Exam Details
Subject | language endangerment studies | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | ph d | |
Department | ||
Organization | central university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2015 | |
City, State | telangana, hyderabad |
Question Paper
Ph. D. in Language Endangerment Studies Section General linguistics (25 Marks)
1. Who proposed the concept of 'lexical diffusion' in 1969?
William J. Wang Morris Halle
Stephen Littlejohn James Atherton
2. Who proposed the concept of 'communicative competence'?
Noam Chomsky Charles A. Ferguson
Ruth Benedict Dell Hymes
In which year was William Labov's paper 'The Social Motivation of a Sound Change' published?· (A)J972 1975 1963 1969
What is the meaning of the German word sprachbund?
Linguistic area Focal area
Dialect area Relic area
5. In which year was the classic paper ·'India as a linguistic area' published?
1957 1966 1976 1956
6. Whose classic book Language was first published in 1933?
L. Bloomfield H. Pederson C. F. Hockett O. Jespersen
7. Who coined the term 'phatic communion'?
Martin Seligman .. Edmund Leach
Bronislaw Malinowski Audrey Richards
8. Who wrote the classic paper Why papa and .
Roman Jakobson Edward Sapir Franz Boas Morris Swadesh
9. Which Dravidian language is spoken in Pakistan?
Gadaba Kurux (C)Brahui Dhangar
W4ich is not a Romance language? Italian French . Spanish ·English
Words with an identical form but unrelated meanings are said to be
Polysemous Homonymous Antonymous Synonymous
12.What is the sequence of segmental phonemes in the English word 'committee'? (A)CVCVCVV CVCCVCCV
13. The regularity hypothesis of sound change was proposed
Structuralists Neogrammarians
(C).Generativists None ofthe above
14. Which linguist has contributed significantly to both LinglJistics and Translation Studies?
Eugene Nida Noam Chomsky L. Bloomfield K.L.. Pike
Chinese is alan . Agglutinating Isolating Fusional Polysynthetic
How many languages are now recognized as the scheduled languages in the Indian Constitution?
18 25 22 14
17. Which ofthe following is most unmarked syllable?
CCV cV VC evc
Who wrote book Biological Foundations ofLanguage?
Eric H. Lenneberg B. F. Skinner
Edward Sapir . Charles F.
19. Coining ofnew words is called
Derivation Affixation Neologism . Compounding
20. W:ords fonned by imitating natural sounds are called Onomatopoeic words Reduplicated words
Loan words Calque words 21.The Great Vowel Shift in the English language was discovered
Daniel Jones Otto Jesperson
David Abercrombie CD) Peter Ladefoged
22. Study of a language change at a particular place, time and in a particular speech community is called
study Diachronic study
Comparative study CD) None ofthe above
23. Paradigmatic relationship is
Linear relationship Substitutive relationship
Co-occurrence relationship Token relationship
24. In the production of velar sounds which airstream mechanism is used? .
Pulmonic Velaric Glottalic None of the above 25.The concepts of 'langue' and 'parole' were proposed by
Dell Hymes Ferdinand de Saussure
Edward Sapir Robert A. Hall, Jr.
Language endangerment issues across the world (25
Maori, a tribal language" is spoken in New Zealand Australia Ireland Scotland
Which official body is supp'orting preservation of the endangered languages in the world?
IFAP UNICEF UNESCO ECOSOC 28.Who introduced the concept ofmutual intelligibility?'
E.E. Evans-Pritchard Charles F. Hockett
Meyer Fortes R.R. Marett
,29. Out of the· well'known six types of word order, how many were found by studying the minor languages?
. 30.Who is the Chairman ofFoundation for Endangered Languages?
Nicholas Ostler Michael E. Krauss
Christopher Moseley Peter K. ,Austin
31.Which language is used as a lingua franca Eastern Afric,a by speakers of a great variety of languages?
Bantu Xhosa. Zulu Swahili
32. The, Linguistic Atlas ofthe United Sates was prepared
Hans Kurath Elmer Bagby Atwood
Willam Labov Edgar Polome
33. Samarin's book Field Linguistics: A Guide to Linguistic Field Work was
published in
1977 1967 1973 1979
34. How many levels of language endangerment are distinguished by the
35. The International Mother Language day is observed on
21stpebruary 21st DeGember 21st March 21st October
36. Navajo is a largest federally recognized tribe found
USA Brazil Canada Argentina 37.Who is the author. of the book Language Factual and Theoretical
Exploration with Special Reference to East Africa?
Mathew Brenzinger· MatthiasBrenzinger
Elaine Brenzinger Mark Brenzinger
38. Vanishing voices: The Extinction ofthe World's Languages was written
Lenore A. Grenoble Suzzanne.Romaine
Robert H. Robins Ken Hale
39. GIDS is the abbreviation of
Graded Intergenerational Disruption Scale
Group·Information ofDegeneratedSocieties
General Index ofDisplaced Societies
Graded Index ofDisplaced Scale
40. Who wrote the book Language death: The life cycle ofa Scottish Gaelic dialect?
Penelope Eckert Nancy C. Dorian
Andrew Dalby R. M .W. Dixon 41.The abbreviation RLS stands for
42. The C.ambridge Handbook ofEndangered Languages has been edited by
Writing takes place exclusively in one's own language
Writing takes place exclusively in another language
Writing takes place exclusively on stones
None ofthe above 44.What is an 'Immersion School'?
Language of instruction is the endangered language
Language of instruction is the dominant language of the society
Language ofinstructionis official language ofthe society
Language of instruction is bilingualism
Remote Language Census Return to Language Security
Revising Language Shift Reversal Language Safety
Peter K. Austin and
Julia Sallabank Bernard Spolsky
Leanne Hinton Jeff Good
is exographia?
45. Which instrument is the most vital for a field linguist?
Radio Torchlight Recorder Telephone
46. Who wrote the book Linguistic Imperialism?
Jim Cummins Robert Philipson Hans Vogt Paul Newman
47. Which ofthese four is treated as an 'ethnographic museum'?
The mountain region of Central Africa
The mountain region of Central Europe
The mountain region of Central Asia
The mountain region of Central Australia
48. The Ethnologue that deals with the information on the languages of the world is published by
Multilingual Matters Summer Institute ofLinguistics
Academic press Ohio State University Press 49.Who proposed the GIDS?
C.A. Peter Trudgill
Lyle Campbell Joshua Fishman
50.Who introduced the concepts ofco-ordinate bilingualism and compound bilingualism?
A.S. Hornby U. Weinreich
T. Skutnabb-Kangas Wallace Lambert
Section Language endangerment issues in the Indian context (25 Marks)
51. In which family of languages the glottal stop is a regular feature?
Dravidian Indo-Aryan Indo-European Munda
52.Which is a Munda language included in Schedule VIII of the Indian Constitution?
Bodo, Konkani Santali Dogri
53.Which language family does Gorum belong to?
Munda Dravidian Tibeto-Burman Indo-Aryan
In which language family we find the vigesimal numer,al system?
(A)Indo-Aryan Munda Dravidian Tibeto-Bunnan
What isthe dominant word order in Khasi?
56. Since which Indian Census the list of those langu;ages spoken by less than 10,000 speakers was not made public?
1961 1971 1991 2001
57. Badaga belongs to the family.
Austro-Asiatic Dravidian Tibeto-Bunnan(D) Andamanese
58. Officially Santali is written in the
Devanagari Meithei Olchiki None ofthe above.
59. How many ,mother tongues are grouped under the Hindi language in the Indian Census report now?
46 49 47 48
60. Which ofthese is an extinct language? .
Kuiux Ahom Jarawa Kota
W4at kind oflanguage is Toda?
Agglutinating Polysynthetic Incorporating Isolating
Which among these four is an isolate?
Dhangar Nihali Kisan (D)Malto
not a scheduled language ofIndia.
Bodo Konkani Kharia
What is the official language ofNagaIand?
Nagamese English Assamese Hindi
65. How many languages by more than 10,000 speakers were listed by the Census ofIndia report in 2001? (A)700 130 122 163
What is meant by a 'critically endangered language'?
Community speaks the language but"restricted to certain domains
The speakers speak the language partially and infrequently
Language is spoken by grandparents and.older generation
Children no longer learn the as mother tongue
67. Which one is the national1anguage ofIndia?
English Hindi Bengali None ofthe above
68. To which family oflanguages does Nagamese belong?
Indo-Aryan pravidian Tibeto-Burman Austro-Asiatic
69. Lodha, an Adivasi community; is priinarily found in
West Odisha-Maharashtra .
West Odisha-Chhattisgarh
70. The Pnar language is primarily spoken in
Assam Nagaland Mizoram Meghalaya
71. Which ofthese languages does have tone?
Panjabi Hindi Gujarati Marathi
72. In w);1ich script is Nepali written?
Gurumukhi Newari Devanagari Nepali
73. How many Indian languages are listed under the end angered category by
194 196 197 195
74.Who wrote the booklndia as a sociQlinguistic area?
P.B. Pandit R.N. Srivastava D.P. Pattanayak V. 1. Subramoniam
75. A language without a script is
a dialect an idiolect a patois none ofthe above
Ph. D. in Language Endangerment Studies Section General linguistics (25 Marks)
1. Who proposed the concept of 'lexical diffusion' in 1969?
William J. Wang Morris Halle
Stephen Littlejohn James Atherton
2. Who proposed the concept of 'communicative competence'?
Noam Chomsky Charles A. Ferguson
Ruth Benedict Dell Hymes
In which year was William Labov's paper 'The Social Motivation of a Sound Change' published?· (A)J972 1975 1963 1969
What is the meaning of the German word sprachbund?
Linguistic area Focal area
Dialect area Relic area
5. In which year was the classic paper ·'India as a linguistic area' published?
1957 1966 1976 1956
6. Whose classic book Language was first published in 1933?
L. Bloomfield H. Pederson C. F. Hockett O. Jespersen
7. Who coined the term 'phatic communion'?
Martin Seligman .. Edmund Leach
Bronislaw Malinowski Audrey Richards
8. Who wrote the classic paper Why papa and .
Roman Jakobson Edward Sapir Franz Boas Morris Swadesh
9. Which Dravidian language is spoken in Pakistan?
Gadaba Kurux (C)Brahui Dhangar
W4ich is not a Romance language? Italian French . Spanish ·English
Words with an identical form but unrelated meanings are said to be
Polysemous Homonymous Antonymous Synonymous
12.What is the sequence of segmental phonemes in the English word 'committee'? (A)CVCVCVV CVCCVCCV
13. The regularity hypothesis of sound change was proposed
Structuralists Neogrammarians
(C).Generativists None ofthe above
14. Which linguist has contributed significantly to both LinglJistics and Translation Studies?
Eugene Nida Noam Chomsky L. Bloomfield K.L.. Pike
Chinese is alan . Agglutinating Isolating Fusional Polysynthetic
How many languages are now recognized as the scheduled languages in the Indian Constitution?
18 25 22 14
17. Which ofthe following is most unmarked syllable?
CCV cV VC evc
Who wrote book Biological Foundations ofLanguage?
Eric H. Lenneberg B. F. Skinner
Edward Sapir . Charles F.
19. Coining ofnew words is called
Derivation Affixation Neologism . Compounding
20. W:ords fonned by imitating natural sounds are called Onomatopoeic words Reduplicated words
Loan words Calque words 21.The Great Vowel Shift in the English language was discovered
Daniel Jones Otto Jesperson
David Abercrombie CD) Peter Ladefoged
22. Study of a language change at a particular place, time and in a particular speech community is called
study Diachronic study
Comparative study CD) None ofthe above
23. Paradigmatic relationship is
Linear relationship Substitutive relationship
Co-occurrence relationship Token relationship
24. In the production of velar sounds which airstream mechanism is used? .
Pulmonic Velaric Glottalic None of the above 25.The concepts of 'langue' and 'parole' were proposed by
Dell Hymes Ferdinand de Saussure
Edward Sapir Robert A. Hall, Jr.
Language endangerment issues across the world (25
Maori, a tribal language" is spoken in New Zealand Australia Ireland Scotland
Which official body is supp'orting preservation of the endangered languages in the world?
IFAP UNICEF UNESCO ECOSOC 28.Who introduced the concept ofmutual intelligibility?'
E.E. Evans-Pritchard Charles F. Hockett
Meyer Fortes R.R. Marett
,29. Out of the· well'known six types of word order, how many were found by studying the minor languages?
. 30.Who is the Chairman ofFoundation for Endangered Languages?
Nicholas Ostler Michael E. Krauss
Christopher Moseley Peter K. ,Austin
31.Which language is used as a lingua franca Eastern Afric,a by speakers of a great variety of languages?
Bantu Xhosa. Zulu Swahili
32. The, Linguistic Atlas ofthe United Sates was prepared
Hans Kurath Elmer Bagby Atwood
Willam Labov Edgar Polome
33. Samarin's book Field Linguistics: A Guide to Linguistic Field Work was
published in
1977 1967 1973 1979
34. How many levels of language endangerment are distinguished by the
35. The International Mother Language day is observed on
21stpebruary 21st DeGember 21st March 21st October
36. Navajo is a largest federally recognized tribe found
USA Brazil Canada Argentina 37.Who is the author. of the book Language Factual and Theoretical
Exploration with Special Reference to East Africa?
Mathew Brenzinger· MatthiasBrenzinger
Elaine Brenzinger Mark Brenzinger
38. Vanishing voices: The Extinction ofthe World's Languages was written
Lenore A. Grenoble Suzzanne.Romaine
Robert H. Robins Ken Hale
39. GIDS is the abbreviation of
Graded Intergenerational Disruption Scale
Group·Information ofDegeneratedSocieties
General Index ofDisplaced Societies
Graded Index ofDisplaced Scale
40. Who wrote the book Language death: The life cycle ofa Scottish Gaelic dialect?
Penelope Eckert Nancy C. Dorian
Andrew Dalby R. M .W. Dixon 41.The abbreviation RLS stands for
42. The C.ambridge Handbook ofEndangered Languages has been edited by
Writing takes place exclusively in one's own language
Writing takes place exclusively in another language
Writing takes place exclusively on stones
None ofthe above 44.What is an 'Immersion School'?
Language of instruction is the endangered language
Language of instruction is the dominant language of the society
Language ofinstructionis official language ofthe society
Language of instruction is bilingualism
Remote Language Census Return to Language Security
Revising Language Shift Reversal Language Safety
Peter K. Austin and
Julia Sallabank Bernard Spolsky
Leanne Hinton Jeff Good
is exographia?
45. Which instrument is the most vital for a field linguist?
Radio Torchlight Recorder Telephone
46. Who wrote the book Linguistic Imperialism?
Jim Cummins Robert Philipson Hans Vogt Paul Newman
47. Which ofthese four is treated as an 'ethnographic museum'?
The mountain region of Central Africa
The mountain region of Central Europe
The mountain region of Central Asia
The mountain region of Central Australia
48. The Ethnologue that deals with the information on the languages of the world is published by
Multilingual Matters Summer Institute ofLinguistics
Academic press Ohio State University Press 49.Who proposed the GIDS?
C.A. Peter Trudgill
Lyle Campbell Joshua Fishman
50.Who introduced the concepts ofco-ordinate bilingualism and compound bilingualism?
A.S. Hornby U. Weinreich
T. Skutnabb-Kangas Wallace Lambert
Section Language endangerment issues in the Indian context (25 Marks)
51. In which family of languages the glottal stop is a regular feature?
Dravidian Indo-Aryan Indo-European Munda
52.Which is a Munda language included in Schedule VIII of the Indian Constitution?
Bodo, Konkani Santali Dogri
53.Which language family does Gorum belong to?
Munda Dravidian Tibeto-Burman Indo-Aryan
In which language family we find the vigesimal numer,al system?
(A)Indo-Aryan Munda Dravidian Tibeto-Bunnan
What isthe dominant word order in Khasi?
56. Since which Indian Census the list of those langu;ages spoken by less than 10,000 speakers was not made public?
1961 1971 1991 2001
57. Badaga belongs to the family.
Austro-Asiatic Dravidian Tibeto-Bunnan(D) Andamanese
58. Officially Santali is written in the
Devanagari Meithei Olchiki None ofthe above.
59. How many ,mother tongues are grouped under the Hindi language in the Indian Census report now?
46 49 47 48
60. Which ofthese is an extinct language? .
Kuiux Ahom Jarawa Kota
W4at kind oflanguage is Toda?
Agglutinating Polysynthetic Incorporating Isolating
Which among these four is an isolate?
Dhangar Nihali Kisan (D)Malto
not a scheduled language ofIndia.
Bodo Konkani Kharia
What is the official language ofNagaIand?
Nagamese English Assamese Hindi
65. How many languages by more than 10,000 speakers were listed by the Census ofIndia report in 2001? (A)700 130 122 163
What is meant by a 'critically endangered language'?
Community speaks the language but"restricted to certain domains
The speakers speak the language partially and infrequently
Language is spoken by grandparents and.older generation
Children no longer learn the as mother tongue
67. Which one is the national1anguage ofIndia?
English Hindi Bengali None ofthe above
68. To which family oflanguages does Nagamese belong?
Indo-Aryan pravidian Tibeto-Burman Austro-Asiatic
69. Lodha, an Adivasi community; is priinarily found in
West Odisha-Maharashtra .
West Odisha-Chhattisgarh
70. The Pnar language is primarily spoken in
Assam Nagaland Mizoram Meghalaya
71. Which ofthese languages does have tone?
Panjabi Hindi Gujarati Marathi
72. In w);1ich script is Nepali written?
Gurumukhi Newari Devanagari Nepali
73. How many Indian languages are listed under the end angered category by
194 196 197 195
74.Who wrote the booklndia as a sociQlinguistic area?
P.B. Pandit R.N. Srivastava D.P. Pattanayak V. 1. Subramoniam
75. A language without a script is
a dialect an idiolect a patois none ofthe above
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