Exam Details

Subject comparative literature
Exam / Course ph d
Organization central university
Exam Date 2011
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper


Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 75
I .
IRoll No..

The question paper (in 5 pages) consists ofhvo parts: Part A and Part B.

Part A is objective type and bas to be answered in tbe question paper itself. There is negalive marking in Ihi. pari. IIrrd (0.33) mark will be

deducted for each wrong answer.
No mark will be deducted for an unanswered bit.

Part B contains questions of a descriptive nature and has to be answered in tbe answer book provided by the University.

Part B is to he fastened to tbe answer book provided by the Universitj.

Rough work, if any, has to be done on the last page of the answer book.

All answers, except Part B III iranslation, have to be written in English.


IRoll No.:
Part-A (25
Cboose tb. most appropriate aDs....r ADd 'Dter tb. letter iD th. bracket.
J. Carefully study the argument and the inference en below. Argument: Anything that goes up definitely falls down. Helicopter goes up. Inference: So Ihe helicopter will definitely fall down
In your opinion, the inference drawn from the argument is
Valid B) Invalid
Doubtful D) Long drawn one
2. Which one ofthe following correct depiction or-'emotional intelligence"?
Ability to monitor onc's own and other's emotions
Discriminate between difTerenl emotions and labellhem appropriately
Enhancethe cognitive..pacityofthe individual Usc emotional information 10 guide thinking and behaviour
3. It is believed that our globe is warming progressively. This
eventually resull in
Increase in availability of usable land
Uniformity ofclimale atequalor aod poles
Fall in the sea level
Meltiog of polar ice

global warming will
4. Anant was born 2 years after his father's marriage. His mother is five years younger than
his father but 20 years older than Anant. At what age did his falher get married?
OS years B)33 years
C)23yenrs 2Syears

A teacher is the leader both de jure and de facto. SIIte is the aUlhority before the students and so it is hislber right to lead. While assuming leadership of the studeots, slbe would follow some important principles: Preparation and planning Creating right atmosphere io the class Providing opportunities All of the above

The Small Voice o/Hi5/ory is by a founding member ofSubaltem Studies.

Ramaohandra Guha Ranajit Guba Ramnathan Guha Rajarsi Guha
What do Salman Rushdie, Arundhati Roy, Kiran Dc5:li and Arovind Adiga have in common? Man Asian Literary Prize . Commonw""lth Writers' Prize Man Booker Intemational Prize Sahitya Akadcmi Award

"Sumang Lecla" is a perfonning art of Maharashtra Manipur Madhya Pradesh Meghaloya

Gende, Trouble is by Simone de Bcauvoir Vi;ginia Woolf Gerard Butler Judith Butler

The 2008 popular film Hello is based on Onr Night@lhe Call Centro: by( Chelan Bhag..t Anurag K'lshyap Javed Akhtar GUI/'1I

The third report to the American Cnmparative Literature Association is the Bemheimcr Report of 1993, and the second is t1" Grecne Report of 1975. The first report in 1965 is known as the Report. Levi Strauss Levin Lyotard Levin..

Write the full nam" of Thomas Love Penguin Parrot Peacock Python

13. While Satya Vrat Shastri won the Jnanapith award in 2006 for Sanskrit, the 5:lme year Ravindro Kelekar also won the award for Konkani Prokrit Kodava Pengo
14. in two lines, consisting of a four-word first line and a three-word second line, is
an important fonn of classical Tamil poetry. Turai Purom Akam Kural
Metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche arc figures of speech, or Topos Tropes Toroids Trivium

£Os Fleu,s de mal by Charles Baudelaire is associated with Symbolism Surrealism Imagism NlIturalism

James Scott's recent anarchist history ofUpland Southeast Asia is 17Ie Politics ofBeing Governed 17Jc Art afNot Being Govemcd 17Ie Art ofBeing Governed 17Jc Politics ofNot Being Govemcd

18. Death ofa Discipline liy Gayalri Spivak introduces Globalization Localization Planetarity G-Iocality

19. Anaodavanlhanaexpounded Dhvani Bhava Vakro....ti Bh....1i
%0. A Hislory ofIndian Lilerature, 1800-1910; Weslem ImI'Dcl: Indian Response is by

A)AmiyaDev U.R. An3J1thamurthy
Sisir Kumar Dos K. Satehid.n3J1d3J1

21. G.V. Dcsani's 1948 cl:l.Ssic novel which is ·'n ponrnit (If a man, the common vulgar found everywhere, both in the and in the West" is
Allihe World's a Siage All the King's Men Allfor NOlhing All About H. Hallerr
n. A Short Hislory ofNearly EvcT)1hing is a popular science book by Bill Bryson King Stephen Hawking Billy BlOwn
%3. Whieh, among the following, a Sahitya Akadcmi publication? Indian Lilerature Thapasam Samakalccn Bharaliya Sohitya Samskrila Prolibha
%4. The popular film Khelein Hum Jee Joan Scy is based on Do and Die by Me,ini Chatterjee onthe of1930. Chauri Chaura Incident Sepoy Mutiny Chittagong Uprising M.ppila Uprising
%S. India Wins Freedom is by Maula.. Abul Kalam Azad A.P.I. Abdul K.larn Maul3J1a Mohammad Ali M.ulan. Abdul Qavi
Part-B (SO Marks)
L Write shon notes on any lID! of the following: (7.5,2 -15 Marks)
A pertbnning art in your locality
Realism, Sunealism and Magical Realism
Introduce your f.vourite writer

Comment on a media/sports pcrsonalit} of)'our choice
Internet lives and/or communities
Mother tongues a.nd anificinllanglUlgcs

n. Write an essay on ortbe following: (20 Marks)
Problems for Comparative Litcmturc in Contemporary India Crilic:tl Analysis of a Genre in a Regional 'Vcmaculm' Literature
An .nd Ideology in the Conte,t of Emerging Trends
The Boon and Bane ofColoni.1 Legacy

lIL Translate Ihe following passage into any language olher than English: (Note: Mcnlion the language) (15 Marks)
A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in tum,
orbits.round the center ofa vastcollection ofstars called ourgalaxy.

At the end of the lectore, a little old lady al the b.ck of the room gol up .nd said: "What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really • flat pl.tc supponcd on Ihe b.ck of •
giant tortoise." The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, is the tortoise standing "You're very clever, younS man, very clever," said the old lady. "But it's
lunles all the way down!"
Most people would find the picture of our universe as an infinite low.-r oftortoiscs rather
ridiculous, but why do we think we know beller? What do we know aboul the universe, and how do we know it? Where did the universe come from, and where is il going? Did the universe have a beginning, and if so, what happened before then? Whal is the nature oftime? Will it ever come to an end?
Recent breakthroughs in physics, made possible in pan by fantaslic new technologies, suggest answers to some of these longstanding questions. Somed.y these answers may seem asobvious as a tower oftonoises. Onlytime (wh.teverthaI may be) will tell.


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