Exam Details

Subject java programming
Exam / Course b.c.a./b.b.a. (ca)
Organization savitribai phule pune university
Exam Date April, 2018
City, State maharashtra, pune

Question Paper

B.C.A./B.B.A (Semester-V) EXAMINATION, 2018
(2013 PATTERN)
Time Three Hours Maximum Marks 80
N.B. All questions are compulsory.
(ii Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(iii All questions carry equal marks.
1. Attempt any eight
List the types of Applet.
What is exception
What is collection framework
List any two differences between HashMap and HashTable.
What are the different ways to create an object in Java
State the purpose of wrapper class.
Can you save a Java source file by name than class
Whatis JVM
What is instance variable
List Java non-access modifiers.
[5363]-501 2
2. Attempt any four
Write a Java program to display ''Welcome to Applet'' with
settings Font-Verdana, Foreground Color-Red, Background Color-
Yellow on the frame.
How to create user defined package How to access it
Explain with example.
Explain the use of super keywords with reference to inheritance.
Explain exception handling with example.
Write a Java program to copy the contents of one file into
the another file, while copying change the case of alphabets
and replace all the digits by in target file [Use command
line argument].
3. Attmept any four
Define an abstract class shape with abstract method area()
and valume(). Write a Java program to calculate area and
valume of cone and cylinder.
What is adapter class Explain its purpose.
Explain the need of Garbage collection in Java.
Write a Java program to accept an age from the user, if
age is less than 18 then throw ''Invalid user defined exception.
Explain data types in Java.
[5363]-501 3 P.T.O.
4. Attempt any four
Write a Java program to accept the details of students
(Sname, Sper) from the user, store them into the hashtable
and displays the student names having maximum Sper.
Explain inner class in Java with example.
Explain arrays in Java. How does it differ from
Differentiate StringBuffer and StringBuilder class.
Write a Java program to accept nos through the command
line and store all even nos and all odd nos in to the different
arrays and display both arrays.
5. Attempt any four
Write a Java program to design a screen using awt that will
take a username and password. If the user name and password
are not same, raise an exception with appropriate message.
User can use clear button to clear the Textfields.
What is event handling Explain with example.
Write a Java program to display the alternate characters of
a file.
What is applet Explain life cycle of applet.
Write a short note on Abstract class.

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