Exam Details

Subject concepts of genetics
Exam / Course m.sc. genetics
Organization solapur university
Exam Date 16, November, 2017
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Semester (CBCS) Examination Oct/Nov-2017
Day Date: Thursday, 16-11-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 10.30 AM to 1.00 PM
Instructions: Section-I is compulsory.
From Section-II attempt any four.
All questions carry equal marks.
Figures to right indicate full marks.
Draw neat and labeled diagrams.
Section I
Q.1 Rewrite the following sentences by using correct alternatives: 07
Polytene chromosome first time observed by
Balbiani Painter
Bridige Both a b
Which one of the following statements is not true about meiosis?
Meiosis occurs in reproductive cells.
Meiosis results in four haploid daughter cells.
In meiosis, chromosomes do not exchange genetic material
In meiosis, homologous pairs of chromosomes are pulled apart
Crossing over occurs during Stage.
Metaphase Zygotene
Prophase II Pachytene
Failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis is example of
Nondisjunction Deletion
Freamshift Inversion
The gene present on non-homologous region of Y-chromosome is
Holandric gene Somatic gene
Recessive gene Hemizygous
is formed by UV radiation.
Adenine dimmers Guanine dimmers
Thymine dimmers Urasil dimmers
In Chinchilla fur Pigmentation is absent.
White Yellow
Black Red
Answer the following terms. 07
Back cross.
Page 2 of 2
Section II
Attempt any four:
Q.2 Explain in detail: Events involved in somatic cell division. 14
Q.3 Describe X-linked inheritance with suitable example. 14
Q.4 Explain monohybrid and dihybrid crosses with suitable example. 14
Q.5 Answer any TWO of the following: 14
Add a note on complete linkage and incomplete linkage.
Describe life cycle of Human.
Add a note on Haemophilia.
Q.6 Answer any TWO of the following: 14
Describe Synapsis of meiotic Crossing Over.
Explain Induced mutations.
Write a short on Mismatch repair in E. coli.


  • advanced microbial genetics
  • agriculture science and seed technology
  • analytical instruments and techniques
  • animal cell culture
  • biostatistics and population genetics
  • cancer genetics and stem cell research
  • cellular and molecular biology
  • computational structure biology and drug designing (oet)
  • concepts of biochemistry
  • concepts of genetics
  • cytogenetic and genome organisation
  • genetic engineering
  • immunology and immunotechnology
  • industrial and environmental biotechnology
  • industrial biotechnology and intellectual property rights
  • medical biotechnology and bionanotechnology
  • molecular medicine
  • plant breeding and tissue culture (oet)
  • regulation of gene expression and developmental genetics
  • research methodology and scientific report writing and ipr