Exam Details
Subject | systems management (paper – ii) | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | mba | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 19, December, 2018 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
M.B.A. II (Semester III) (Old CBCS) Examination, 2018
ERP and SPD (Paper XX)
Group D Systems MAnagement (Paper II)
Day and Date Wednesday, 19-12-2018 Max. Marks 70
Time 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Note Question No. 1 is compulsory and carry equal marks. (14 Marks)
1. Select the right option for each of the following from the choices given. 14
Human factors are taken into account during the phase.
Reengineering Implementation
tools automate many of the repetitive, monotonous and tedious
MIS ERP Computing Reporting
Accuracy relevancy and timeliness are the characteristic features of
Data Knowledge networking Information
Employee turnover during the phase will not affect the ERP
Transition Design Initial Final
ERP utilizes the true potential of computing to deliver an
enterprise product and affects the nature of jobs in all functional areas of
the enterprise.
N etwork Client Server Cloud Database
OLTP stands for
Online Transaction Processing On Line Transfer Protocol
Optimum Line transfer Protocol N one of the above
No. Set P
Set P
is the technology of sensing, coding transmitting, translating
and transforming.
Programming Software Development
N etworking Information Technology
is the phase where ERP is made available to the entire
Going Live Startup Closure Initiation
is the concept of integrated management of businesses
from viewpoint of effective use of management resources to improve the
efficiency of the enterprise.
10) The any new technologies and changes in IT very quickly
that makes changes in future business environments possible.
ERP Vendors Amateur developers
Software Trainers Programmers
11) The process of separating operational data from non-operational data still
making it effectively accessible for Business analysis is known as
Database Management Data Mining
Data Extraction Data Warehousing
12) is the predecessor of ERP.
13) is a mechanism to ensure and monitor flow of Material and
Services to end customer.
Customer Relationship Management
Supply Chain Management
Data Flow Diagram
Entity Relationship diagram
14) is the radical change in Business Process.
Decision Trees Business Process Reengineering
Graphical user Interface SDLC
Set P
2. Write short notes on the following. 14
Role of CIO in ERP implementation process.
Decision Trees.
3. Answer the following. 14
What is problem definition and list the various fact finding methods
Describe the process of designing interfaces and dialogues.
4. Answer any one of the following. 14
Describe in detail the system development Life cycle.
What is ERP What are the various phases of ERP implementation life
5. Read the following case carefully and answers the questions below. 14
ABC Limited is a global pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Company based in
India, with a strong and growing presence in the world's leading markets. The
company, a leading player in the Healthcare Industry, manufactures and markets
formulations, biopharmaceuticals, nutrition products, vaccines and active
pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). ABC has manufacturing plants in India,
united states of America, UK, Ireland and France. More than 65 percent of the
company's revenue comes from the United States of America and Europe.
ABC had already deployed ERP systems from Avalon, but was plagued with a
number of challenges. The company was unable to draw a future roadmap and
upgrade its technology. Consolidation of data across locations was difficult. To
add to that, duplication of work and reconciliation would happen at every stage.
Further, the lack of a structured information system led to delayed decision
making and consequently was having a negative impact on the business.
Transparency in processes was essential to make informed decisions. The
company looked for integration across all business functions, faster information
availability and better control of operations. This prompted ABC to look for an
alternative enterprise applications solution for its business.
With ABC going global, the need of the hour was a robust IT infrastructure and
an efficient information system in place. The company short listed Oracle and
Set P
SAP, but found that the SAP solutions were exactly in line with its requirements.
The introduction of an integrated solution across the organization has brought
many benefits for ABC. A single unified data platform and standardized business
processes have eliminated data entry redundancy and saved valuable data in
real-time, which enables them to execute their tasks more efficiently. While
enhancing overall efficiency across the organization, the contralized system
ensures that information across the business is available to management, not
just as raw data, but also as detailed reports. Reports can be quickly produced
and without logistical headaches. Moreover, access to accurate information
enables the company to evaluate options and make well-informed decisions,
on a timely basis. The most striking benefit has been complete visibility leading
to better planning and improved coordination across the organization. The
company enjoys full visibility into stock across all its sites.
Analyse the case.
Discuss ABC issues with the old ERP system and how SAP solved those
Discuss various reasons why ABC succeeds in its ERP implementation.
ERP and SPD (Paper XX)
Group D Systems MAnagement (Paper II)
Day and Date Wednesday, 19-12-2018 Max. Marks 70
Time 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Note Question No. 1 is compulsory and carry equal marks. (14 Marks)
1. Select the right option for each of the following from the choices given. 14
Human factors are taken into account during the phase.
Reengineering Implementation
tools automate many of the repetitive, monotonous and tedious
MIS ERP Computing Reporting
Accuracy relevancy and timeliness are the characteristic features of
Data Knowledge networking Information
Employee turnover during the phase will not affect the ERP
Transition Design Initial Final
ERP utilizes the true potential of computing to deliver an
enterprise product and affects the nature of jobs in all functional areas of
the enterprise.
N etwork Client Server Cloud Database
OLTP stands for
Online Transaction Processing On Line Transfer Protocol
Optimum Line transfer Protocol N one of the above
No. Set P
Set P
is the technology of sensing, coding transmitting, translating
and transforming.
Programming Software Development
N etworking Information Technology
is the phase where ERP is made available to the entire
Going Live Startup Closure Initiation
is the concept of integrated management of businesses
from viewpoint of effective use of management resources to improve the
efficiency of the enterprise.
10) The any new technologies and changes in IT very quickly
that makes changes in future business environments possible.
ERP Vendors Amateur developers
Software Trainers Programmers
11) The process of separating operational data from non-operational data still
making it effectively accessible for Business analysis is known as
Database Management Data Mining
Data Extraction Data Warehousing
12) is the predecessor of ERP.
13) is a mechanism to ensure and monitor flow of Material and
Services to end customer.
Customer Relationship Management
Supply Chain Management
Data Flow Diagram
Entity Relationship diagram
14) is the radical change in Business Process.
Decision Trees Business Process Reengineering
Graphical user Interface SDLC
Set P
2. Write short notes on the following. 14
Role of CIO in ERP implementation process.
Decision Trees.
3. Answer the following. 14
What is problem definition and list the various fact finding methods
Describe the process of designing interfaces and dialogues.
4. Answer any one of the following. 14
Describe in detail the system development Life cycle.
What is ERP What are the various phases of ERP implementation life
5. Read the following case carefully and answers the questions below. 14
ABC Limited is a global pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Company based in
India, with a strong and growing presence in the world's leading markets. The
company, a leading player in the Healthcare Industry, manufactures and markets
formulations, biopharmaceuticals, nutrition products, vaccines and active
pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). ABC has manufacturing plants in India,
united states of America, UK, Ireland and France. More than 65 percent of the
company's revenue comes from the United States of America and Europe.
ABC had already deployed ERP systems from Avalon, but was plagued with a
number of challenges. The company was unable to draw a future roadmap and
upgrade its technology. Consolidation of data across locations was difficult. To
add to that, duplication of work and reconciliation would happen at every stage.
Further, the lack of a structured information system led to delayed decision
making and consequently was having a negative impact on the business.
Transparency in processes was essential to make informed decisions. The
company looked for integration across all business functions, faster information
availability and better control of operations. This prompted ABC to look for an
alternative enterprise applications solution for its business.
With ABC going global, the need of the hour was a robust IT infrastructure and
an efficient information system in place. The company short listed Oracle and
Set P
SAP, but found that the SAP solutions were exactly in line with its requirements.
The introduction of an integrated solution across the organization has brought
many benefits for ABC. A single unified data platform and standardized business
processes have eliminated data entry redundancy and saved valuable data in
real-time, which enables them to execute their tasks more efficiently. While
enhancing overall efficiency across the organization, the contralized system
ensures that information across the business is available to management, not
just as raw data, but also as detailed reports. Reports can be quickly produced
and without logistical headaches. Moreover, access to accurate information
enables the company to evaluate options and make well-informed decisions,
on a timely basis. The most striking benefit has been complete visibility leading
to better planning and improved coordination across the organization. The
company enjoys full visibility into stock across all its sites.
Analyse the case.
Discuss ABC issues with the old ERP system and how SAP solved those
Discuss various reasons why ABC succeeds in its ERP implementation.
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