Exam Details

Subject labour welfare and labour laws - ii
Exam / Course m.s.w.
Organization solapur university
Exam Date November, 2017
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.S.W. (Semester IV) (CBCS) Examination Oct/Nov-2017
Day Date: Wednesday, 29-11-2017 Max. Marks: 70
Time: 02:30 PM to 05:00 PM
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternatives from the followings. 14
Under which Act, "Paid Vacation
Workman's Compensation Act
Maternity Benefit Act
Factory Act
None of these
Wages to be paid
7th or 10th Day 8th or 10th Day
1st to 5th Day None of these
In relation to a factory establishment as per section of the act, who is
Agent or such owner Or occupier
Owner or occupier All of these
Wages to be paid on
Anytime On holiday
Working day None of these
According to section of the act, any person who is employed for wages in
any kind of work manual or otherwise is
Employee Casual labour
Worker None of these
Payment of wages in kind is
NST permitted Permitted
Both A B None of these
Under which Act, "paid holidays" facilities is
ESI Act Payment of gratuity Act
Both A B None of these
Benefits of ESI,
Sickness benefit Maturity Benefit
Medical benefit All of these
The Maharashtra Mathadihamal other manual worker act was passed in

1969 1869
1970 None of these
Page 2 of 2
10) Provident Fund Scheme of the act provides assistance to the
employees their dependents during post retirement life.
Security Monetary
Social None of these
11) The maternity benefit Act was passed in
1960 1970
1962 1961
12) Under which facilities Credit societies are encouraged thrift provide loan
facility at reasonable terms conditions to the employees.
Social Security facility Welfare recreational facility
Both A B None of these
13) The employees Compensation Act was passed in
1930 1924
1922 1923
14) "Canteen' describes under which Act?
The Employee State Insurance
Workman's Compensation Act
The factory Act
None of these
Q.2 Write Concept, Meaning Definition of the following points (Any Seven) 14
Employed Person.
Medium of payment of wages.
Object of the payment of bonus Act.
Transport Services.
Q.3 Write short notes on: (Any Two) 14
Insured Person.
Industrial Housing.
Safety Programmes.
Importance of social Security.
Q.4 Write broad question: (Any one) 14
The Employee state Insurance Act.
Industrial Accident its remedy on it.
Q.5 Write detailed the problem Concerning Industrial Labour in India? Give


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