Exam Details

Subject chemistry of pesticides and their formulations - i
Exam / Course m.sc. agrochemicals and pest management
Organization solapur university
Exam Date April, 2017
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc. (AGPM) (Semester (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Day Date: Tuesday, 18-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM
N.B. All questions are compulsory.
All question carry equal marks.
Attempt any two questions from section II and III.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Select most correct alternative of the following (each any carry
1 mark)
Name the following reaction.
Perkins reaction SN2 -reaction
Cannnizarro reaction Fridel-craft reaction
The reaction in which two atoms or groups are lost without
replacement 6y other groups, these reactions are called as.
Addition reaction Elimination reaction
Substitution reaction Rearrangement reaction
Predict two product of following reaction.
Aromatic aldehydes when treated with can alkali under goes self
oxidation and reduction and forms products like acid and alcohol.
This reaction is known as:
Perkins reaction knoevenagel reaction
Reformatsky reaction Cannizarro reaction
Methyl bromide is best
Fumigant Herbicide Iusecticide Rodenticide
Name the following pyrethroid.
Cypermetherin Deltametarin
Fermetherin Alethrin
Suphur is formulated is the form of
Smoke Dust Solution Granules
The toxicity of pesticide is graded by
LD-50 LD-40 LD-10 None of these
Condensation of 2-hydroxy quinoxilin with o-o-diethyl chloro
thiophosphate gives.
Chloropyriphos Quinolphos
Monoerophos Fenitrothion
10) Name the following pesticide.
Diazinon Malethion Fenitrothion Dhorate
11) Thimate is trade name of.
Dimetaioate Fenitrothion Diaziuon Phorate
12) By reaction between o-o-dimethyl phos-phorodithionic acid with
methyl chloro acetamide gives.
Phorate Dimethioate Malethion Paraterion
13) Which of the following compound is used as herbicide.
Carbaryl BHC Mirex 2,4 D
14) Neem plant extract is used as.
Insecticide Biofertilizer
Insect repellent All the above
Attempt any two question from this section:
Q.2 Discuss perkins reaction with mechanism. 07
What are pest and pesticides? Describe systemic and non-systemic
Q.3 What are synthetic pyrethrins give synthesis of Permetherin and
Discuss Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement reaction with
Q.4 Give synthesis and uses of phorate and phosphamidon. 07
Describe the following pesticide formulations. 07
1. Emulsifiable concentrate
2. Dust
Attempt any two question from this section:
Q.5 Explain sulphonation reaction with mechanism. 05
Describe the methods of extraction of Neem plant. 05
Give synthesis of Chlorophyriphos 04
Q.6 Describe the use of insect attractants, chemosterilants and
repellents in plant protection.
Give synthesis and uses of Monocrotophos. 05
Discuss spray formulations. 04
Q.7 Discuss SN1- reaction with mechanism and energy profile diagram. 05
Write note on rodenticides. 05
Describe the use of Neem plant as pesticides. 04


  • advances in pest control - i
  • advances in pest control – ii
  • agro-based marketing management
  • analytical techniques for agrochemicals
  • biotechnological ascpects in plant protection- i (oet)
  • chemistry of pesticides and their formulations - i
  • chemistry of pesticides and their formulations – ii
  • diseases of crop plants – i
  • diseases of crop plants – ii
  • economic entomology
  • introductory and industrial entomology
  • manufacture of agrochemicals
  • pest & disease of crop plants-i
  • pesticide residues and toxicology
  • plant pathology and weed management
  • regulators
  • soil science, fertilizers, micronutrients and plant growth