Exam Details

Subject earth & space sciences
Exam / Course ph d
Organization central university
Exam Date 23, February, 2013
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

Code No: 0-96 Hall Ticket No:
University of Hyderahad
Ph. D in Earth Space Sciences

Date/Day: 23.02.2013, Saturday Time: 2.00-4.00 PM Marks: 75
Instructions for the candidates:
All questions carry equal marks.

Write your Hall Ticket Number on the OMR Answer Sheet and in the space provided on the question paper.

The question paper consists of Objective Type questions of one mark each. For each question, there are four answers and the answers are to be indicated with capital letters of alphabets viz., C and D.

The question paper consists of Part and Part

Answers are to be marked on the OMR answer sheet following the instructions provided there upon.

Hand over -.f the OMR answer sheet at the end of the examination.

No additional sheets will be provided. Rough work can be done in the space provided at the end of the booklet.

Non-programmable calculators are allowed.

1. In a wire, when elongation is 2 em energy stored is E. if it is stretched by 10 em, then the energy stored will be
E 2E 4E 25E
2. Two steel wires of the same radius have their lengths in the ratio of 1:2. If they are stretched by the same force, then the strains produced in the two wires will be in the ratio of
1:2 2:1 1:1 1:4
3. For Hooke's law to hold good, the intermolecular distance must be as compared to the equilibrium distance

Much more Zero Much less Approximately same

Is greater than just above it Is less than just above it

Is same as just above it Is always equal to atmospheric pressure.

4. Energy in a stretched wire is
Half of load' strain Half of stress' strain
Stress' strain Load' strain
5. Which of the following have highest elasticity?
Steel Copper Rubber Aluminium
6. A liquid does not wet the surface of a solid if the angle of contact is
Zero An acute one An obtuse one
7. The pressure just below the meniscus of water

8. The center of mass of the Earth's atmosphere is:
A. A little less than halfway between the Earth's surface and the outer boundary of the atmosphere
B. Near the surface of the Earth
C. Near the outer boundary of the atmosphere
O. Near the center of the Earth
9. Which sedimentary rock is most likely to be changed to slate during regional metamorphism? (A)Breccia Conglomerate Dolostone Shale
.10. Compared to dull and rough rock surfaces, shiny and smooth rock surfaces are most likely to cause sunlight to be

Reflected Refracted Scattered Absorbed 11·, The equatorial radius of the Earth is approximately

637 km km 63700 km 8671 km At which location would an observer find the greatest force due to the Earth's gravity?

North pole Equator London New York
13. Which statement provides the best evidence that the Earth has a nearly spherical shape?

The sun has a spherical shape (B)The altitude of Polaris(N. Star) changes with the observer's latitude in the Northern Hemisphere

Star trails photographed over a period of time show a circular path

The length of noontime shadows change throughout the year

The latitude of a point in the Northern Hemisphere may be determined by measuring the

apparent diameter of Polaris altitude of Polaris

distance to the Sun apparent diameter of the Sun

15. The true shape of the Earth is best described as a

perfect sphere perfect ellipse

slightly oblate sphere highly eccentric ellipse

16. The locus of a point, equidistant from the points and is
2x-y=0 2x+y=0
17. Domain of the real valued function is
Z R Does not exist
18. The cube root of is

The equation to the straight line through and perpendicular to x -axis is x=2

The equation of the circle with centre and radius 13 is always satisfied by the point

The discontinuity separating Earth's upper and lower crust is termed as

Moho (B)Guttenberg lehmann (D)Conrad

Which of the following is a Mars exploration rover?

Brightness (B)Curiosity (C)Eager (D)Discovery

The largest mass extinction on the Earth took place at the following geological boundary

Cretaceous-Tertiarty (B)Permo-Triassic
(C)Ordovician-Silurian (D)Jurrassic-Cretaceous

The tropical cyclones often follow the direction of movement from

South to North East to West West to East North to South

Which of the crystal systems has four crystallographic axes?

Monoclinic triclinic hexagonal tetragonal
26. Potential energy of a molecule on the surface of a liquid is as compare to another molecule inside of the liquid is
More Less Both and None of these
27. Rain drops are spherical because of

Gravitational force Surface tension

Air resistance Low viscosity of water

28. Surface tension of liquid is independent of the

Temperature of the liquid Area of the liquid surface

Nature of the liquid Impurities present in the liquid

29. Meniscus of mercury in capillary is
Concave Convex Plane Cylindrical
30. The period of simple pendulum is doubled when

Its length is doubled Its length is halved

The length is made four times Mass of the bob is doubled

31. If the length of a simple pendulum is doubled keeping its amplitude constant its energy will be
Unchanged Doubled Four times Halved
32. The unit of force constant is
Nm N/m N/kg Nkg
33. Moment of inertia depends on
Distribution of particles Mass Position of axis of rotation All of these 34. The dimensions of angular momentum are

35. The moment of inertia of a body does not depends upon

Angular velocity of a body Axis of rotation of the body

The mass of the body The distribution of the body

36. Moment of inertia depends upon the

Mass of the body Distribution of mass of the body

Position of axis of rotation All of these

37. If a gymnast, sitting on a rotating stool, with his arms outstretched, suddenly lowers his arms

The angular velocity decreases His moment of inertia decreases

The angular velocity remains constant The angular momentum increases

38. In a sonometer wire, the produced waves are

Longitudinal Transverse, stationary and unpolarised

Transverse, stationary and polarised Transverse, progressive and polarized

39. In a stationary wave, the strain is maximum at the

Nodes Antinodes

Between the node and the antinodes Between any two nodes and antinodes

40. Compared to Earth's crust, Earth's core is believed to be

less dense, cooler, and composed of more iron

less dense, hotter, and composed of less iron

more dense, hotter, and composed of more iron

more dense, cooler, and composed of less iron

41. Which of the following is NOT a type of plate boundary?
convergent boundary divergent boundary translational transform
The most voluminous portion of the Earth is known to geologists as (A)The crust The lithosphere The mantle The core

The lithosphere is that portion of the Earth where rocks behave as

Brittle solids Plastic solids Fluids Rock

Many divergent plate boundaries coincide with

transform faults explosive volcanic eruptions

the edges of the continents the Mid-Ocean Ridge

At transform plate boundaries

Two plates slip horizontally past each other

Two plates move in opposite directions toward each other

Two plates move in opposite directions away from each other

Two plates are subducted beneath each other

46. A typical rate of plate motion is
3 centimeters per year 1-18 centimeters per year
1 kilometer per year 1,000 kilometers per year
47. Earthquakes may be caused by
movement of tectonic plates motion along faults in Earth's crust
shifting of bedrock all of these

48. Plate tectonics is
an hypothesis a conjecture a theory the rawest of speculation
49. A subduction zone is most likely to be encountered

at a convergent plate boundary at a divergent plate boundary

at a transform plate boundary at a translational plate boundary

50. Petroleum is NOT a mineral because

It does not have a definite chemical composition

It does not have a crystalline structure

It is not a solid

All of these are reasons why petroleum is not a mineral

51. The silicon-oxygen tetrahedron is

The bUilding block of the silicate minerals

composed of 4 oxygen atoms surrounding 1 silicon atom

composed of the two most abundant elements on Earth

all of these

52. Which of the following is NOT considered a physical property of minerals?
hardness streak silicate structure luster
53. Select the statement about cleavage which is NOT correct

a plane along which crystals break easily

a plane that reflects light

it is well developed in all minerals

there may be more than one cleavage plane in some minerals

54. Atoms with either a positive or·negative charge are called
isotopes ions elements radioactive
For a given mineral, the physical property which displays the greatest variation is

color luster (ct hardness streak

Muscovite is

a double chain silicate a framework silicate

a sheet silicate a single chain silicate

In a syncline, all rock layers

dip toward the fold axis dip away from the fold axis

have vertical dips have horizontal dips

A fault is observed where the hanging wall is displaced upward relative to the footwall

This is a normal fault This is a reverse fault

This is a left-lateral strike-slip fault This is a right-lateral strike-slip fault

A fault that displays mostly vertical displacement is

a dip-slip fault a strike-slip fault a transform fault none of these

Strike-slip faults can also be

dip-slip faults transform faults anticlines synclines

Porosity is

the percentage of a rock's volume that is open space

the capacity of a rock to transmit fluid

the ability of a sediment to retard water

none of the above

Seasons on Earth occur because of:

Disproportionate distribution of land mass in northern and southern hemispheres Tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation­
Changes in the specific heat of water and land mass and the wind circulation that is a
consequence of the changes in the temperature
(t» Changes in the circulation of Green house gases.

63. An aquifer is

a body of saturated rock or sediment through which water can move easily

a body of rock that retards flow of ground water

a body of rock that is impermeable
a body of rock containing water

64. Which rock type below is likely to possess the highest porosity?
sandstone conglomerate siltsone shale
65. Which rock type below is likely to possess the highest permeability?
shale sandstone siltsone granite
66. The decline in the level of the water table around a pumping well is known as

the porosity parameter the permeability gradient

the cone of depression the sphere of influence

67. The maximum and minimum values of 16cosx+12sinx-9 are
11 and -29 -29 and 11 -11 and 29 29 and -11
68. If A and B then nB) is

69. The quadrant containing the point is
I II I and II None
70. Solution of the equation Mod(2x+3) 2 is
71. If the order of the matrix A is 2x3 and the order of the matrix B is 2x4 then the order of (ATB)T is
3 x 2 3 x 4 4 x 3 2 x 3
72. If A+B =225 then 2 1 2tanAtanB None of these
73. Limit x

x 00

4 1/4 0 00
74. If a polynomial is divided by the quotient is x 2+2x-1 and remainder is 3 then is
2x3+x2-8x+6 x3-2x2+8x-6 2x3-x2+8x-6 None
75. If the length of 3 sides of a triangle are 4 and 5 then area of triangle is
6 16 36 (0)256


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