Exam Details

Subject certificate in basic medical assistance and nursing care
Paper paper 3
Exam / Course
Organization nalanda open university
Exam Date 2017
City, State bihar, patna

Question Paper

Annual Examination, 2017
Certificate in Basic Medical Assistance and Nursing Care (CBMANC)
Time 3 Hours. Full Marks 80
Answer Eight questions in all, selecting at least Four questions from each Group.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. What is First Aid? What are the objectives and principles of First Aid 10
2. Define Fracture? How you should care of a fracture patient. 10
3. What is wound? Describe about the different types of wound. 10
4. What do you mean by Bleeding? Classify the different types of Bleeding. What are the three
simple measure the first aider can help to stop bleeding? 10
5. Write short note 10
Preoperative preparation of a patient

6. Write short on: 10
Observation of a Patient
7. Describe briefly about Bandage? 10
8. Describe in brief about ABCD. 10
9. What is vital sign? What are the vital sign you should take of a head injury patient. 10
10. What do you mean by Dressing? Explain the General rules for applying Dressing. 10

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  • certificate in basic medical assistance and nursing care