Exam Details
Subject | comparative literature | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.phil | |
Department | ||
Organization | central university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | 2011 | |
City, State | telangana, hyderabad |
Question Paper
Time: 2 Hoon MaL Marks: 7S
IRoll No.
I. Tbe qoestioo paper (10 S pages) coo,l,1s of Iwo parts: Part A aod Part B.
2. Part A is of objective type aod bas 10 be aoswered io Ibe questioo paper
Tbere is oegati"e markiog 10 this part. Y.-rd (0.33) will be dedueted
for eacb wrong answer.
No mark will be deducted for ao ooaoswered bit.
Part B cootal.. qoestio.. of a descriptive nalure aod bas 10 be aaswered io tbe aaswer book provided by tbe Uolvenity.
Part B of tbe questloo paper is to be fasteoed to tbe aoswer book.
S. Rougb work, If aoy, bas to be dooe 00 tbe last page of tbe aaswer hook.
6. All aoswen, escept Part B III traoslatioo, bave to be 10 Eoglisb.
IRoll No.
Part-A (25 Marks)
Cboose tbe most approprlale aoswer aDd eDter tbe letter in tbe braeket.
1. Which language is written in fiye scripts?
Hindi Urdu Konkani Telugu
. "Decolonising the Mind" is an essay by Oayatri Chakr:1varti Spiv.k EdWllrd S.id James Ngugi Chinu. Achebe
The film Lagoon con be read within Ihe framework of D.lit Polilics Post-Coloni.1 Theory Film Siudies Allihe .bovc
4.Which ofthefollowingisnol""cordedthestatus nf'c1assicallangu.ge'? Kann.d. Tamil Telugu B.ngl.
S. Kamila Shamsie is a writer of origin
Bangladeshi Indian
Pakistani Afghan
6. Who coined the phrase 'objective correlative' which is often used in Fonnalist Criticism?
T. S. Eliol C.S. Lewis
Virginia Woolf Matthew Arnold
'DifTerance' is a tenn introduced by Jacques Lacon Claude Levi-Slrauss Jacques Derrida Sigmund Freud
Homi Bhabha's lerm be de..ribed as a stralegic engaging with colonial
discourse Location Signified C)Memory Mimicry
By we mean: The artistic genius of the writer A specific form or kind of literary praclice The attilude ofthe speaker in the literary lexl The originality ofa Iilerary text
10. ThetitleofGilbertandGubar'scriticalmasterpiece The Madwoman in tire Attic
is derived from which Victorian novel? Wuthering Heights Jmre Eyre Shirley Dtro'id Copperfield
It. Gabriel Garcia Marquez is customarily associated with Surrealism E:"l"cssionism Magical Realism Naturalism
11. The RDmaJden is an epic poem of what people? Vietnamese Thai Malay Bunnese
13. A critic argues that in John Milton's Samson AgonisI('$. the shearing ofSamson's
locks is symbolic ofhis =lmtion allhe hands ufDelil:1h. What kind ofcritical approach is the critic using? Fonnalist PS) chological q Mimetie Historical
This Feminist critic proposed that all female charnctcrs in literature arc in at least one of the following sbgcs ofdevelopment feminine, feminist, or fmt.:Jlc suge
M:uy Wollstonecraft Elaine Showaller
Virginia Woolf Gennaine Greer
I The Dalit Panther movement was inspired by B.R. Ambcdkar M.K. Gandhi Laxman Naik Black Panther Movement
I C. 24,OOO-line poem Savitri is by Manomohan Ghosh Rabindranath Tagorc Sri Aurobindo DJ Sarojini Naidu
The Bansaladeshi wriler condemned by a fatwa is Salman Rushdie Taslima Nasrcen HanifKurcishi Ayatollah Khomeini
Vishal Bhardwaj's film Omkora is inspired by which Shakespcan:llll play?
Othello King Lear Macbeth Tweljlh Night
19. Poisoned Bread presents translations ofDalit writing from which language?
Gujarati Marathi C)Kannada Telugu
20. Which among the following movies is NOT an adaptation from a work offiction?
Bride and Prejudice Sense and Sensibility My Fair Lady Iron-Jawed Angels
11. Great Soul: Mahatma G",uihi and His Struggle with India, the book that eteated
a controversy recently is by
Joseph Lelyveld James Laine
Nathunun Godse L. K. Adv.ni
The novel Kocharethi gives on 'ccount of Adivasi stroggles in Kerola Adi...i stroggles in Ori... SonthaJ stroggles Trib.ls ofGujorot
Who <.omposed the famous song "Sate Jabon Sc Achh. Hindusthon H.moro"
Jaidev Gh.lib Bonkim Chandro Chaucrjee OJ Allama Iqb.1
is considetcd " Ir.lnsl.tcd norrotivc ofon abslr.lctliving culture. socialanlhropology sociology ethnogrophy onthropology
25. Tr.mslation Studies is an inlcrdjscipJinc containing clements of social science and
the . dcoling with the sy<tcm.tic study orthe theory, the dcscription
and the application oftranslation. interpreting or both these 3ctivitics. Humonities Fine Arts Anthropology Performing Arts
Part-B (SO Marks)
L Writeshortnotesonany!l!.!! ofthefollowing: (10x2-20Marks)
I. Dalit Feminism
Pulp Fiction
Cinema and Society
Sports, Culture and Mcdi.
Democracy and Adult Literacy
IL Write an essay on orthe follo\ ing: (lslIfarks)
J. "Everywhere there is connection. cerywhere there IS illustr.ltion." Discuss the statement in relation to Comparative Literature tiS a discipline.
L3nguages, Literatures, and Identifies.
Poetry in the'Age oflhe Novel".
The Art ofthe Short Story.
IlL Translate the following passage into any language other than English: (Note: Mention the n.me ofthe language) (IS Marks)
He followed the curves oflhc winding, irregular streets lined on each side with shops. covered with canvas, orjute awnings and topped by projecting domed balconies. He
became deeply engrossed in the things that were displayed for sale, and in the varinus
people who thronged around them. His first senS:J.tion Cflhc bazaar was its smell, a pleasant nroma oozing from so many unpleasant things, drnins, grains. fresh and decaying vegetables, spices, men and women, and asafoetida. Ollie" it was the
kaleidoscope ofcolours, the red, the orange, the purple ofthe fruit in the tiers of
baskets which were nrmngcd around the Peshawari fruit seller, dressed in a blue silk
turban, • scarlet, velvet waistcoat, embroidered with gold, • long white tunic and trousers; the gory red ofhe multon hanging beside the butcher who was himself busy mincing meat on a log orwood, while his nssistants roasted it on skewers over a charcoal fire, or fried it in the black iron pan; the pale -blond colour ofthe wheat shop; and the rainbow hues ofthe sweet-meat stall, not to speak ofthe various shades ofturbans and skirts, from the deep black ofthe widows to the green, the pink, the mauve, the fawn ofthe newly wedded brides, and all the tints ofthe shilling, changing crowd, from the 8rahmin's white to the grass cutter's coffee and the Pathan's swarthy brown.
Time: 2 Hoon MaL Marks: 7S
IRoll No.
I. Tbe qoestioo paper (10 S pages) coo,l,1s of Iwo parts: Part A aod Part B.
2. Part A is of objective type aod bas 10 be aoswered io Ibe questioo paper
Tbere is oegati"e markiog 10 this part. Y.-rd (0.33) will be dedueted
for eacb wrong answer.
No mark will be deducted for ao ooaoswered bit.
Part B cootal.. qoestio.. of a descriptive nalure aod bas 10 be aaswered io tbe aaswer book provided by tbe Uolvenity.
Part B of tbe questloo paper is to be fasteoed to tbe aoswer book.
S. Rougb work, If aoy, bas to be dooe 00 tbe last page of tbe aaswer hook.
6. All aoswen, escept Part B III traoslatioo, bave to be 10 Eoglisb.
IRoll No.
Part-A (25 Marks)
Cboose tbe most approprlale aoswer aDd eDter tbe letter in tbe braeket.
1. Which language is written in fiye scripts?
Hindi Urdu Konkani Telugu
. "Decolonising the Mind" is an essay by Oayatri Chakr:1varti Spiv.k EdWllrd S.id James Ngugi Chinu. Achebe
The film Lagoon con be read within Ihe framework of D.lit Polilics Post-Coloni.1 Theory Film Siudies Allihe .bovc
4.Which ofthefollowingisnol""cordedthestatus nf'c1assicallangu.ge'? Kann.d. Tamil Telugu B.ngl.
S. Kamila Shamsie is a writer of origin
Bangladeshi Indian
Pakistani Afghan
6. Who coined the phrase 'objective correlative' which is often used in Fonnalist Criticism?
T. S. Eliol C.S. Lewis
Virginia Woolf Matthew Arnold
'DifTerance' is a tenn introduced by Jacques Lacon Claude Levi-Slrauss Jacques Derrida Sigmund Freud
Homi Bhabha's lerm be de..ribed as a stralegic engaging with colonial
discourse Location Signified C)Memory Mimicry
By we mean: The artistic genius of the writer A specific form or kind of literary praclice The attilude ofthe speaker in the literary lexl The originality ofa Iilerary text
10. ThetitleofGilbertandGubar'scriticalmasterpiece The Madwoman in tire Attic
is derived from which Victorian novel? Wuthering Heights Jmre Eyre Shirley Dtro'id Copperfield
It. Gabriel Garcia Marquez is customarily associated with Surrealism E:"l"cssionism Magical Realism Naturalism
11. The RDmaJden is an epic poem of what people? Vietnamese Thai Malay Bunnese
13. A critic argues that in John Milton's Samson AgonisI('$. the shearing ofSamson's
locks is symbolic ofhis =lmtion allhe hands ufDelil:1h. What kind ofcritical approach is the critic using? Fonnalist PS) chological q Mimetie Historical
This Feminist critic proposed that all female charnctcrs in literature arc in at least one of the following sbgcs ofdevelopment feminine, feminist, or fmt.:Jlc suge
M:uy Wollstonecraft Elaine Showaller
Virginia Woolf Gennaine Greer
I The Dalit Panther movement was inspired by B.R. Ambcdkar M.K. Gandhi Laxman Naik Black Panther Movement
I C. 24,OOO-line poem Savitri is by Manomohan Ghosh Rabindranath Tagorc Sri Aurobindo DJ Sarojini Naidu
The Bansaladeshi wriler condemned by a fatwa is Salman Rushdie Taslima Nasrcen HanifKurcishi Ayatollah Khomeini
Vishal Bhardwaj's film Omkora is inspired by which Shakespcan:llll play?
Othello King Lear Macbeth Tweljlh Night
19. Poisoned Bread presents translations ofDalit writing from which language?
Gujarati Marathi C)Kannada Telugu
20. Which among the following movies is NOT an adaptation from a work offiction?
Bride and Prejudice Sense and Sensibility My Fair Lady Iron-Jawed Angels
11. Great Soul: Mahatma G",uihi and His Struggle with India, the book that eteated
a controversy recently is by
Joseph Lelyveld James Laine
Nathunun Godse L. K. Adv.ni
The novel Kocharethi gives on 'ccount of Adivasi stroggles in Kerola Adi...i stroggles in Ori... SonthaJ stroggles Trib.ls ofGujorot
Who <.omposed the famous song "Sate Jabon Sc Achh. Hindusthon H.moro"
Jaidev Gh.lib Bonkim Chandro Chaucrjee OJ Allama Iqb.1
is considetcd " Ir.lnsl.tcd norrotivc ofon abslr.lctliving culture. socialanlhropology sociology ethnogrophy onthropology
25. Tr.mslation Studies is an inlcrdjscipJinc containing clements of social science and
the . dcoling with the sy<tcm.tic study orthe theory, the dcscription
and the application oftranslation. interpreting or both these 3ctivitics. Humonities Fine Arts Anthropology Performing Arts
Part-B (SO Marks)
L Writeshortnotesonany!l!.!! ofthefollowing: (10x2-20Marks)
I. Dalit Feminism
Pulp Fiction
Cinema and Society
Sports, Culture and Mcdi.
Democracy and Adult Literacy
IL Write an essay on orthe follo\ ing: (lslIfarks)
J. "Everywhere there is connection. cerywhere there IS illustr.ltion." Discuss the statement in relation to Comparative Literature tiS a discipline.
L3nguages, Literatures, and Identifies.
Poetry in the'Age oflhe Novel".
The Art ofthe Short Story.
IlL Translate the following passage into any language other than English: (Note: Mention the n.me ofthe language) (IS Marks)
He followed the curves oflhc winding, irregular streets lined on each side with shops. covered with canvas, orjute awnings and topped by projecting domed balconies. He
became deeply engrossed in the things that were displayed for sale, and in the varinus
people who thronged around them. His first senS:J.tion Cflhc bazaar was its smell, a pleasant nroma oozing from so many unpleasant things, drnins, grains. fresh and decaying vegetables, spices, men and women, and asafoetida. Ollie" it was the
kaleidoscope ofcolours, the red, the orange, the purple ofthe fruit in the tiers of
baskets which were nrmngcd around the Peshawari fruit seller, dressed in a blue silk
turban, • scarlet, velvet waistcoat, embroidered with gold, • long white tunic and trousers; the gory red ofhe multon hanging beside the butcher who was himself busy mincing meat on a log orwood, while his nssistants roasted it on skewers over a charcoal fire, or fried it in the black iron pan; the pale -blond colour ofthe wheat shop; and the rainbow hues ofthe sweet-meat stall, not to speak ofthe various shades ofturbans and skirts, from the deep black ofthe widows to the green, the pink, the mauve, the fawn ofthe newly wedded brides, and all the tints ofthe shilling, changing crowd, from the 8rahmin's white to the grass cutter's coffee and the Pathan's swarthy brown.
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