Exam Details

Subject optics & electromagnetic theory
Exam / Course b.sc. physics (honours)
Organization nalanda open university
Exam Date 2016
City, State bihar, patna

Question Paper

Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination 2016
B.Sc. Physics (Honours), Part-II
Paper-III (Optics Electromagnetic Theory)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Three questions from group and Two from group All questions carry equal marks.
Group A
1. Obtain the Fraunhoffer Diffraction pattern produced by a single slit using
necessary diagrams. Also, find the angular width of its maxima.
2. Explain the formation of fringes in Febry-Perot interferometer. How would
you use it for the measurement of wavelength of light.
3. What do you understand by resolving power of a an optical instrument.
Explain Reyleigh criterion of resolution. What is Resolving Power of a
Telescop whose objective lens has diameter of 200 inches and 6000Å.
4. Describe the construction and working of Babinet's Compensator. How is
it superior than a quarter wave plate
5. What is the basic principle of a laser Discuss the construction and
working of Ruby laser.
6. What are Einstein's A and B co-efficient? Derive the ratio of these two coefficients.
Group B
7. State the basic laws of electricity and magnetism in differential form and
use these equations to obtain the four Maxwell's equations. What is
displacement current
8. Obtain Lorentz dispersion relation on the basis of electromagnetic theory
for dispersion in gases.
9. Discuss the propagation of electromagnetic waves through a conducting
10. Write notes on any Two of the following:-
Maxwell's stress Tensor Pressure of Radiation
Thomson Scattering Dispersion in Gases

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  • classical electrodynamics, plasma physics, physics of atoms,molecules and nuclei
  • classical mechanics and mathematical physics
  • condensed matter physics & electronics
  • electrostatics, magnetism current electricity and modern physics
  • optics & electromagnetic theory
  • physics
  • quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics