Exam Details

Subject advanced java
Exam / Course b.c.a./b.b.a. (ca)
Organization savitribai phule pune university
Exam Date April, 2018
City, State maharashtra, pune

Question Paper

B.C.A./B.B.A (Semester-VI) EXAMINATION, 2018
(2013 PATTERN)
Time Three Hours Maximum Marks 80
N.B. All questions are compulsory.
(ii Figures to the right indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Attempt the following (any eight)
What is Thread How to set the priority of Thread.
What is RMI Registry.
What is the role of Prepared Statement
Explain the types of Servlet.
What is the use of for Name() method
Write names of JSP Directives.
What is Cookie
What is the use of manifest.txt file
What is the use of setMaxInactiveInterval method.
What is the use of getLocalHost method
2. Answer the following (any four)
Explain JDBC Drivers.
[5363]-602 2
Explain RMI Architecture with suitable diagram.
Explain the difference between TCP/IP and UDP.
Write a JDBC program to accept the details of customer
CName, Address, Ph_No.) and store it into the database (Use
Prepared Statement interface).
Write a Multithreading program in Java to display the numbers
between 1 to 100 continuously in a TextField by clicking on
button. (use Runnable Interface).
3. Answer the following (any four)
What is Thread Explain thread life cycle with diagram.
Explain JSP tags with example.
Explain servlet life cycle with suitable diagram.
Write a Java program using multithreading to execute the threads
sequentially (Use Synchronized Method)
Write a JDBC program in Java to update an address of given
customer cname, address) and display updated details.
4. Attempt any four
State purpose of
(ii Connection
(iii Result set
Driver Manager.
What is Java Beans Explain the advantages of Java Beans.
Explain thread Synchronization in detail.
[5363]-602 3 P.T.O.
Write a JSP program to calculate sum of first and last digit
of a given number. Display sum in Red Color with font
size 18.
Write a JDBC program to delete the rocords of employees
whose names are starting with character.
5. Attempt the following (any two)
Write a SERVLET application to accept username and password,
and search them into database, if found then display appropriate
message on the browser otherwise display error message.
Write a JSP program to accept the details of Account
Type, Bal) and store it into database and display it in tabular
form (Use Prepared Statement interface).
Write a Socket program in Java for simple standalone chatting
Write a SOCKET program in Java to check whether given
file is present on server or not, if it is present then display
its content on the server's machine otherwise display error

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