Exam Details

Subject embedded systems
Exam / Course
Department electronics & information technology
Organization National Institute Of Electronics & Information Technology
Exam Date January, 2017
City, State delhi, dwarka

Question Paper

BE1-R4 Page 1 of 2 January, 2017
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100
State the important features of the RTOS in embedded systems.
Explain following terms, which are commonly used in applications of interrupt driven embedded
ROM emulator
ii) Logic Analyzer
Give distinct comparisons between Spiral Model and Waterfall Model, which are mainly used in
programming of embedded system.
Enumerate the similarities and differences between the 8-bit microcontroller and 16-bit
Any embedded system is differentiated using hard or soft or firm real-time systems based on its
priority tasks defined. State differences between each type of real-time system.
Differentiate between Von-Neuman Architecture and Harvard Architecture.
Briefly write about following memory types, commonly make the embedded system essentials.
ii) DRAM
iii) Flash memory
iv) Hybrid memory

Explain interrupt operation in clock-driven scheduler and compare with event-driven and hybrid
type real-time scheduling algorithms.
Compare: VLIW architecture Versus Superscalar architecture. Briefly explain the pipeline
operation in processors technology for enhancing the performance.

Write features and applications of interfacing protocols, FIREWIRE and USB.
How does the watchdog timer device useful in any digital system operated with any
standard microprocessor?
Explain the significance of priority-based preemptive scheduler in the synchronized
inter-process communication of embedded system.

In real-time operating system, cooperative scheduling algorithm is closely related to function
queue scheduling. Most common scheduling technique is cooperative round robin scheduling.
Explain its operational feature with a simple block-diagram. State advantage and disadvantage
of this type of scheduling method.
Explain the operation of LIN (Local Interconnect Network). How does it transmit and receive the
data? Also, give differences between LIN and CAN (Controller Area Network).

1. Answer question 1 and any FOUR from questions 2 to 7.
2. Parts of the same question should be answered together and in the same sequence.
BE1-R4 Page 2 of 2 January, 2017
Explain how the remote debugger overcomes the limitation of embedded platforms resources.
Also, draw the typical block diagram of an embedded debugger.
Explain the most fundamental debugging technique, debug kernel with schematic
representation. Then, summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the debug kernel.
With respect to embedded system design methodology, write the basic differences between
static modeling and dynamic modeling?

Explain architecture of 8-Bit microcontroller.
Design a simple embedded application to detect a switch input and same time the key status is
reflected on screen. For example, RISC 8051 microcontroller is given, a push-button key is
interfaced with Port pin#0 and Port 3 is connected with display module. Use high-level
language like C or OOPS.

7. Write detailed notes on any three of the following:
DMA controller
UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter)
Bluetooth technology
Voice over IP

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