Exam Details

Subject physics
Paper paper 1
Exam / Course b.sc. physics (subsidiary)
Organization nalanda open university
Exam Date 2016
City, State bihar, patna

Question Paper

Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination 2016
B.Sc. Physics (Subsidiary), Part-I
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Derive relativistic mass-enery equation: E=mc2.
2. Give the theory of torsional oscillation of a suspended cylindrical solid wire and derive
expression for its time-period.
3. Obtain the expression for depression of a Cantilever beam when a force W is applied
at its free end.
4. Evaluate the Fourier Coefficients in the solution for motion of a plueked String.
5. Derive Stefan-Boltzmann law. Also, write down Wien's distibution law and Raylaigh-
Jean's law.
6. Set up the lagrangian for a one-dimensional harmonic Oscillator and obtain the
Lagrange's equation of motion.
7. Derive Van der Wall's equation of state for real gases, Evaluate and in terms of
Pc Vc Tc.
8. Derive Planck's law of radiation. Show that Wein's displacement law may be derived
from Planck's law of radiation.
9. Explain the terms: degrees of freedom; constratints generalised coordinates.
Differentiate between holonomic and non holonomic constraints by giving suitable
10. Explain second law of thermodynamics. Explain Carnot's theorem and Carnot cycle?
Find the efficiency of a Carnot engine.

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