Exam Details

Subject theatre arts
Exam / Course ph d
Organization central university
Exam Date 01, June, 2010
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

1. Abhinavagupta's commentary ofNatyaSastra is named

2. Grotowsky's book Towards a Poor Theatre is edited by this associate who later founded Odin Theatret

3. Neelakantha Natya Samgha is based at village in Kamataka.

4. Badal Sircar's theatre group with which he conducted experiments in Third Theatre is

5. Theatre archive Natya Shodh Sansthan is located in the city of

6. Manipuri commercial theatre form of traveling theatre where young men play the female roles is called

7. Habib Tanvir's play based on the life and poetry of Nazir Akbarabadi is

8. Neel Darpan, the Bengali play banned by the British was written by

9. Viola Spolin, the American acting trainer, is known for her book

10. Udhwastha Dharmashala is written by the Marathi playwright and scholar

11. Anthropology ofTheatre Performance is written by the pioneer in the field

12. The American journal that revolutionized theatre studies with inspiration from the experiments of 1960s and 70s

The first modem plays in Bengali were performed under a Russian Director named

14. The German director, who formulated and practiced the idea of Epic Theatre, with whom Bertold Brecht collaborated

15. Polyglot(multilingual) group based in France, Theatre du Solei! is run by the director named

16. Which play is written by Wazid Ali Shah and is considered the first play written in Hindi language

Amrit Manthan

Sagara Manthan

Mashriki Hoor

Indra Sabha

17. Who wrote the Kannada playSiri Sampige, translated in Hindi as Aks Tamasha?

H.S. Shivaprakash


Girish kamad

Chandrashekhara Kambar 2

18. According to Natyasastra, the people of the western parts (Panchala) ofIndia mostly prefer

Arabhati Vritti

Sattwati Vritti

Kaisiki Vritti

Bharati Vritti

19. Kavalam Narayana Panikkar runs theatre company.



New Theatre

Chorus Repertory Company

20. Landmark production Jasma Odhan (1968) was written and directed by

Vijaya Mehta

Shanta Gandhi

Amal Allana

Usha Banerjee

21. For the original production of Ghasiram Kotwal by Theatre Academy, Pune, music was composed by

RV. Karanth

Vijay Tendulkar

Vanraj Bhatia

Bhaskar Chandawarkar

22. Which of the following plays was written by Harold Pinter?

One for the road

The Lesson

Zoo Story

Unbearable Lightness of Being

23. Bread and Puppet Theatre is founded and run by

24. Recent production by Tim Supple using exotic elements including actors from South Asia Ans.[

Augusto Boal

Peter Schuman

Joseph Chaikin

Eugeneo Barba

25. Spanish playwright who wrote Yerma, Blood Wedding and House of Bernarda Alba among others

Pablo Neruda

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Federico Garcia Lorca

Carlos Saura

26. Does theatre change society or is it the other way round?

27. Identity politics in the theatre of Post-modem society

28. Difference between concepts of Stage Design and Scenography

29. Kaaryavasthas according to Natya Sastra

30.Potential ofPractice as Research inPerformance (PARIP) in Indian Context.

31. Theatre of Roots and issues ofIndian Nationalism.

32. Discuss whether colonial idea of modernity still exists in Indian theatre.

33. Discuss the structural similarities between ritual and performance

34. Intercultural theatre practice in the context of Orientalism.

35. Discuss whether the playwright is being redefined in contemporary Indian theatre

36. Write a note on the topic or area that you want to study for your research programme.

(This does not foreclose the options for your research topic. You may finalize the actual topic after admission, in consultation with your supervisor.)


  • acrhem
  • animal sciences
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  • dalit adivasi studies & translation
  • dance
  • earth & space sciences
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  • english
  • folk culture studies
  • gandhian economic thought
  • gender studies
  • hindi
  • history
  • human rights
  • indian diaspora
  • language endangerment studies
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  • regional studies
  • sanskrit
  • science technology & society studies
  • social exclusion & inclusion policy
  • sociology
  • statistics
  • telugu
  • theatre arts
  • translation studies
  • urdu