Exam Details

Subject green cultural studies
Exam / Course m.a english literature
Organization loyola college
Exam Date April, 2018
City, State tamil nadu, chennai

Question Paper

Date: 27-04-2018 Dept. No. Max. 100 Marks
Time: 01:00-04:00
I Answer any EIGHT of the following questions (four from each section) in about 100 words each: (8x5=40 marks)
Section I
1. What are the five different ways of understanding Ecofeminist thought?
2. Comment on the concept of Thinai in Sangam poetry with examples.
3. Explain the terms Interdependence Intrinsic Value
4. Discuss the origin and growth of eco-critical thought?
5. Write an ecocritical appreciation of the documentary film
6. What are the basic tenets of Deep Ecology? Give examples.
Section II
7. Attempt a short essay on the importance of Eco-centric studies.
8. Write a short note on the term Via Naturaliter Negativa coined by George Hartman.
9. What is the appealing factor in Hardy's novels according to the essayist Jonathan
10. How does the essay 'Where I lived and What I lived for' appeal to the readers?
11. What kind of a lost world is found in Jane Austen's novels according to Jonathan
12. Pen a poem based on any of your recent encounters with nature at her best.
II Answer any FOUR of the following questions (two from each section) in about 500 words each: (4x15=60 marks)
Section I
13. Alienation from Agriculture has changed Tamilnadu. Discuss.
14. Write a detailed account of Wordsworth's experiences with nature and his poetic
15. How does Jonathan Bate establish that Thomas Hardy and Jane Austen are the most
sought after novelists for their vision of a lost world in his essay 'Going, Going'?
16. Do you share the same vision as Henry Thoreau, as it is expressed in the essay
'Where I lived What I lived
Section II
17. What are the inherent rights of Mother Earth and the obligations of human beings towards Mother Earth?
18. Compose an eco-poem on the topic, 'Less Plastic, Better Future'.
19. Analyze the given literary text using the Oikopoetic method.
The wise indeed say: Even the low and humble achieve results when they work together. It was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died because of the cold. The porcupines, realizing the situation, decided to group together to keep warm.
This way they covered protected themselves; but the quills of each one wounded their closest companions.
After a while, they decided to distance themselves one from the other they began to die, alone frozen.So they had to make a choice...Either accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth. Wisely, they decided to go back to being together.
They learned to live with the little wounds caused by the close relationship with their companions in order to receive the warmth heat that came from the others.
This way they were able to survive.
20.Find the Green Density Measurement of the following text, applying the formula and comment on the Green Attitude of the text.
The Olive Tree by Mark O'Connor
Nobody knows how long it takes to kill an olive.
Drought, axe, fire, are admitted failures. Hack one down,
grub out a ton of mainroot for fuel, and next spring
every side-root sends up shoots. A great frost
can leave the trees leafless for years; they revive.
Invading armies will fell them. They return
through the burnt-out ribs of siege machines.
Only the patient goat, nibbling his way down the ages,
has malice to master the olive. Sometimes, they say,
a man finds a dead orchard, fired and goat-cropped
centuries back. He settles and fences;
the stumps revive. His grandchildren's family prosper
by the arduous oil-pressing trade. Then wars
and disease wash over. Goats return. The olives
go under, waiting another age.
Their shade still lies where Socrates disputed.
Gethsemane's withered groves are bearing yet.

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