Exam Details

Subject advances in plant pathology (oet)
Exam / Course m.sc. (botany)
Organization solapur university
Exam Date 28, April, 2017
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Semester II) (CBCS) Examination, 2017
Day Date: Friday, 28-04-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM
N.B. Attempt in all five questions.
Q.1 is compulsory.
Attempt any two from Q. No. 3 and 4.
Attempt any two from Q. No. 6 and 7.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives. 14
In Julius Kuhn in Germany had defined plant disease.
1858 1857 1868 1859
Club root of crucifer was first described by in 1877.
Moronin Woronin Boronin Goronin
White rust is the example of disease.
viral fungal bacterial mycoplasma
Powdery mildew of grapevines disease was reported from England in

1847 1846 1845 1844
Red rust is the example of disease.
fungal viral algal bacterial
Singh et. al. in tried to put up a moderately precise definition of
1989 1979 1969 1959
in 1886 was the first to study critically the nature of direct
De Bary De Vary De Mary De Carry
is the example of viral disease.
Jones in directed increased attention towards the relation of the
environment for development of disease.
1964 1974 1924 1934
Page 1 of 2
10) Curl in has reviewed the control of plant disease by crop
1977 1987 1999 1963
11) Disease forecasting is the example of
Epidemiology lepidemology
apidemology none of these
12) In 1845 the disease destroyed the potato crop in
India West Indies Finland Ireland
13) The term disease made by Horsfall and Diamond in
1969 1959 1979 1989
14) The literature on the genetics of disease resistance in vegetables has
been reviewed by in 1965.
Walker Singh Nanir None of these
Q.2 Describe the classification of plant diseases based on crops. 07
What is rust? Explain the rust disease studied by you. 07
Q.3 Explain the methods of diagnosis of plant diseases. 07
Give the symptoms, causal organism, disease cycle and control
measures of little leaf of brinjal.
Q.4 Explain the protection methods of plant disease control. 07
Describe the genetical and chemical defense mechanism studied by
Q.5 Describe the symptoms, causal organism and control measures of
circus canker.
Explain the symptoms, casual oraganism and control measures of root
knot of vegetables.
Give the concept of plant disease. 04
Q.6 Describe the exclusion of plant disease control 05
Explain the seed borne pathogen studied by you. 05
Write note on post penetration. 04
Q.7 Write notes on any three. 14
Importance of plant disease

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