Exam Details
Subject | social exclusion & inclusion policy | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | ph d | |
Department | ||
Organization | central university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2015 | |
City, State | telangana, hyderabad |
Question Paper
QUESTION-ANSWER SHEET PART-A: Objective questions (for a maximum of 15 marks) lx15=15
Write the correct answer in brackets:
1. When was the Dalit Panther Party formed in India?
A. 1972
B. 1982
C. 1872
D. 1882
2. The term 'underdevelopment' implies
A. High population growth
B. High level of economic and technological development
C. Low per capita real income
D. Backward social institutions
3. According to the Census ofIndia 2011, the female literacy rate in India is
A. 60%
B. 62%
C. 65.46%
D. 67%
4. Which of the following factor cannot remove poverty
A. Population control
B. Equitable distribution of Income and wealth
C. Increase in government subsidy
D. Increase in production
5. In which year one of the members of"Third Gender" was accorded the OBC status in India?
A. 2014
B. 2005.
C. 2013
D. 2011
6. The Armed Forces (Special) Powers Act was implemented in North East India in which year?
A. 1948
B. 1962
C. 1958
D. 1972
7. Gemeinschaft as mentioned by Max Weber is translated into English as
A. Institution
B. Community
C. Organisation
D. Association.
8. What is the characteristic of social life that creates tensions in a society?
A. Crisis
B. Anomie
C. Revolution
D. Dysfuntion
9. Who is the author of "TheEnd of Poverty".
A. Jean Dreze
B. Jaffrey Sachs
C. Naila Kabeer
D. Joseph Stieglitz
10. Which part of the Rig Veda explains the Chaturvarna system
A. 11 mandal
B. 13 mandal
C. l0 mandal
D. 12 manadal
11. Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 came into force on 14th November 2012 covers which article of the Constitution of India
A. Article 12
B. Article 14
C. Article 45
D. Article 54
12. On which of the following day the Right to Education Act came into implementation?
A. 1stMarch, 2010
B. 1st April 2010
C. 1st April, 2009
D. 1st March, 2009
13. What is the percentage ofreservations that the government ofIndia has recently accorded to the differently abled persons?
C. l.5%
D. 2.5%
14. In which year a separate ministry for Tribal Affairs in India has been created after bifurcating the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment?
A. 1999
B. 2004
C. 1998
D. 2009
15. Who is the author ofthe document 'States and Minorities'?
A. Jyothi Rao Phule
B. Syed Ahmad Khan
C. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
D. B.R.Ambedkar
PART-B (For a maximum of60 marks) Section-!
Answer ONE of the following. Itcarries 20 marks. x 20 20)
1. Critically examine the inclusive policies for the aged people in India?
2. Explain the Marxian critique on capitalism and exploitation of the working class.
Answer any FOUR of the following questions. Each question carries 10 marks x 10
1. What do you mean by sampling? Explain various techniques of sampling.
2. Why the people of North East India are discriminated in metropolitan cities? Highlight some solutions to overcome this social concern.
3. Explain Calvinist theory and its contribution to capitalism by Max Weber?
4. Describe the marginalization of regional political parties in Indian federal politics?
5. What is focus group discussion in social science research? Discuss the merits and demerits ofthis method. .
6. Illustrate the differences between inductive and deductive methods? Give reasons for its significance in social science research?
7. What do you mean by justice? Discuss John Rawls theory ofjustice.
8. Write an essay on the interface between caste and class in India?
Write the correct answer in brackets:
1. When was the Dalit Panther Party formed in India?
A. 1972
B. 1982
C. 1872
D. 1882
2. The term 'underdevelopment' implies
A. High population growth
B. High level of economic and technological development
C. Low per capita real income
D. Backward social institutions
3. According to the Census ofIndia 2011, the female literacy rate in India is
A. 60%
B. 62%
C. 65.46%
D. 67%
4. Which of the following factor cannot remove poverty
A. Population control
B. Equitable distribution of Income and wealth
C. Increase in government subsidy
D. Increase in production
5. In which year one of the members of"Third Gender" was accorded the OBC status in India?
A. 2014
B. 2005.
C. 2013
D. 2011
6. The Armed Forces (Special) Powers Act was implemented in North East India in which year?
A. 1948
B. 1962
C. 1958
D. 1972
7. Gemeinschaft as mentioned by Max Weber is translated into English as
A. Institution
B. Community
C. Organisation
D. Association.
8. What is the characteristic of social life that creates tensions in a society?
A. Crisis
B. Anomie
C. Revolution
D. Dysfuntion
9. Who is the author of "TheEnd of Poverty".
A. Jean Dreze
B. Jaffrey Sachs
C. Naila Kabeer
D. Joseph Stieglitz
10. Which part of the Rig Veda explains the Chaturvarna system
A. 11 mandal
B. 13 mandal
C. l0 mandal
D. 12 manadal
11. Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 came into force on 14th November 2012 covers which article of the Constitution of India
A. Article 12
B. Article 14
C. Article 45
D. Article 54
12. On which of the following day the Right to Education Act came into implementation?
A. 1stMarch, 2010
B. 1st April 2010
C. 1st April, 2009
D. 1st March, 2009
13. What is the percentage ofreservations that the government ofIndia has recently accorded to the differently abled persons?
C. l.5%
D. 2.5%
14. In which year a separate ministry for Tribal Affairs in India has been created after bifurcating the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment?
A. 1999
B. 2004
C. 1998
D. 2009
15. Who is the author ofthe document 'States and Minorities'?
A. Jyothi Rao Phule
B. Syed Ahmad Khan
C. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
D. B.R.Ambedkar
PART-B (For a maximum of60 marks) Section-!
Answer ONE of the following. Itcarries 20 marks. x 20 20)
1. Critically examine the inclusive policies for the aged people in India?
2. Explain the Marxian critique on capitalism and exploitation of the working class.
Answer any FOUR of the following questions. Each question carries 10 marks x 10
1. What do you mean by sampling? Explain various techniques of sampling.
2. Why the people of North East India are discriminated in metropolitan cities? Highlight some solutions to overcome this social concern.
3. Explain Calvinist theory and its contribution to capitalism by Max Weber?
4. Describe the marginalization of regional political parties in Indian federal politics?
5. What is focus group discussion in social science research? Discuss the merits and demerits ofthis method. .
6. Illustrate the differences between inductive and deductive methods? Give reasons for its significance in social science research?
7. What do you mean by justice? Discuss John Rawls theory ofjustice.
8. Write an essay on the interface between caste and class in India?
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