Exam Details

Subject electronics and programming
Exam / Course m.sc. in physics
Organization loyola college (autonomous) chennai – 600 034
Exam Date April, 2018
City, State tamil nadu, chennai

Question Paper

Date: 28-04-2018 Dept. No. Max. 100 Marks
Time: 09:00-12:00
Part A
Answer ALL Questions. (10x2=20)
1. List any four properties of an ideal Op-Amp.
2. With a neat diagram, explain the use of an Op-Amp based unity gain buffer.
3. Write note on the segment registers of P8086.
4. Explain the role of"NOT" instruction of P8086.
5. Develop a program for to clear all the conditional flags using the stack.
6. Develop a program segment for to clear 10 memory locations.
7. Explain the use of the "REP" prefix of P8086.
8. Write a note on the LDSinstruction of P8086.
9. With an example for each, explain any twounary operators in
10. Write a program in to accept from the keyboard an integer and display whether it is divisible by 5 or not?
Part B
Answer any FOUR Questions. (4x7.5=30)
11. With a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of an Op-amp based differentiator.
12. With two sample instructions for each, explain all the modes of addressing of data of P8086.
13. Develop a program for to find the number of 1s in a 16 bit number in memory.
14. With a neat block diagram, explain the features of the interrupt controller 8259A.
15. Explain the internal architecture of with a block diagram.
16. Write a program in to sort an array of integers in ascending order.
Part C
Answer any FOUR Questions. (4x12.5=50)
17. Solve the simultaneous equations, 2X Y X Y 2 using op-amps.
18. DPXand DPY are32 bitsunsigned numbers in memory. Develop an ASM program for to find the product and store the result at DPZ.
19. Develop an ASM program for to copy a word array to an overlapping area using string primitives.
20. With a block diagram discuss bus buffering and latching in operated in minimum mode
21. Write a note on DMA controller. With a neat diagram explain the sequence of events which take place during DMA transfer using BUS stealing.
22. Write a program in to accept two 3x3 integer matrices and display the product matrix.

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