Exam Details
Subject | history and ethics of social work profession | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.s.w. | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | April, 2018 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
M.S.W. (Semester (CBCS) Examination Mar/Apr-2018
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose write correct alternative from given alternatives. 14
The Central Social Welfare Board was constituted in
1951 1953
1954 1947
In India the forms of the charity were
Artha Vidya
Abhaya All of these
In British Period the Social Reformers fought for
Equality of rights Untouchability
Against child marriage All of these
In British Period Justice Ranade set up Widow Remarriage Association in
1870 1857
1891 1861
The sectarian or church organization based on
Caste Creed Funds
Religion ideology Politics
The Voluntary Organisations are registered under
The Societies Registration Act
Registration under companies Act
Registration under co-operative Act
None of these
are the social work methods.
Social Defence Case Work
Aged Welfare Social Services
Charity Organization Society in USA established in
1857 1861
1877 1872
is the scope or fields of social work.
Handicapped welfare Social Action
Social Research Public Administration
10) The aims of professional education in social work are
Conceptual understanding Skills in method procedure
Perceptual understanding All of these
11) 'The Human Right is a rights' which is in nature.
Community Universal
Country Religion
Page 2 of 2
12) In India the Exploitation is prevented by acts such as Protection of Civil
Rights Act passed in
1978 1989
1950 1955
13) In India, The Protection of Human Rights Act passed in
2013 1991
1993 2001
14) Strategic for achieving social development objective includes
Minimum needs prog. Growth with equality
Both of the above Neither of the above
Q.2 Write short answer: (Any 14
Write various Social Welfare Services.
Write various fields of social work.
Define Professional Social Work.
Ecological Social work.
Concept of Ethics.
Define Social Services.
What is Charity?
Define social reform movement.
Social Situational problems.
Objectives of Human Rights.
Q.3 Write short notes: (Any 14
Women Welfare
Child Welfare
Social Action
Charity Philianthropy
Q.4 Write broad question: (Any One) 14
Focused on the Human Rights.
Beginning development of social work education in abroad.
Q.5 Write the answer:-
Define the Social Work, its objectives, Principles functions of Social Work.
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 Choose write correct alternative from given alternatives. 14
The Central Social Welfare Board was constituted in
1951 1953
1954 1947
In India the forms of the charity were
Artha Vidya
Abhaya All of these
In British Period the Social Reformers fought for
Equality of rights Untouchability
Against child marriage All of these
In British Period Justice Ranade set up Widow Remarriage Association in
1870 1857
1891 1861
The sectarian or church organization based on
Caste Creed Funds
Religion ideology Politics
The Voluntary Organisations are registered under
The Societies Registration Act
Registration under companies Act
Registration under co-operative Act
None of these
are the social work methods.
Social Defence Case Work
Aged Welfare Social Services
Charity Organization Society in USA established in
1857 1861
1877 1872
is the scope or fields of social work.
Handicapped welfare Social Action
Social Research Public Administration
10) The aims of professional education in social work are
Conceptual understanding Skills in method procedure
Perceptual understanding All of these
11) 'The Human Right is a rights' which is in nature.
Community Universal
Country Religion
Page 2 of 2
12) In India the Exploitation is prevented by acts such as Protection of Civil
Rights Act passed in
1978 1989
1950 1955
13) In India, The Protection of Human Rights Act passed in
2013 1991
1993 2001
14) Strategic for achieving social development objective includes
Minimum needs prog. Growth with equality
Both of the above Neither of the above
Q.2 Write short answer: (Any 14
Write various Social Welfare Services.
Write various fields of social work.
Define Professional Social Work.
Ecological Social work.
Concept of Ethics.
Define Social Services.
What is Charity?
Define social reform movement.
Social Situational problems.
Objectives of Human Rights.
Q.3 Write short notes: (Any 14
Women Welfare
Child Welfare
Social Action
Charity Philianthropy
Q.4 Write broad question: (Any One) 14
Focused on the Human Rights.
Beginning development of social work education in abroad.
Q.5 Write the answer:-
Define the Social Work, its objectives, Principles functions of Social Work.
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