Exam Details

Subject object oriented software engineering
Exam / Course b.c.a./b.b.a. (ca)
Organization savitribai phule pune university
Exam Date April, 2018
City, State maharashtra, pune

Question Paper

B.C.A./B.B.A. (Semester-V) EXAMINATION, 2018
(2013 PATTERN)
Time Three Hours Maximum Marks 80
N.B. All questions are compulsory.
(ii Neat diagrams must be drawn wherever necessary.
(iii Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. Attempt any eight of the following
What is multiple inheritance
Define Generalization.
What is system boundary
Consider a single object and draw object diagram
with possible attributes.
What is joining
Define Inception.
Define task management component.
What is lifeline
What is dependency
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2. Attempt any four of the following
Define UML. What are the goals of UML
What is Association Explain important terms in Association.
Draw class diagram for library management system.
Describe the Jacobson method in details.
What is UP. Explain any two phases in details.
3. Attempt any four of the following
What is package Explain different kind of packages.
Define things. Explain Behavioral things in details.
What is use cases State include and extend relationship among
use cases with example.
What is iterative development Explain the phases of iterative
Explain different elements of object model
4. Attempt any four of the following
What is object orientation State various reasons for why
object orientation.
Explain dependancy relationship along with different stereotypes.
Define sequence diagram. Explain different kinds of its notations.
Explain the data management component.
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Define the following terms
(ii Note
(iii Forking
5. Attempt the following
Railway reservation system is a system used for booking tickets
over internet-Any customer can book tickets for different trains.
Customer can book a ticket only if the tickets are available. Customer
searches for the availability of ticket then if the ticket are available
he books the ticket by initially filling details in a form. Tickets
can be booked in two ways by i-ticket or by e-ticket booking.
In case of i-ticket booking customer can book the ticket online and
the tickets are couriered to particular customer at their address,
but in case of e-ticket booking and cancelling ticket are booked
and cancelled online sitting at the home and cystomer himself has
to take print of the ticket but in both the cases amount for tickets
are deducted from customer's amount.
For cancellation of ticket the customer's has to go at reservation
office then fill cancellation form and ask the clerk to cancel the
ticket then the refund is transferred to customer's account. After
booking ticket the customer has to check out by paying fare amount
to clerk.
Consider above situation. Draw the following UML diagrams
Use case diagrams
Class diagrams
Actiuity diagrams.
Sequence diagrams.

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