Exam Details

Subject applied linguistics
Exam / Course m.phil
Organization central university
Exam Date February, 2013
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

1. Constructional approaches to grammar argue that there are generalizations about thematic roles that are not associated with particular lexical items but with configurations.
A. semantic B. structural C. grammatical D. hierarchical
2. In ergative case systems, the case which is used to mark the subject of an intransitive verb and the direct object of a transitive verb is:
A. Nominative B. Dative C. Absolutive D. Accusative
3. Words formed by taking the initial letters of a string of words and combining them are called:
A. Clips B. Blends C. Acronyms D. Synonyms
4. Identify which of the following is not one of the factors involved in the loss of language diversity.
A. Intergenerationallanguage transmission B. Percentage of speakers
C. Domains and functions of use D. Socio-political influence
5. Nominalization constructions are often distinguished in terms of-the following types:
A. participant vs. event. B. lexical vs. clausal.
C. embedded vs. non-embedded. D. Morphological vs. Syntactic.
6. Analysis of words in terms oftheir semantic features is called
A. matrix analysis B. componential analysis.
C. semantic analysis. D. word analysis.
7. is a discipline that has resulted with the interaction of Psychology, Linguistics, Artificial Intelligence and Psycholinguistics.
A. Neuro-science B. Psychiatry
C. Natural language processing D. Cognitive science
8. Social Network Theory was proposed by
A. Milroy Milroy B. Fishman
C. Bernstein D. Fasold Fishman

9. Verbal behaviour is a concept given by
A. B. L. Whorf B. B. P. Skinner
C. S. Pinker D. 1. Pavlov
10. Course in General Linguistics (Cours de Linguistique Generale) is
A. a book which is written by Ferdinand de Saussure.
B. a book which is not written by Ferdinand de Saussure.
C. a course in French linguistics.
D. a course which deals with general linguistics.
11. Language, Thought and Reality isabookby
A. R. Jakobson. B. C.P. Hockett. C. B.L. Whorf. D. L. Wittgenstein.
12. Women, Fire and Dangerous Things is written by
A. G. Lakoff. B. P. Kirpasky. C. N. Chomsky 1. McCawley.
13. The Architecture o/the Language Faculty is written by
A. N. Chomsky. B. S. Pinker. C. R. lackendoff. D. B. Levin.
14. Identify the correct chronology of the following: Knowledge of Language; The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory; Lectures on Government and Binding; Some Concepts and Consequences of the Theory of Government and Binding.
A. B.
C. D.
15. The Comparitive Method of demonstrating genetic relatedness of languages was commonly used between the
A. 1820s and 1870s B. 1890s and 1900s
C. 1760s and 1800s D. 1760s and 1790s
16. Grierson's Linguistic Survey of India was conducted between
A. 1888 and 1910. B. 1898 and 1900.
C. 1894 and 1928. D. 1870 and 1894
17. The Kokborok language belongs to the language family.
A. Tibeto-Burman B. Austro-Asiatic
C. Dravidian D. Dardic

18. The statement in is not true
A. All Tibeto-Burman languages do not have tones.
B. All Dravidian languages are found only in South India.
C. In some Austro-Asiatic languages, verbs and adjectives are one and the same.
D. All Indo-Aryan languages are verb-final.
19. A language which can be used for describing itself or any other language is a
A. Metalanguage B. Metathesis
C. Paralanguage D. Metaphor
20. The distinction between the use of Hindi tum and aap IS an example of
A. Verbal deixis B. Social deixis
C. Spatial deixis D. Temporal deixis
21. Burgeoise is a marxist term used for
A. upper class B. lower class C. middle class D. working class
22. TDIL stands for:
A. Technology Development for Indian Languages
B. Technological Development of Indian Languages
C. Technical Development for Information Learning
D. Technical Division for Information Learning
23. Converting a text from one script to another script is known as
A. Translation B. Transliteration C. Transcreation D. Transformation
24. Findings of the sociolinguistic study conducted in Kupwar village in the Belgaum district of Karnataka reveals a case of
A. Bidirectional Convergence. B. Unidirectional Convergence.
C. Divergence. D. Multidirectional Convergence.
25. Involuntary domination of brain functions that the subject cannot perceive is called
A. Lateralization. B. Cerebral dominance. .
C. Localization. D. Structural asymmetry.

(Areas ofApplied Linguistics)

26. When individuals in a social network know the central members of the group but not each other, it is called network.
A. low density B. high density C. complex D. multiplex.
27. Social and physical settings in which speakers find themselves while using a language are
A. styles. B. varieties C. regional areas.
28. If two sounds are in complementary distribution then:
A. they never occur in the same word
B. they always occur in the same word
C. they occur in different phonetic environments
D. they occur in the same phonetic environment D. domains.
29. In the conventional designation of a particular geographically determined variety as a 'dialect' of a particular 'language', our definition of 'language' is still not based on
A. geopolitical criteria B. ethnic criteria
C. linguistic criteria D. cultural criteria
30. Which one ofthe following pairs is not correctly matched?
A. The study ofa language over a period of time is -diachronic
B. A surplus word building element which does not realize any morpheme-empty morph
C. The loss ofcontrast between two phonemes in a particular environment­neutralization
D. Phonetic features that playa vital role in the statement of phonological
rules-Prosodic features

31. is not a type of reading impairment.
A. Neglect Dyslexia B. Deep Dysgraphia
C. Deep Dyslexia D. Letter-by-Letter Reading

32. 'Grimm's law' is a set of rules that:
A. describe phonetic changes in the Germanic languages
B. describe semantic changes in the Germanic languages
C. describe phonetic changes from Greek to Latin
D. describe syntactic changes from Greek to Latin
33. The Wernicke's and Broca's areas in the brain are located in the:
A. Right hemisphere B. Left hemisphere
C. Occipital lobe D. Corpus callosum
34. 'The Martha's Vineyard Study' is the name often given to a study conducted by Labov that looked at:
A. how people pronounce final Irl
B. how people pronounce the diphthongs lail and laul
C. semantic change in North America during the 1930s
D. the use of Latinate expressions in British academic circles
35. Naming is severely impaired in the case of
A. Global Aphasia. B. Broca's Aphasia.
C. Anomie Aphasia. D. Wernicke's Aphasia.
36. Match the following and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
P. Bernstein i. Critical period hypothesis
Q. Selinker ii. Deficit Hypothesis
R. Berlin and Kay iii. Inter language
S. Lenneberg iv. Colour terms
A. P Q R S
B. P Q R S
C. P R S
D. R S
37. A Paradigm refers to a set of word forms derived from the same root but with different
A. derivational B. inflectional C. suffixes D. affixes

38. Theoretical knowledge of linguistics is essential in computational linguistics in order to facilitate:
A. Exact simulation B. Effective processing of languages
C. Effective communication D. Economy .
39. the process of assigning a unique part of speech to each word in a sentence.
A. Morph analysis B. Parsing
C. POS Tagging D. Word sense disambiguation
40. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of caretaker speech?
A. short utterances. B. grammatically complex utterances
C. simplified vocabulary D. exaggerated intonation
41. Google Translate is developed by using method.
A. Transfer Grammar B. Statistical
C. Hybrid D. Hidden Markov Model
42. Rhenish Fan in Germany represents:
A. Focal area B. Relic area
C. Dialect area D. Transitional area
43. Second language teaching that consisted of the study of grammatical rules, followed by translation from the second language into the first and back again is called
A. the Direct Method B. the Silent Way
C. the content-based instruction method D. the grammar-translation method
44. The possibilities of relativization as stipulated by the Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy are:
A. Subject object Indirect object other prepositional object
B. object subject Indirect object other prepositional object
C. indirect object object subject other prepositional object
D. Subject Indirect object object other prepositional object
45. Searle (1979) divided speech acts into
A. six categories B. three categories
C. four categories D. five categories

46. State which of the following statements is NOT true in the Binding theory:
A. An anaphor must be bound in its governing category.
B. A pronominal must be free in its governing category.
C. An R-expression must be free everywhere.
D. A reciprocal must be free in its governing category.
. 47. A word or phrase which is used to convey meaning or create an impression or strong effect on the listener is called
A. idiom B. part of speech C. figure of speech D. slang
48. If a language change is not adopted by the members of the social group enjoying highest status it becomes: . .
A. Assimilated B. Stigmatized
C. Accepted D. Nullified
49. The relationship between lexical items of a language in terms of their similaritiy, contrast and complementariness is indicated in a dictionary by
A. cross reference B. labeling C. collocation D. all three
50. The tendency in a bilingual or multilingual community to switch codes In conversation that would normally fall into another conversation domain results in:
A. Metaphorical code switching B. Situational code switching
C. Code mixing D. Language shift
(Areas of Core Linguistics)

51. Consonants which use two articulators are known as ..
A. Single articulations B. Double articulations
C. Bi-articulations D. Dipthongs
52. Which ofthe following can be said to form a geographical dialect continuum?
A. Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, French, Italian
B. Cockney, Gaelic, Welsh, Basque
C. Arabic, Chinese, Hausa, English
D. Ukranian, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
53. Where a particular phonetic difference does not give rise to a corresponding phonemic difference, we say that this phonetic difference is
A. Complemantary B. Distinctive C. Non-complementary D. Non-distinctive
54. Which term describes a variety that differs from a standard. form in terms of both pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar?
A. mesolect B. idiolect C. dialect D. acrolect
55. is the use of suprasegmental parameters to differentiate lexical items.
A. Word-stress B. Tone C. Sentence-stress D. Intonation·
56. A two year old child uses to name beans, bees, and any insect. Is this an example of: A.. over generalization B. under generalization
C. semantic specialization. D. onomatopoeia
57. All bound roots are stems but not all stems are roots. State whether this statement is
A. True B. False
C. Neither true nor false D. None ofthe above
58. Which of the following does NOT contain a bound morpheme?
A. cranberry B. antiseptic C. ant-eater D. drive-way
59. The word Blackbird consists of:
A. only one root. B. two roots.
C. one root, one stem. D. two stems.
60. Which of the following sentences illustrates the distinction between deep and surface structures?
A. crying children can be a problem
B. sailing boats can be dangerous
C. floating icebergs can be lethal
D. solving problems is very satisfying
61. Principle C of the Binding Theory deals with
A. Reflexives B. Pronominals
C. Anaphors D. None ofthe above

62. Grouped sets of lexemes that are mutually exclusive members of the same subordinate category are in a relationship of:
A. complementarity B. subordination
C. hyponymy" D. incompatibility
63. In the Principles and Parameters framework, the principle of structure dependence
A. is subject to parametric variation B. is subject to diachronic variation
C. is not subject to parametric variation D. is subject to synchronic variation
64. Which of the following is NOT one of Grice's conversational maxims?
A. The maxim of quality B. The maxim of quantity.
C. The maxim of relevance D. The maxim of need
65. Generalized quantifiers are used to model the denotations of
A. noun phrases B. verb phrases
C. relative clauses D. adverbial expressions
66. Most languages like English, Hindi and Telugu use only one of the following air stream mechanisms for producing speech sounds:
A. Pulmonic egressive airstream mechanism
B. Pulmonic ingressive airstream mechanism
C. Velaric airsteam mechanism
D. Glottalic airstream mechanism
67. In which of the following sentences does a pronoun function as bound variable?
A. every man hates it B. every man who sees the Taj admires it
C. some women hate it D. every man who owns a donkey beats it
68. Damage to which area of the brain produces reduced ability to speak but leaves comprehension relatively unimpaired?
A. the hippocampus B. the frontal lobes .
C. Broca's area D. Wernicke's area
69. The study of sense relation (relationships between signifieds) does not include:
A. Homonymy. B. Synonymy C. Polysemy D. Hyponymy

70. Labov's study ofIrl in words like CAR in New York showed that:
A. Irl was almost never pronounced
B. Irl was only pronounced by upper middle class speakers in casual speech
C. Irl was usually pronounced in careful speech
D. Irl was pronounced more by lower-class speakers
71. A sound change which is regular brings irregularity but anaI"ogy which is essentially irregular brings regularity is often known as
A. Sturtevant's paradox. B. Grandfather's paradox.
C. Barber's paradox. D. Observer's paradox.
72. Languages in which words are invariable and grammatical relationships are expressed by word order are called:
A. agglutinative. B. analytic C. synthetic D. incorporating
73. Greenberg's Universal 13 states that:
A. If a language has the category of gender, it always has the category of number.
B. Tfthe pronominal object follows the verb, so does the nominal object.
C. If the nominal object always precedes the verb, then the verb forms subordinate to the main verb also precede it.
D. If a language has inflection, it always has derivation.
74. A noun phrase which is [+Anaphor, -Pronominal] is alan:
A. Pronominal B. Anaphor. C. R-expression D. Trace
75. In linguistic typology, a "true universal" implies
A. a principle that holds generally as a matter ofhistorical accidents in attested languages.
B. a principle that explains about the genetic classification of languages
C. a principle that explains about the structure of the simple sentence and its constituents in languages of the world.
D. a principle that holds as a matter of biological necessity and belongs to UG.


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  • applied linguistics
  • centre for english language studies
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