Exam Details

Subject procedural programming language
Exam / Course m.sc. electronic science
Organization solapur university
Exam Date December, 2018
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Semester III) Examination Nov/Dec-2018
Computer Science
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
All questions carry equal marks.
Q.1 Choose the correct alternative: 14
Procedural language contains systematic order of
Statements Objects
Classes Operations
Variable declared outside of a function or a block is called
Local variable Global variable
Variable String
Problem with procedural paradigm is that it leads to an even large number of
potential connections between
Function and Constant Function and Loop
Function and Data Data and String
In procedural programming language, programmer creates list of
Data Instructions
Paradigm Operations
A classification of data which tells compiler or interpreter how programmer
intends to use data is called
Data Type Data Declaration
Data initialization Data determinant
If a variable is a pointer to a structure, then which of the following operator is
used to access data members of the structure through the pointer variable?

Which of the following sorting algorithm is of priority queue sorting type?
Bubble Sort Insertion Sort
Marge Sort Selection Sort
Function prototype error is time error.
Compile Run
Load Link
Which sort uses transpose and conquer approach?
Merge Heap
Selection Quick
10) Which of the following is an abstract data type?
int double
string struct
11) Each module in procedural language is composed of one or more
Modules Sub programs
Paradigm Operations
Page 2 of 2
12) An algorithm must satisfy which criteria?
Definiteness Finiteness
Effectiveness All of the above
13) Keep the statement language while writing a pseudo code.
Dependent Independent
Case Sensitive None of these
14) A Compiler generates file.
Executable code Object code
Assembly code None of these
Q.2 Answer the following (any four) 08
Differentiate between modular programming and structured
Write a short note on compiler.
Write a short note on integral point data types.
Write a short note on Variables and Constants.
Write a short note on Multidimensional array.
Write note on (any two) 06
CASE selection
Q.3 Answer the following (any two) 08
Differentiate between procedural programming and object oriented
programming language.
What is the difference between top down approach and bottom up
approach in programming languages?
How to access elements from two dimensional array? Explain with
Answer the following (any one) 06
Differentiate between an assembler and compiler.
Write a note on pointer arithmetic.
Q.4 Answer the following (any two) 10
Write a program to demonstrate selection sort algorithm.
State and explain conditional branching statements.
What is an array and how array variable differs from ordinary variable.
Answer the following (any one) 04
Explain the term object code in detail.
Describe the nested if statement with example.
Q.5 Answer the following (any two) 14
Write an algorithm for binary search? Explain it with example.
Explain bottom up approach in detail.
State and explain different iterative statements.

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