Exam Details
Subject | anatomy and physiology | |
Paper | paper 1 | |
Exam / Course | b.sc. respiratory therapy | |
Department | ||
Organization | Dr.M.G.R. Medical University | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | August, 2017 | |
City, State | tamil nadu, chennai |
Question Paper
AUGUST 2017 Sub. Code: 2601
Q.P. Code: 802601
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer all questions
I. Elaborate on: x 10 30)
1. Describe the internal features of the right atrium with a suitable diagram
and add a note on the blood supply to the heart.
2. Write an essay on the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
3. Describe diaphragm under the following headings:
Attachments Openings and structures passing through it
Nerve supply Actions Applied anatomy
II. Write notes on: x 5 40)
1. Chemical regulation of respiration.
2. What do you mean by work of breathing, airway resistance and compliance?
3. Describe the conducting system of the heart.
4. Describe the baroreceptors.
5. Describe the trachea.
6. Describe the fetal circulation.
7. Describe the right lung.
8. Describe the pleura.
III. Short answers on: (10 x 3 30)
1. Define tidal volume. Give its normal value.
2. Name the muscles of inspiration and expiration.
3. Dead space.
4. List the factors affecting blood pressure.
5. Name the pacemaker of the heart. Why is it called the pacemaker of the heart?
6. Name the veins draining the heart.
7. Nerve supply to larynx.
8. Structures seen in nasopharynx.
9. Pulmonary circulation.
10. Pericardium.
Q.P. Code: 802601
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer all questions
I. Elaborate on: x 10 30)
1. Describe the internal features of the right atrium with a suitable diagram
and add a note on the blood supply to the heart.
2. Write an essay on the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
3. Describe diaphragm under the following headings:
Attachments Openings and structures passing through it
Nerve supply Actions Applied anatomy
II. Write notes on: x 5 40)
1. Chemical regulation of respiration.
2. What do you mean by work of breathing, airway resistance and compliance?
3. Describe the conducting system of the heart.
4. Describe the baroreceptors.
5. Describe the trachea.
6. Describe the fetal circulation.
7. Describe the right lung.
8. Describe the pleura.
III. Short answers on: (10 x 3 30)
1. Define tidal volume. Give its normal value.
2. Name the muscles of inspiration and expiration.
3. Dead space.
4. List the factors affecting blood pressure.
5. Name the pacemaker of the heart. Why is it called the pacemaker of the heart?
6. Name the veins draining the heart.
7. Nerve supply to larynx.
8. Structures seen in nasopharynx.
9. Pulmonary circulation.
10. Pericardium.
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