Exam Details

Subject web technology — lab
Exam / Course m.sc. (software engineering)
Organization Alagappa University Distance Education
Exam Date December, 2017
City, State tamil nadu, karaikudi

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Software Engineering) Years Integrated) DEGREE
Time Three hours Maximum 100 marks
Each Student has to select ONE question by lot system.
1. Create a HTML table with rows and columns and
split them using Rowspan and Colspan.
Write an ASP program to prepare employee pay bill
using Java script.
2. Create a web page for the first page of a news
paper. Provide hyper links to other pages. Align the
text and format with different colors.
Write an ASP program to prepare student
performance evaluation document using Java script.
3. Write XML document to display your bio-data.
Write XSL style sheet and attach it to the XML
document. Validate the document using DTD or
Write a Servlet program to display "Hello World".
Sub. Code
4. Create a HTML table with rows and columns and
split them using Rowspan and Colspan.
Create an Image animation using Java script.
5. Create a web page for the first page of a news
paper. Provide hyper links to other pages. Align the
text and format with different colors.
Write a JSP program to display student mark list
using JDBC.
6. Write an XML document to display your bio-data.
Write an XSL style sheet and attach it to the XML
document. Validate the document using DTD or
Develop an Application for JSP Servlet
7. Create a web page for the first page of a news
paper. Provide hyper links to other pages. Align the
text and format with different colors.
Write Servlet program to send Email message.
8. Write an ASP program to prepare student
performance evaluation document using Java script.
Write an ASP program to prepare employee pay bill
using Java script.


  • c programming – lab
  • c++ lab
  • case tools lab
  • computer graphics and multimedia
  • computer networks
  • cryptography and network security
  • data structures lab
  • data ware housing and mining
  • distributed computing
  • internet and java - lab
  • internet and java programming
  • mobile communications
  • object oriented programming and c++
  • open source architecture
  • open source lab
  • operating systems
  • relational database management system
  • relational database management systems –lab
  • software engineering
  • software project management and metrics
  • software quality assurance and standards
  • software testing and reuse
  • unix and shell programming
  • visual basic and vc++ lab
  • visual programming
  • web technology
  • web technology — lab