Exam Details

Subject dbms
Exam / Course m.sc. computer science
Organization solapur university
Exam Date November, 2017
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Semester II) (CBCS) Examination Oct/Nov-2017
Computer Science
Day Date: Friday, 24-11-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM
Instructions: Question No. 1 and 2 are compulsory.
Attempt any 3 questions from Q. no. 3 to Q. no. 7
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose correct alternatives. 10
The end of SQL command is denoted by
An end of line character An enter key marker
Entering F4 key A semicolon
In an architecture of a database system, external level is the
Physical level Logical level
Conceptual level View level
In an E-R diagram an entity set is represented by a
Rectangle Ellipse
Diamond box Circle
The statement in SQL which allows to change the definition of a table is
Alter Update
Create Select
Key to represent relationship between tables is called
Primary key Secondary key
Foreign key None of these
Which of the following operations need the participating relations to be
union compatible?
Union Intersection
Difference All of the above
Which of the following is an advantage of view?
Data security Derived columns
Hiding of complex queries All of the above
A data dictionary is a special file that contains
The name of all fields in all files
The width of all fields in all files
The data type of all fields in all files.
All of the above
When several users access the database at the same time, it is said to
Concurrent storing Connection map
Database Management Integrated data
Page 2 of 2
10) A is a that type of database in which storage devices are not
all attached to a common cpu.
Integrated database Distributed database
Local database None of these
State True or False. 04
A relational database is a body of related information stored in a three
dimensional tables.
Collection of related records is known as tuple.
Attributes are the properties of an entity.
A concurrency control algorithm ensures that transactions execute
Q.2 Write short notes on the following. 08
Domain and Tuple
Explain the following terms? 06
Explain the use of Primary key in brief.
Explain in brief the use of Rollback and Commit in SQL?
Q.3 Answer the following. 14
What is meant by data model? Explain object based logical models.
What is Transactional management? Explain the properties of
Q.4 Answer the following.
Define DBMS. Explain advantages and disadvantages of DBMS. 07
What is database recovery? Explain the need for database recovery. 07
Q.5 Answer the following.
Define Data Fragmentation. Explain types of distributed database. 07
Define SQL. Explain the basic structure of SQL. 07
Q.6 Answer the following.
What is meant by Normalization? Explain 1 NF and 2 NF with example. 07
What is entity set? Explain the difference between strong and weak entity
Q.7 Answer the following.
What are the steps in Query processing. Explain in detail. 07
What is meant by Concurrency control? Explain two phase locking


  • .net technology
  • artifical intelligence
  • computer communication network
  • data mining and warehouse
  • data structures
  • dbms
  • digital image processing
  • distributed operating system
  • finite automata
  • internet of things
  • java programming
  • linux operating system (oet)
  • mobile computing
  • network security
  • numerical analysis
  • object oriented programming using c++
  • office automation (oet)
  • operating system
  • operations research
  • soft computing
  • software engineering
  • software testing
  • uml