Exam Details

Subject catering science–i
Exam / Course b.sc. (hospitality studies)
Organization savitribai phule pune university
Exam Date April, 2018
City, State maharashtra, pune

Question Paper

Total No. of Questions—7] [Total No. of Printed Pages—4
No. [5372]-15
B.Sc. (Hospitality Studies) (Sem. EXAMINATION, 2018
(2008 PATTERN)
Time Three Hours Maximum Marks 70
N.B. Question No. 1 is compulsory.
(ii Attempt any four questions from Q. 2 to Q. 7.
(iii Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
1. Define the following terms (any five)
Aerobic organisms
Food adulteration
Relative density
Boiling point
2. Match the following
Reproduction of bacteria Intestinal parasite
(ii Psychrophillic organisms Class II preservative
(iii Browning of sugar Agricultural products
Chicory Binary fission
Ascariasis Clostridium botulinum
[5372]-15 2
Sodium benzoate Below 20ºC
(vii Jam Adulterant in coffee
(viii Whipping of cream Above 45ºC
Botulism Class I preservative
Agmare Caramelization
Bureau of Indian
Define cross contamination. Give any two examples and write
any one preventive measure.
Give any five control measures to control the growth of microbes
in food.
3. Why is pest control necessary Write any two control measures
for the following
(ii Fruit fly.
Explain the importance of danger zone in food industry.
Explain any five uses of different micro-organisms. [State their
names also].
4. Write short notes on (any two)
Importance of rest, recreation and exercise
(ii Any two food standards
(iii Protective display of food.
[5372]-15 3 P.T.O.
Explain any two factors affecting growth of micro-organisms.
Give any three differences between food poisoning and food
Write any five operating procedures of refrigerator.
Explain the morphology of moulds.
5. Write the name of adulterant and test to detect them in the
following foodstuffs
(ii Turmeric
(iii Tea
Chilli powder
Explain any two natural toxins present in food. Give any three
sanitary practices to be followed by kitchen staff while holding
and cooking the food.
Define pH and explain its importance in food industry.
6. Discuss 'perfringens food poisoning' on the basis of
Name of the organism.
(ii Any two symptoms.
(iii Any two foods commonly involved.
Explain the concept of HACCP in catering industry.
Define food additives and explain any three types of food additives
used in food industry.
[5372]-15 4
7. Write any two spoilage indicators for the following foodstuffs

Fenugreek leaves
(ii Milk
(iii Meat
Canned foods.
Explain browning reactions in foods with examples.
Explain any two non-bacterial metal poisoning in foods and
state the importance of hygiene and sanitation in catering

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