Exam Details

Subject java programming
Exam / Course m.sc. computer science
Organization solapur university
Exam Date November, 2017
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Semester II) (CBCS) Examination Oct/Nov-2017
Computer Science
Day Date: Friday, 17-11-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 10.30 AM to 01.00 PM
Instructions: Question No. 1 and 2 are compulsory.
Attempt any 3 questions from Q. no. 3 to Q. no. 7
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose correct alternatives. 10
Which of the following is not a Primitive data type?
Byte Float
String Double
What is storage requirement of double data type?
4 bytes 8 bytes
12 bytes 2 bytes
JVM is an for Byte code.
Platform Interpreter
Compiler All of the above
Java Exception Handling is managed by following Keywords.
try, catch, finally Catch finally
try try finaly None of the above
automatically De-allocates memory.
Garbage Collector Security Manager
Programmer Layout Manager
An is group of like typed variables that are referred to by
common name.
Array Static
Final None of above
Which class cannot be a subclass in Java?
Abstract Final
Parent None of the above
Which of these operators is used to Refer current objects in Java?
new this
static None of above
Which of these keywords is used to define packages in Java?
pkg Package
package import
10) Which statement is used to execute query?
Prepared Statement executeQuary
updateQuary None of these
Page 2 of 2
State True or False. 04
Java doesn't allow Memory leakage.
Prepared statement's object that represents a precompiled SQL
Periodically the thread scheduler activates the threads that are waiting
for the key.
main (String is always static.
Q.2 Write short notes on the following. 08
Function overloading
looping statement
Answer the following. 06
State various features of finalize() method
Explain increment and decrement operators.
Q.3 Answer the following. 14
Define interface. Explain the advantages use of interface by example.
Write a program for user defined exception handling.
Q.4 Answer the following. 14
Discuss the steps to create package.
Write a program to print the following pattern.

Q.5 Answer the following. 14
Write a program for implementation of object serialization concept.
Explain how to create a new thread using the class Thread with suitable
Q.6 Answer the following. 14
Explain how an event generated by a button is handled.
Explain the steps to design an applet.
Q.7 Answer the following. 14
Describe string and StringBuffer classes.
Describe the importance of Layout Manager.


  • .net technology
  • artifical intelligence
  • computer communication network
  • data mining and warehouse
  • data structures
  • dbms
  • digital image processing
  • distributed operating system
  • finite automata
  • internet of things
  • java programming
  • linux operating system (oet)
  • mobile computing
  • network security
  • numerical analysis
  • object oriented programming using c++
  • office automation (oet)
  • operating system
  • operations research
  • soft computing
  • software engineering
  • software testing
  • uml