Exam Details

Subject certificate in basic medical assistance and nursing care
Paper paper 2
Exam / Course
Organization nalanda open university
Exam Date 2017
City, State bihar, patna

Question Paper

Annual Examination, 2017
Certificate in Basic Medical Assistance and Nursing Care (CBMANC)
Time 3 Hours. Full Marks 80
Answer Eight questions in all, selecting at least Four questions from each Group.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explained about different routes of drug Administration. 10
2. What are basic equipments required for treatment of a patient and their function. 10
3. What is Pulse? What are the observations to be made while examining the Pulse? 10
4. What is CPR? What are the steps of CPR? 10
5. Write short note on: 10
BP instruments
Air way

6. Describe brieily about recording of body temperature. Mention the Sites for recording body
temperature. 10
7. Describe in brief the steps of lntravenous injection and mention common sites of intravenous
injection. 10
8. What is Blood Pressure? Write about systolic diastolic blood pressure. Write the name of
BP instruments. 10
9. Give brief description of ECG recording techniques. 10
10. Write short on: 10
Collection of blood sample by prick method.
First Aid

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  • certificate in basic medical assistance and nursing care