Exam Details

Subject society in india
Exam / Course b.a. sociology (honours)
Organization nalanda open university
Exam Date 2017
City, State bihar, patna

Question Paper

Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination 2017
B.A. Sociology (Honours), Part-II
Paper-III (Society in India)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Describe in brief the approaches to study Indian Society.
2. Explain the concept of Ashram and describe the classification of Hindu
Ashram system.
3. Give classification of Indian Villages.
4. What do you understand by urbanization? Distinguish between
urbanization and urbanism.
5. Distinguish between Caste and Tribe.
6. Describe the constitutional provisions made for minorities.
7. Evaluate the measures suggested to control population explosion in India.
8. Describe the factors of unity in Indian society.
9. Define Joint Family and describe structure and types of Joint Family.
10. Write notes on any Two of the following
India's population policy 2000 —
Problems of the Scheduled Tribe —
Characteristics of Caste system —
Unitary Family —

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