Exam Details

Subject substance abuse & counselling
Exam / Course b.a. social work (honours)
Organization nalanda open university
Exam Date 2017
City, State bihar, patna

Question Paper

Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination 2017
B.A. Social Work (Honours), Part-III
Paper-VI (Substance Abuse Counselling)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. How does Drug abuse affect AIDS? Explain.
2. Why do people take to Drug abuse? Describe.
3. How is Drug Abuse a social problem? How can its be mitigated.
4. Describe the causes of Illegal trade of Toxic drugs.
5. Define Addiction and describe its stages.
6. Elucidate the impact of Drug Abuse on family and society.
7. Define Communication and narrate its functions.
8. Evaluate the role of Folk media in the prevention of Drug abuse.
9. Examine the role of Non governmental Organisation (NGOs) in the
prevention of Drug Abuse.
10. Write notes on any Two of the following:-
Folk media
Connselling and addiction
Toxic drug and health

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