Exam Details

Subject geography
Paper paper 2
Exam / Course ugc net national eligibility test
Organization university grants commission
Exam Date June, 2009
City, State ,

Question Paper

1. The slope replacement model was first proposed by

A. Young

A. N. Strahler

W. Penck

L. C. King
2. Obsequent streams generally flow

along the consequent streams

opposite to the consequent streams

at right angle of the consequent streams

diagonal to the consequent streams

3. Given below are two statements one labelled as Assertion

and the other labelled as Reason select your answer from the codes given below

Assertion Magma is generated of the divergent plate boundaries.
Reason Upcoming magma reaches the surface of the constructive plate margins at the top of the divergent plates. Codes
Both and are correct and is the correct explanation of

Both and are correct but is not the correct explanation of

is correct but is false

is false but is correct

4. Arrange the following inter-glacial periods in a chronological order and select the correct answer using the code given below
Gunj Codes

5. Match List with List -II and select the correct answer from the codes given below

List 1 (Authors) List -11 (Theories)

Planetesimal hypothesis Kober

Thermal contraction theory (ii) Chamberlin

Geosynclinal -Orogen theory (iii) Daly

Hypothesis of sliding continents Jefferys


6. The greenhouse effect is due to

absorption of ultraviolet radiation by sea water

absorption of infrared radiation by carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere

infrared reflection by oceanic surfaces

absorption of infrared radiation by plants.
7. Which of the following conditions would provide for the least amount of insolation

The sun is near the horizon

The earth is at its closest point in its orbit to the sun

The length of the day is maximum

The length of the night is at its minimum

8. Given below are two statements one labelled as Assertion
and the other labelled as Reason Select your answer rom the code given below

Assertion Every planet in our solar system has an atmosphere
Reason Atmosphere is the basis of all elements of climate Codes

Both and are true and is the correct explanation

Both and are true and is not correct explanation

is are true but is false

is false but is true

9. Match List-l with List-ll and select the correct answer from the codes given below
List-l List-l

Ultraviolet 0.8 µm
Atmospheric window 0.3 µm
Ionised radiation 8 µm to 13 µm
Near infrared rays and gamma rays


10. Arrange the following layers of atmosphere vertically outward from the earth. Select the answer from the codes given below
Ionosphere Codes

11. Water mass heats move slowly than land mass because

Specific heat of water is small

Evaporation warms the water surfaces

Radiation cannot penetrate the surface water layer

The surface water layer is easily mixed

12. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Phanerophytes

They can sustain effects of extreme cold or hot temperatures ,drought and high speed winds

They are commonly found in temperate and moist tropical regions.

They are tall perenial trees, shrubs, bushes

The renewal buds of these plants always remain buried

13. In which of the following sequences ,the increasing order of salinity concentration is correct

Red Sea Gulf of California Arctic Ocean Baltic Sea

Gulf of California Baltic Sea Red Ssea Arctic Ocean

Baltic Sea Arctic Ocean Gulf of California Red Sea

Arctic Ocean Gulf of California Baltic Sea Red Sea

14. Which of the following best describes how the second law of thermodynamics is applied to the concept of trophic levels

All the organic matter in one trophic level is converted during the transfer to the next higher level.

None of the usable energy in one trophic level is lost as heat or during transfer to the next higher level.

Much of the usable energy in one trophic level is lost as heat during transfer to the next higher level.

Energy flows at 100% efficiency from one trophic level to another.

15. Given below are two statements. One labelled as Assertion
and other labelled as Reason Select your answer rom the codes given below

Assertion Spring tides occur on fullmoon and no moon days.
Reason On fullmoon and no moon days, the sun and moon are almost at right angles to the earth. Codes

Both and are true and is the correct explanation

Both and are true and is not correct explanation

is true but is false

is false but is true

16. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion and other labelled as Reason Select your answer rom the codes given below
Assertion Recognizing regions requires investigation of similarities as well as differences over space.
Reason Areal differentiation is about establishing degrees of sameness as well as differences between regions.

Both and are correct and explains

Both and are correct does not explains

is correct is wrong

is false but is correct

17. Welfare Geography emphasizes the analysis of
Regional balanced development

Public private partnership in development

Urban -industrial development

Aspects of Quality of life

18. David Harvey is best known for his contributions to

Urban Geography

Radical Geography

Political Geography

New Economic Geography

19. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion

and other labelled as Reason Select your answer rom the codes given below

Assertion The distribution of the world population is highly uneven.
Reason Political environments are responsible for uneven distribution of population.


Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true and is not correct explanation of

is false but is true

is true but is false

20. The growth of metropolitan cities is best explained by which combination of factors
Extension of spatial boundaries
High Birth rate
Annexation of peripheral settlements


21. Settlements are considered to have an even distribution if R value is close to





22. An urban settlement to be classified as a city in the Indian Census should have a minimum population of
1 lakh

3 lakhs

5 lakhs

10 lakhs
23. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion and other labelled as Reason Select your answer rom the codes given below

Assertion Cities with very rapid rates of growth have more male adult population.
Reason City-ward migration is sex and age selective.


Both and are correct and explains

Both and are correct but does not explains

is correct but is wrong

is wrong but is correct

24. Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie are famous as

Resort towns

Mining towns

Industrial towns

Institutional towns

25. Which of the following is a biotic resource





26. Which one of the following is based on the principle of least cost

Weber's theory

Losch's theory

Smiths spatial profitability theory

Von-thunen theory

27. Match the following List-l with List-ll and select the correct answer from the code given below
List lList

France Salgilter Region

Ukraine Mesabi Region

Germany (iii) Lorraine Region

USA (iv) Krivoy Rog Region


28. Arrange the following with respect to bulk shipping trade (2001) in India in descending order

Kandla, Chennai, Mumbai, Vishakapatnam

Mumbai, Kandla, Chennai, Vishakapatnam

Vishakapatnam, Chennai, Kandla, Mumbai

Mumbai, Chennai ,Vishakapatnam, Kandla

29. In McKinder's Heartland Theory, the Indian Ocean was included in

Outer Crescent

Inner Crescent

Secondary Heartland

World Island

30. Who made the statement that whosoever rules Eurasia controls the destiny of the world





31. Which combination of the following tribes is confined to a single state of North East India

Khasi Nagas

Garo Khasi

Naga Mizo

Khasi Mizo

32. Which one of the following sets belongs to Dravidian group of languages

Kannada, Telugu

Marathi, Gujarati

Malayalam, Oriya

Tamil, Marathi

33. The concept of place folk work was given by

Clarence Stein

Le Play

Vidal de la Blache

Jean Brunhes

34. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion

and other labelled as Reason Select your answer rom the codes given below

Assertion Regional disparities have increased both at the regional and interpersonal levels in the post-liberalization period in India.
Reason New-liberal policies are based on the principles of comparative advantage and adhere to the efficiency criterion. Codes

Both and correct and explains

Both and are correct but does not explain

is correct but is wrong

is wrong but is correct

35. The concept of the "neighbourhood unit " in urban planning was given by

Le Corbusier

Clarence Perry

Lewis Mumford

Frank LLoyd Wright

36. One of the most comprehensive attempts to delineate India into planning regions was made by

The Planning Commission of India

Town and Country Planning Organisation

National Council for Applied Economic Research

Indian Institute of Public Administration

37. Lakshadweep Islands are of

Volcanic origin

Coral origin

Tectonic origin

Alluvial origin

38. Domestication of plants and animals was started in the

Eolithic period

Mesolithic period

Neolithic period

Paleolithic period

39. Which of these historic monuments is not associated with Delhi

Gateway of India



Red fort

40. The upliftment of the Himalayas was first initiated during the period of

Middle Pliocene

Middle Oligocene

Middle Eocene

Middle Miocene

41 Match the following List-l with List-ll and select the correct answer from the code given below
List List
Meghalaya Kohima

Manipur Aizwal

Nagaland Shillong

Mizoram Imphal


42. Cadastral map is meant for

Showing Urban areas

Relief and drainage

Distribution of crops

Showing plot field boundaries

43. International projection is a modified form of




Cylindrical equal Area

44. Which of the following is the component of GIS

Data input and verification sub -system

Data reporting sub -system

Data storage and retrieval sub -system

Data manipulation and analysis sub -system

45. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion

and other labelled as Reason Select your answer rom the codes given below

Assertion Median is not affected by the values of extreme items.
Reason It needs an arrangement of the data in ascending or descending order. Codes

Both and are true and is the correct explanation of

Both and are true and is not correct explanation of

is true but is false

is false but is true

46. Match the following List-l with List-ll and select the correct answer from the codes given below
List List

Homolographic True bearing

Orthomorphic Equal area

Equidistant (iii) Correct shape

Azimuthal (iv) Equal distance


The great underlying principle of modern Geomorphology is known as the principle of uniformitarianism. It was first enunciated by Hutton in 1785, beautifully restarted by Play fair in 1802 and popularized by Lyell in the numerous editions of his 'Principles of Geology'. Hutton taught that "the present is the key to the past", but he applied this principle some what too rigidly and argued that geologic processes operated throughout geologic time with the same intensity as now. We know now that this is not true. Glaciers were much more significant during the Pleistocene and during other periods of geologic time than now; world climates have not always been distributed as they now are, and, thus, regions that are now humid have been desert and areas now desert have been humid; periods of crustal instability seem to have separated periods of relative crustal stability, although there are some who doubt this and there were times when

vulcanism was more important than now. Numerous other examples could be cited to show that the intensity of various geologic processes has varied through geologic time but these is no reason to believe that streams did not cut valleys in the past as they do now; that the more numerous and more extensive valley glaciers of the pleistocene behaved any differently from existing glaciers; that the winds which deposited the Navajo sandstone during Jurassic times obeyed the different laws from those which control wind movements today, ground water opened up solutional passageways in limestones and other soluble rocks and formed surface depressions which are now called sinkholes during the permian and Pennsylvanian periods as it does today in many parts of the world. Without the principle of Uniformitarianism there could hardly be a science of Geomorphology that was more than pure description.

47. What is the main theme of uniformitarianism

Climate has been uniform in geological times

The present is the key to the past

Glaciers were always significant in geological past

The geomorphic processes operated throughout geological times, operated with the same intensity as now

48. Who first enunciated the principle of uniformitarianism




49. Glaciers were more significant in the geological period

Tertiary period

Pleistocene period

Eocene period

Permian period

50. A characteristic feature of limestone topography is


Sink hole



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