Exam Details

Subject pharmaceutics – iii
Exam / Course b. pharmacy
Organization solapur university
Exam Date November, 2017
City, State andhra pradesh, solapur

Question Paper

B.Pharm. (Semester (CGPA) Examination, 2017
Day and Date Tuesday, 28-11-2017 Max. Marks 70
Time 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
1. Multiple Choice Questions (1×15=15)
Noyes-Whitney Equation is used for expression of of drug.
Dissolution rate Phase inversion
Both and None of the above
Poorly mfg. tablet may have small pinhole on the surface this phenomenon is
known as
Picking Mottling
Leaching Cracking
The shell of soft gelatin capsule may be made elastic or plastic like by
addition of
Sorbitol Povidone PEG HPMC
The Wurster process can be used to
Coat tablet Determine disintegration test
Sterilize solution Filling up capsule
Entric coating is archived by
HPMC Carboxy methyl cellulose
Cellulose acetate phthalate Povidone
Shellac used for purpose of coating of tablet.
Polishing agent Film coating
Enteric coating Sub coating
During compression of moisture critical granule hygroscopic substance used
to maintain proper moisture level is
Sorbitol Talc Acacia Tragacanth
Disintegration time of Hard gelatin capsule
15 min. 30 min. 60 min. 120 min.
Green bones are used for the preparation of gelatin of type
10) Manufacturing problem of separation of top or bottom of tablet.
Lamination Chipping Capping Mottling
11) Water soluble sub used as coating material in microencapsulation process is
Polyethylene Silicon
Hydroxy ethyl cellulose Paraffin
12) Durability of tablet to combined effect of shock and abrasion is evaluated
by using
Hardness tester Disintegration test
Fribilator Screw gauge
13) is used to enhance the solubility of tablet.
PEG Lactose Talc None of the above
14) Carr's index of power is 10% then the type of flow is
Poor Excellent Very poor Good
15) Disintegration time of Sugar coated tablet
15 min. 30 min. 60 min. 120 min.
2. Solve any five
Enlist different tablet coating equipment. Explain accela cota system.
What are the needs of granulation Explain in detail granule equipment.
Explain in detail Additives used in tablet with example.
Explain method of preparation of gelatin.
Write in detail factory layout objective and types of layout.
Describe in detail sugar coating and entric coating of tablet.
3. Solve any three (3×10=30)
Define microencapsulation. Write in detail phase separation, coacervation.
Define Tablet. Explain in detail defect of tablet manufacturing and write
Describe in detail preparation of Hard gelatin capsule shell and IPQC test.
Enlist all Q.C. test for tablet. Explain Fribility test, Disintegration test,
Weight variation test.


  • anatomy, physiology and health education – i
  • anatomy, physiology and health education – ii
  • biochemistry
  • biochemistry – i
  • biochemistry – ii
  • biopharmaceutics
  • biotechnology
  • clinical pharmacology
  • herbal technology
  • human anatomy and physiology – i
  • human anatomy and physiology – ii
  • medicinal chemistry – i
  • medicinal chemistry – ii
  • medicinal chemistry – iv
  • microbiology
  • modern dispensing and hospital pharmacy
  • novel drug delivery systems
  • organic chemistry – i
  • organic chemistry – ii
  • organic chemistry – iii
  • pathophysiology (new cbcs)
  • pathophysiology and clinical biochemistry – i
  • pathophysiology and clinical biochemistry – ii
  • pharmaceutical analysis – i
  • pharmaceutical analysis – ii
  • pharmaceutical analysis – iv
  • pharmaceutical analysis – v
  • pharmaceutical analysis – vi
  • pharmaceutical busines management
  • pharmaceutical engineering
  • pharmaceutical enginering
  • pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry
  • pharmaceutical jurisprudence
  • pharmaceutical microbiology
  • pharmaceutical organic chemistry – ii
  • pharmaceutical organic chemistry –i
  • pharmaceutics – i (new cbcs)
  • pharmaceutics – i (old-cbcs pattern)
  • pharmaceutics – ii
  • pharmaceutics – iii
  • pharmaceutics – iv
  • pharmacognosy – i
  • pharmacognosy – ii
  • pharmacognosy – iii
  • pharmacology – i (new) (cbcs pattern)
  • pharmacology – ii
  • pharmacology – ii (cgpa pattern)
  • pharmacology – iv
  • physical pharmaceutics – i
  • physical pharmacy – i
  • physical pharmacy – ii
  • sterile dosage forms