Exam Details

Subject health psychology
Exam / Course m.sc
Organization central university
Exam Date February, 2014
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

M.Sc. in Health Psychology
Marks: 75
Time: 2 hrs. Hall Ticket No:

1. Time out technique is based upon the principle of

A. Generalization

B. Experimental neurosis

C. Extinction

D. Aversion

2. Which approach among the following took a positive view of human nature?

A. Introspection

B. Psychoanalysis

C. Components of mind

D. Humanism

3. Seligman and Maier demonstrated the phenomenon which underlies the cases of depression in their study on dogs

A. Discrimination

B. Spontaneous recovery

C. Learned helplessness

D. Frustration

4. Thematic apperception test was developed by

A. Rorschach

B. Binet and Kamath

C. Rosenzweig

D. Morgan and Murray

5. The principle on which the nerve fibres work, where they either respond completely or do not respond at all is called

A. Total and terminal principle

B. All or none principle

C. Transmission principle

D. Reflex principle

6. The Gestalt Psychologists indicate that our cerebral processes are always oriented towards the perception of pragnanz or

A. Segregation

B. Perception

C. Surroundedness

D. Good figure

7. According to David are two components of adolescent egocentricism

A. Imaginary audience, personal fable

B. Identity, crisis

C. Delinquency, substance abuse

D. Uncertainty, se1fdoubt

8. Recurrent anxiety attacks in which a person experiences intense turmoil indicate disorder. In this there is an abrupt surge of intense anxiety rising to a peak when thoughts of a particular stimuli are present and these thoughts occur in an unpredictable manner.

A. Neurasthenia

B. Hysteria

C. Panic

D. Phobia

9. Graduated exposure therapy is an alternative term used for

A. De-addiction therapy

B. Systematic desensitization

C. Free association

D. Empty chair technique

10. The partial or complete obliteration of memory by a more recent event, particularly new learning is referred to as

A. Proactive inhibition

B. Retroactive inhibition

C. Principle of proximity

D. Response bias

11. According to Achenbach, childhood behavioural problems may be categorized as

i. under controlled problems, which include behaviours that are disruptive and often aggressive and aversive to others in the child's environment.

ii. over controlled problems, where the child experiences depression, anxiety and discomfort that may not be evident to others.

A. i.Externalizing disorders, ii.Internalizing disorders

B. i.Internalizing disorders, ii.Externalizing disorders

C. i.Inattention disorders· ii.Hyperactivity disorders

D. i.Impulsivity disorders ii.Defiant disorders

12. While patients disorders have multiple and recurrent or chronic bodily complaints presented in a dramatic and exaggerated way, symptoms disorder are the reported loss of part or all of Some basic body functions.

A. Pain, Somatization

B. Dissociative, Conversion

C. Depression, Hypochondriasis

D. Somatization, Conversion

13. The model that states that psychological disorders develop when a biological disposition to the disorder is set off by a stressful situation,

A. Cognitive multistep model

B. Diathesis-stress model

C. Dispositional model

D. Stress-trigger model

14. A systematic study of immediate experience of the world as it appears to the observer is

A. Experiential study

B. Perceptualism

C. Personalization study

D. Phenomenology

15. The flight of Starling birds together can be an example in Gestalt psychology

A. Principle of common fate

B. Principle of smallness

C. Principle of closure

D. Figure and ground

16. If you gaze steadily at a blue surface for a minute or so, and then shift your gaze to a white surface, a yellowish hue appears. This is because of which of the following phenomenon/phenomena?

i. A visual phenomenon called negative after image, where a complementary hue appears after gazing at a particular colour
ii. A false perception called hallucination where the individual reports a non existing stimulus
iii. A tendency toward halo effect where biased judgment is made
iv. A habit interference due to negative transfer

A. i

B. i,ii

C. i,ii,iii

D. i,ii,iii,iv

17. A disorder involving loss of linguistic meaning, such as loss of ability to understand what is heard or what is read is

A. Aphagia

B. Alinguisia

C. Aphasia·

D. Asemantia

18. A child says, "The moon is happy today". The child is demonstrating which of the following concepts?

A. Object constancy

B. Conservation

C. Animism

D. Reversibility

19. A father helps his son tie his shoes by providing a good deal of help at first and then providing less and less help until the child is able to do it by himself. This is an example of

A. Modeling

B. Child support

C. Scaffolding

D. Cue

20. Use of 'private speech' by preschool children best supports which of the following conclusions?

A. It can enhance children's understanding of their immediate situations and help . them make decisions as they talk to themselves

B. It serves as a facilitator for the development of second language

C. It is a form of catharsis that helps children to reduce anger and frustration

D. It facilitates complex grammatical structures

21. The symbolic play of children is considered very important in their development, primarily because it reflects

A. Willingness to cooperate with other children

B. The ability to have one object or concept stand for another

C. An understanding of what it means to be a member of a group

D. Proficiency in the use of meta cognitive skills

22. Ram obtained a score of 80 in English. If the mean score is 20 and the standard deviation is what is the Z score?

A. 15

B. 14

C. 13

D. 12

23. The phrase 'out of sight, out of mind' in children best describes which of the following?

A. Poor visual recognition memory

B. Lack of object permanence

C. Poor cognition,

D. Lack of coordination

24. A newborn that turns her head toward something that touches her cheek is most likely exhibiting which of the following?

A. The rooting reflex

B. The babinski reflex

C. The Sensori reflex

D. The motor reflex

25. According to Erikson, the process of development occurs

A. In three cognitive stages that are completed by five years of age

B. As a consequence of biological maturation

C. Throughout of life in a series of psychosocial stages

D. In response to exposure to environmental stimuli

26. The experimenter showed two rows of pictures to a seven year old child. One row has pictures of five bananas and the other has pictures of eight oranges. When asked, "Are there more oranges or more fruits?" he answered 'more oranges'. The child still lacks the mental operation that Piaget called

A. Animism

B. Assimilation

C. Class inclusion

D. Centration

27. Matching the following, select the correct options from and D.

E. Egocentric thinking 1. Sensory motor stage
F. Conservation 2. Formal operation
G. Hypothetico-deductive reasoning 3. Concrete operational stage
H. Thumb sucking 4. Preoperational stage

A. H-1

B. H-1

C. H-1

D. H-4

28. A preschool child uses a stick to pretend he is teaching in a class. This type of make­believe play can occur when the child is capable of the following skills

A. Symbolic thought

B. Concrete thought

C. Egocentric thought

D. Concrete speech

29. There are 10 scores in a distribution with a mean score of 40 and a variance of 25. What is the standard deviation?

A. 2.5

B. 4.0

C. 5.0

D. 5.5

30. In his cognitive-developmental theory Vygotsky placed greater emphasis on which of the following?

A. Role of maturational factors

B. Role of social factors

C. Infant development

D. Individual differences

31. The following seven scores were attained on a mathematical test: 7,1 7.
What are the mean, median, and mode, respectively, of these seven scores?

Mean Median Mode

A. 11 17 11
B. 11 11 17
C. 12 17 17
D. 12 11 17

32. The social distance scale was developed by

A. Bogardus

B. Katz

C. Hovland

D. Osgood

33. The concept that asserts that people perform better when they are in competition than when they are alone is called

A. Social comparison

B. Social facilitation

C. Group dynamics

D. Social reality

34. We evaluate ourselves by how much we fulfill other's expectations of us. This is an example of

A. Kelly's consensus self·

B. Bern's self perception theory

C. Asch's Gestalt

D. Cooley's looking -glass self

35. Prisoner's dilemma is an illustration of

A. Reactance theory

B. Pro-social behavior

C. Non-zero-sum game

D. Role playing

36. When people use skills consciously and unconsciously to influence the impressions that others have of them, it is known as

A. Impression management

B. Imprinting

C. Impulse control

D. Impression formation

37. Asch and Shjerif experiments on conformity behaviour indicated that

A. Conformity increases as physical reality becomes more uncertain

B. Most participants try to please the experimenter by confirming the hypothesis

C. People tend to agree with the judgement of a strong group leader

D. Conformity increases with an increase in the size of the group.

38. Groups of people with whom we identify and whose opinions we value are called

A. In groups

B. Out groups

C. Reference groups

D. Secondary groups

39. Match the following names ofPsychologists to their theoretical contibutions

Psychologists Theoretical contribution
Charles Osgood 1. Self perception theory
Leon Festinger 2. Attribution theory
Bern 3. Congruity theory
Fritz Heider 4. Cognitive Dissonance





40. The tendency for beliefs and schemas to remain unchanged even in the face of contradictory information is called

A. Zeigamic effect

B. Perseverence effect

c. Primacy effect

D. False consensus effect

41. Which of the following senses is mediated through the thalamus?


A. a only

B. a and b

C. a,b and c

D. All the above

42. Taste sensitivity in human beings

A. Is more sensitive to acid and bitter than sweet and salt

B. Is independent of other senses because of the unique nature of the neural pathways

C. Is equally sensitive to four distinct tastes-sweet, sour, salt and bitter

D. Decreases when the temperature of the object tasted decreases

43. Which of the following is not part of the primary mental abilities propounded by Gardner?

A. Verbal

B. Kinesthetic

C. Reasoning

D. Memory

44. Find the odd man out among the following assessment tools

A. Rorschach Psychodiagnostic Test

B. Thematic Apperception Test

C. Sach's Sentence Completion Test

D. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Test

45. When we pay attention to our breath and continually scan our body mentally, it activity in the brain.

A. Beta

B. Alpha

C. Delta·

D. Theta

46. the spontaneous electrical discharge of the brain through surface electrodes and provides insights into brain activity

A. Electroencephalogram

B. Event related potentials

C. Brain electro oscillations

D. Positron Emission Tomography

47. Korsakoff's syndrome is associated with

A. Diabetes Miletus

B. Alcohol dependence

C. Hypertension

D. Chorea

48. Which of the following therapies is not helpful in the management of dementia?

A. Reality Oriented Therapy

B. Supportive Psychotherapy

C. Psychoanalysis

D. Cognitive retraining

49. Impairment in perceptual integration is known

A. Apraxia

B. Alexia

C. Agnosia

D. Apperception

50. Which theory of vision postulates that there are. pairs of colour receptors, which are complimentary to each other in the pair, and work in stop-and-go pattern?

A. Herring's Theory

B. Young-Helmholtz Theory

C. Vonkries'Theory

D. John Dalton's theory

51. Which of the following is also known as the 'Cortical Pacemaker' as it regulates the information flow to and from cerebrum?

A. Medulla

B. Thalamus

C. Pons

D. Corpus callosum

52. The following structures of the brain are implicated in procedural memory

A. Cerebellum

B. Basal Ganglia

C. Corona Radiata

D. Primary motor cortex

53. Allan Baddeley's memory model suggest

A. There is a kind of memory that shares the features of both long-term and short­term memory

B. Long-term memory is stored in the parahippocampal gyrus and short-term memory in the frontal lobes

C. Both short-term and long-term memories are stored in temporal lobe, though it is reversible

D. Long-term potentiation is necessary to reconvert long-term memories into short-term memory

54. Knowing that a super cyclone is approaching causes less stress than a super cyclone appearing without warning, because such anticipated super cyclone allows a person to relax before its attack. This is called the

A. Predicibility hypothesis

B. Preparation hypothesis

C. Safety signal hypothesis

D. Life events theory

55. Who among the following have conceived emotional intelligence as a personality trait?

A. J.D.Mayer and P.Salovey

B. P.Salovey and R.Bar-On

C. J.D.Mayer and D.Goleman

D. D.Goleman and R.Bar-On

56. Match the theories with their theorists

Theories Theorists

Contingency theory Hersey and Blanchard

Situational theory Fiedler

Leader-member exchange theory Conger and Kanungo

Charismatic leadership Dienesch and Liden.

A. iii-S, iv-R

B. iii-Q, iv-S

C. iii-P, iv-R

D. iii-R, iv-S

57. William J.MprilincGuire's 'Inoculation Theory' has primarily dealt with

A. Halo effect

B. Resisting persuasion

C. Polarization

D. Conditioning

58. When a road accident took place, people suddenly gathered around the place of occurrence and nobody helped the victim. Basing on the research on bystander effect, the people failed to help because of

A. Diffusion of responsibility

B. Group shock

C. Fear of police

D. Negative attitude

59. Who among the following proposes confrontation, avoidance, and seeking social support as the ways people cope with anxiety?

A. Albert Bandura

B. Erik Erikson

C. Karen Homey

D. John B. Watson

60. In the peer rating method, the respondent

A. Rates each of the children in a classroom

B. Indicates the name of the child that fits a description

C. Indicates which child they prefer

D. Rates friends on intelligence and interest

61. The cat came window.

A. From

B. Through

C. By

D. At

62. Find the antonym of the underlined word in the following sentence: Oiled scalp impedes electrical signal during electroencephalogram recording.

A. Hampers

B. Hastens

C. Hinders

D. Thwarts

63. The Professor completed many projects as a chief investigator. It means that the Professor was the of many their projects

A. Principle Investigator

B. Principled Investigator

C. Principal Investigator

D. Principalled Investigator

64. Four alternatives are given for the idiom in italics in the following sentence. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the idiom.

She always gets keyed up about events.

A. Discouraged

B. Very excited or nervous

C. Encouraged

D. Fortified

65. Identify the correct spelling

A. Vylifi

B. Vilify

C. Vylify

D. Villify

66. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate word. We had a very good the party

A. In

B. At

C. On

D. With

67. Choose the most appropriate meaning for the following.

A feather in one's cap

A. Accumulating more money

B. Taking more burden on oneself

C. Being felicitated

D. Something achieved that constitutes a victory

68. Arrange the following parts in a sequential manner.

Medical practice,

in recent years
has changed so radically
you only get specialists in a variety of fields
that you can no longer find a good general practitioner





69. For each of the following 'active sentences' four alternative 'passive sentences' are given, of which only one is correct. Choose the correct sentence and mark accordingly:

Someone had locked the class-room.

A. The class-room is locked by someone

B. The class-room was being locked by someone

C. The class-room has been locked by someone

D. The class-room had been locked by someone

70. You can find robots practically anywhere you look.

A. Robots can be found practically anywhere you look

B. You can be found by a robot wherever you go

C. Robots are being found practically everywhere

D. Robots were to be found whenever one wanted

71. Choose the correct meaning for the word Impudent

A. Proud

B. Undignified

C. Dignified

D. Disrespectful

72. Choose the correct match from the options of tenses given below

i. Jenny doesn't spend much time on reading a. Present Simple Positive
ii. They aren't working at the moment. They're on a break. b. Present Simple Negative
iii. Ananya often watches TV after dinner c. Present Continuous Positive
iv.We're meeting Tarun at five o'clock. d. Present Continuous Negative





73. Choose the correct meaning for the following words highlighted in bold letters The cutting curved sharply, and in the darkness the black entrance to the tunnel loomed up menacingly.

A. Harmfully

B. Imminently

C. Dangerously

D. Threateningly

74. It is difficult to simulate certain real life situations in the role plays

A. Presume

B. Warn

C. Imitate

D. Take

75. Choose the antonym for the word highlighted in the following statement The dishevelled appearance of the two men on the street made· everyone take notice of them.

A. Composed

B. Tidy

C. Confident

D. Complacent


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