Exam Details
Subject | educational studies | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.ed. | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | October, 2018 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
M.Ed. (Semester
(CBCS) Examination, 2018
Paper III Educational Studies
Day and Date Wednesday, 12-12-2018 Marks 56
Time 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
2. Answer the following Questions 10
Explain the Contribution of NGO's to the field of education. 5
Explain the educational thoughts of Paulo Frere. 5
3. Answer the following Questions (Any One) 15
Write the impact of educational thoughts of J. Krishnamurthy.
What is meant by equality in educational opportunity State the reasons
of educational opportunities and explain the need of equality in educational
opportunity in the context of Indian society.
4. Answer the following Questions (Any One) 15
Explain the interdisciplinary nature of education and explain its relationship
with philosophy and Sociology.
Explain the principles and guidelines in organizing the support systems of
5. Write Short Notes (Any Four) 16
Briefly explain the contribution of different stakeholders in school education.
Write short note on 'Theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge'.
Explain the role of School and Parents in process of socialization of the child.
Write the nature of teaching learning process.
Explain the need of monitoring and evaluation of school education.
(CBCS) Examination, 2018
Paper III Educational Studies
Day and Date Wednesday, 12-12-2018 Marks 56
Time 10.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
2. Answer the following Questions 10
Explain the Contribution of NGO's to the field of education. 5
Explain the educational thoughts of Paulo Frere. 5
3. Answer the following Questions (Any One) 15
Write the impact of educational thoughts of J. Krishnamurthy.
What is meant by equality in educational opportunity State the reasons
of educational opportunities and explain the need of equality in educational
opportunity in the context of Indian society.
4. Answer the following Questions (Any One) 15
Explain the interdisciplinary nature of education and explain its relationship
with philosophy and Sociology.
Explain the principles and guidelines in organizing the support systems of
5. Write Short Notes (Any Four) 16
Briefly explain the contribution of different stakeholders in school education.
Write short note on 'Theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge'.
Explain the role of School and Parents in process of socialization of the child.
Write the nature of teaching learning process.
Explain the need of monitoring and evaluation of school education.
Other Question Papers
- advance research method
- curriculum studies
- disaster management
- educational management
- educational studies
- elementary school level curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
- elementary school level status, isues and concerns
- history and political economy of education
- introduction to research method
- isues in planning, management and financing of education
- pedagogy and current isues in environment
- philosophy of education
- psychological foundation of education
- psychology of learning and development
- secondary school level curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
- secondary school level status, issues and concerns
- sociology of education (cbcs)
- sustainable development
- teacher education – i
- teacher education – ii