Exam Details

Subject health fitness & life style management
Exam / Course pg diplomas
Organization central university
Exam Date 2011
City, State telangana, hyderabad

Question Paper

Unlvenlty of Hydenbad
POit Gnduate Diploma In Healtb Fitness and Lifestyle manacement
Entnnce euminatlon -1011

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I. Whit is the basic unit of the Nervous system?
A. Hypotho!omus B. Neuron C. Spino! cord D. Nerve
2. Whit is the fluid portion of the blood?
A. Hemoglobin B. Synovial Fluid C. Plasma D. Intracellular fluid
3. Identify the longest bone in the human body:
A. Femur B. Scopula C. Metacarpo! D. Clavicle
4. Identify the band ofcoMettive fibrous tissue thlt COMetls two bones It the joint and gives stability to the joint:
A. Tendon B. Ligament C. Synovio! membrane D. Bursa
5. Identify the muscle thlt belongs to upper portion of hand:
A. Quadriceps B. Soleus C. Biceps Bnohi D. Biceps Femoris

6. IdentifY the Pace makerofthehuman heart:
A. SA node B. AV node C. Purlcinje fibers D. Ventricle
7. The heart sounds (lub-dub) are produced bealuse oftbe following:
ofheartvalves B.Closing ofAorta C.Closing ofheartvalves D. Opening ofAorta

The term "Peristalsis" is associated to this system oftbe human body:

Excretory system B. Nervous system C. Endocrine system D. Digestive system

9. determine the Physical and chemical reactions oftluids in human body.
A. Proteins B. Lipids C. Electrolytes D. Cholesterols
10. How many deciduous (millc) teeth are seen in infants?
A.20 B.22 C.26 D.IS
IJ. Thirst centre is located in this part ofthe brain:

A. Cerebnun B. Hypothalamus C. Medulla D. Pons
12. Calcium balance in the body is controlled by this gland:
A. AdIenal siand B. Pituitary gland C. Parathyroid gland D. Salivary glands
13. Resistance form oftraining improves the following basic quality offitness:
A. Flexibility B. Strength C. Endumnce D. Agility
One pound ofbody fat is roughly equivalent to how many kilo calories? A.3500 B.4ooo C. 1000 D.500

IdentifY the important shoulder muscle in the human body:

A. Gastrocnemius B. Gluteus maximus C. Sartorius D. Deltoid
16. IdentifY the "Six Pack" muscle ofthe human body.
A. Rectus Femoris B. Quadriceps C. Rectus Abdominus D. Extemal Oblique
J7.ldentifY fat soluble vitamins:
IS. The yoga sage Pathanjali pioneered the following yoga:

A. Raja yoga B. Kundalini Yoga C. Ashlanga Yoga D. Divya Yoga
19. IdentifY the main metabolite that contributes for energy during the long distance running:
A. Fats B. Carbohydrates C. Proteins D. Minerals
20. Identify the stnK:tura1 ond functional unit ofkidney.
A. Urethra B. Minor calyx C. Papila D. Nephron
21. Identify the Stage I hypertension range for systolic aspect ofblood
A. 140-IS9 B. 120-129 C. 110-129 D. 160-169'
22. Study ofthe muscles:
A. Endocrinology B. Cardiology C. Mycology D. Myology
23. Excessive presence ofcirculating lipids in blood is a condition called:
A. Hypolipidcmia B. Hyperlipidemia C. Hypcrca1cacmia D. Hypcmatram.iL
24. To excel in long distance running, one needs the following fitness clement more:
A. Slmlgth B. Agility C. Endurance D. Power 2S. Which asana is recognized as king of Asanas in yoga?
A. Halasana B. Ba"asana C. Asbtavakrasana D. ShirshasanL SECTIONB
26. Which country has won the recently concluded Football World Cup?
A. Argentina B. Germany C. Brazil D. Spain.
27. Identify the biggest hip muscle of the human body:
A. Biceps B. Gluteus Maximus C. SternoMastoid D. Trapezius.
28. Hormone 'Cartisol' is produced by this endocrine gland.
A. Pituitary gland B. Adrenal gland C. Thyroid gland D. Pancreas
29. How many bones arc there in an adult human skeleton?
A.211 B.209 C.206 D.208
30. Which vitamin is importaot for absorption ofcalcium:
A. Vitamin K B. Vitamin B6 C. Vitamin D D. Vitamin E.
31. Aerobic dancing mainly improves this aspect of fitness:
A. Cardio respiratory endurance B. Strength endurance C. Flexibility D. Slmlgth
32. Modem Olympics was first conducted in this city:
A. Rome B. Olympia C. Paris D. Athens.
33. Which type ofexercise form is most beneficial to prevent Cardiovascular Diseases?
A. Weight training B. Distance running C. Pilatcs D. Sprinting.
34. Loss ofbody fluid may be termed as:
A. Hyperhydration B. Dehydration C. Hyperkalamia D. Rehydration.
35. How many curves are there in an adult human's spine?
A. Two B. One C. Four D. Six
36. Identify the disease that is a metabolic disorder due to physical inactivity:
A. Hypertension B. Atherosclerosis C. Diabetes D. Hypotension.
37. One calorie(c) is equivalent to how many joules?
A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7
38. What is the scientific name for the Vitamin BI?
A. Riboflavin B. Thiamin C. Nicotinic acid D. Ascorbic acid.
39. Identify the instrument used to measure the strength ofan individual:
A. Dynamometer B. Flex measure C. Spiro meter D. Goniometer.
40. Which hormone facilitates glucose transport into the cells?
A. Serotonin B. Thyroxin C. Glucason D. Insulin.
41. Identify the blood vessel that returns the blood to the heart:
A. Pulmonary vein B. Aorta C. Right Pulmonary artery D. Left pulmonary artery.
42. Which valve controls blood regulation between right atrium and right ventricle?
A. Pulmonary semilunar valve B. aortic semilunar valve C. Tricuspid valve D. Bicuspid valve.
43. Tendon is a part of this:
A. Bone B. Muscle C. Nerve D. Skin
44. Identify the name ofBlood circulation to the heart muscle:
A. Coronary circulation B. Renal circulation C. Hepatic circulation D. Pulmonary

45. The scientific name for the wind pipe oflungs:
A. Alveoli B. Pleura C. Trachea D. Epiglottis.
46. 'Butterfly stroke' is associated to this sport:
A. Running B. Squash C. Table tennis D. Swimming
47. Most of the human body joints work on this category oflever principle:
A. First class B. Second class C. Third class D. Fourth class.
48. What is the approximate distance in kilometers ofa "Marathon run"?
A. 41 km B. 45 Km C.39km D. 44 km.
49. Identify the important muscle for respiration a<:tivity:
A. Elevator Scapula B. Diaphragm C. Internal Oblique D. Serratus Anterior.
50. Loss ofsodium due to severe exercise leads to the following condition:
A. Muscle cramps B. Muscle strain C. Sprain D. Muscle spasm.
51. Identify the CWTCDt 100 meters sprint running record bolder:
A. Ben Johnson B. Tim Montgomery C. Usain Bolt D. Malcolm Twain.
52. Identify the measure to understand the lungs capacity ofan individual:
A. Tidal volume B. Inspiratory reserve C. Expiratory rcscrvc D. Vital capacity.
53. Which famous alhlctc is considered as Payyoli express?
A. Shiny Abraham B. PT Usha C. Srija Sridharan D. Valsamma
54. Identify the person/organization that defined health "as a state ofcomplete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity":
A. J.F. Williams B. World Health Organisation C. Alan Woods D. Tbomas Wood
55. St John Ambulance Service is associated to the following:
A. Filst aid B. Sports Medicine C. Mental Health D. Spiritual Health.
56. "World Health Day" is observed on this day:
A. 10" April B. August C. 7" April D. 10" August.
37. 'Scoliosis' is a deformity to this part ofskelcton:
A. Skull B. Lower extremity C. Uppcr extremity D. Spinal column
58. Which one of the following is an example for Polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates)?
A. Sucrose B. Lactose C. Starch D. Glucose.
59. Which mineral is abundant in the human body?
A. Phosphorus B. Calcium C. Sodium D. Potassium.
60. Which ofthe following vegetables is rich soun:c ofSodium?
A. Lady fingers B. Pumpkin C. Beans D.Carrot
61. 00 which date in 2011 the "World Run Day" will be celebrated?
A. 6" October B. 6" November C. 6" December D. 6" September.
Following two questions (62 and 63) are based on the basis offollowing information. Study it carefully and answer the questions.
Eight Executives and Q are sitting around a cin:ular table for a meeting. J is second to the right ofP who is third to the right ofK. M is second to the left of0 who sits between P and L is not a neighbor ofK or N.
62. Who is to the immediate left ofK?
A.N B.J C.Q 0.0
63. Who is third to the right ofP?
A.L B.J C. Q O. N
64. In a row of children facing north Manish is fourth to the left of Suresh who is tenth from the left end. Nisha is second to the right of Suresh and eighth from the right end of the row. Total how many children are there in the row?
A. 19 B.20 C.21 0.22
65. In a certain code ROPE is written as and RITE is written as How is PORT written in that code?
A. B. C. O.
66. If the digits of the number 5726489 are arranged in ascending order, how many digits will remain at the same position?
A. One B. None C. Three O. Two
67. Eritrea, which became 182"" member ofthe UN in 1993 is in the continent of:
A. Asia B. Africa C. North America O. South America
68. He is a mathematician and astronomer of century. His name is associated with India's seventh satellite. Who is he?
A. Bhaskara I B. Aaryabhatta C. Varahamihira O. Bhaskara II
69. Who invented the Ballpoint pen?
A. Bice brothers B. Waterman Brothers C. Biro brothers O. Write brothers.
70. What James Watt invented?
A. Diving bell B. Rotary steam engine C. Stearn Boat O. Hot air balloon.
71. Who is the author ofthe book 'Forbidden Verses'?
A. Salman Rusdie B. Abu Nuwas C. Taslima Nasreen O. OH Lawrence.
'Vande mataram' was first sung at the session ofthe Indian National Congress in: A.1892 B.I894 C.1896 0.1890

Who was the first Indian to reocb semi final in Wimbledon Tennis championships?

A. Ramesh Krishnan B. Vijay Amritraj C. Ramanathan Krishnan D. Leander Pacs
74. Who was the fim 001 captain for India?
A. Ajit Wadckar B. Bishen Singh Bcdi C. Vinoo Mankad D. Nawab Pataudi
75. Ordinary table salt is Sodium Chloride. Wbat is Baking soda?
A. Potassium Chloride B. Potassium Carbonate C. Potassium Hydroxide D. Sodium Bicarbonate.

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