architecture and micro processors
  • data communication and networks
  • data structure and algorithm
  • operating system
  • software engineering