Exam Details

Subject introduction to operating system
Exam / Course b.c.a./b.b.a. (ca)
Organization savitribai phule pune university
Exam Date April, 2018
City, State maharashtra, pune

Question Paper

B.B.A. (CA)/B.C.A. (Semester-III) EXAMINATION, 2018
(2013 PATTERN)
Time Three Hours Maximum Marks 80
N.B. All questions are compulsory.
(ii Neat diagram must be drawn wherever necessary.
1. Attempt any eight of the following
What is Semaphores
What is Process
What is the purpose of command interpreter
Define Burst Time.
Define Swap Time.
What is Deadlock.
Define System Program.
Define Rollback.
What is Turn-Around Time
What is CUP-I/O Brust Cycle
[5363]-303 2
2. Attempt any four of the following
List and explain system calls related to process and job control.
Describe solution for critical section problem.
Explain multilevel feedback queue algorithm.
Explain different methods for recovery from a deadlock.
Consider the following set of processes with the length of CPU
Burst Time and Arrival Time
Process Burst Time Arrival Time
P1 5 1
P2 3 0
P3 2 2
P4 4 3
Calculate turn around time, waiting time, average turn around
time, average waiting time using FCFS CPU scheduling algorithm.
3. Attempt any four of the following
Explain medium term schedular.
Explain Direct Access method with advantages and disadvantages.
Explain the dirty bit concept.
Explain process states in detail.
Consider the following page reference string
Find the number of page fault for the following algorithm with
3 frames
(ii MFU.
[5363]-303 3 P.T.O.
4. Attmept any four of the following
Explain the reader's writer's problem which is a classical problem
of synchronization.
Explain free space management of file system in detail.
Describe I/O Hardware with its type of I/O devices.
What is fragmentation Explain types of fragmentation in details.
Consider the following Job queue
Job Memory Time
01 100 K 8
02 90 K 3
03 30 K 17
04 50 K 04
05 40 K 09
Show the memory map of various stages by using MVT scheduling.
Assumption total memory is of 400 K and monitor of 100 K
and all jobs are arrived at same time.
5. Attempt any four of the following
Explain Resource Allocation graph in detail.
Explain the term in detail with diagrams.
List and explain services provided by the operating system.
Explain contiguous memory allocation method in detail.
[5363]-303 4
The request queue is a follows
87, 148, 92, 171, 96, 131, 103, 71
Number of tracks 0 to 199
Starting position or current head position 125. Find total
head movement by applying SSTF (Shortest seek time first)
Disk scheduling algorithm.

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