Exam Details

Subject relational database management systems –lab
Exam / Course m.sc. (software engineering)
Organization Alagappa University Distance Education
Exam Date December, 2017
City, State tamil nadu, karaikudi

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Software Engineering) Years Integrated) DEGREE
Time Three hours Maximum 100 marks
Examiner should select and give ONE question to each
candidate by lot system.
1. A hospital maintains blood donors record information
in a file. The file contains the following fields.
Donor number, name, age, address, place of birth,
blood group and mobile number.
Write a program to print out the number, name
address and mobile number of the donors for the
following categories.
Blood donors having blood group
Blood donors having blood group and the
age between 20 and 25
Female donors with B blood group in the age
between 18 and 25.
Write a program to calculate the commission for the
given amount.
if the amount 50000; commission is 20%
if the amount 25000 and 50000; commission is
Otherwise commission is
The basic table is com and the corresponding fields
are, accno, amount and commission.
Sub. Code
2. A salary statement contains.
Name, Basic pay, Allowances, Total deduction,
Gross pay and Net pay.
DA 72% of Basic pay
Gross pay Basic pay DA
Deductions PF IT LOAN
IT is calculated on the basis of annual income
Annual salary IT
upto 2.5 lakhs Nil
2.5 laks to 5 lakhs
5 laks to 10 lakhs 20%
Above 10 lakhs 30%
Write a program in SQL to prepare salary report for
5 employees.
The base table is having the columns of Regno,
name, marks and rank. Enter Regno, name and
marks in the base table upto 10 records. Write a
program to update the base table while allocating
rank. Assume your own classifications for assigning
rank to the student.
3. Write a program for hospital billing system with the
following fields
Patient number, name age, patient-type
consulting charge, X-ray charge, blood test charge,
other test charges and total fee.
Prepare reports with the following conditions
The patients undergone for blood test
The patients who take X-rays
The patients who belong to In patient
The common fields to be included in the above
reports Patient number, name, age, charges
and total charges.
Write a program to evaluate the HRA, IT, Gross pay
and Net pay.
Base table is PAY and the corresponding fields are
employee number, name, basic pay, DA, HRA, IT,
Gross pay and Net pay.
Input from the base table is employee number,
name, basic pay.
4. An airline reservation database contains the
reservation table and personal table.
Reservation table Flight No., class, passenger
name and Seat No.
Personal table Passenger name, sex, age,
marital status and
Write a program to prepare the following reports.
List the passenger names with seat number
according to class and flight numbers.
Total number of married female passengers in
a particular flight.
List out the male passengers in the age
between 40 and 60 for all flights.
Write a program to process the Xth class results for
the following conditions
English, Tamil, Science, Maths, Social 40 pass
Total is 300; I class
250 and 300; II class
otherwise III class
The base table is MARK and the fields are
Regno, name, English, Tamil, Maths, Science,
5. Write a program to prepare a mark statement of a
student using student table and mark table.
Assume your own data.
Write a program to calculate electrical charges as
per the rates given below
Industry Rs. 2.00/unit
Agriculture Rs. 1.00/unit
Domestic Rs. 1.50/unit
Assume your own fields for base table.

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