Exam Details

Subject remote sensing and gis
Exam / Course m.sc. applied geology
Organization solapur university
Exam Date December, 2018
City, State maharashtra, solapur

Question Paper

M.Sc. (Semester IV) (CBCS) Examination Nov/Dec-2018
Applied Geology
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions carry equal marks.
Question 1 is compulsory.
Answer any two essay questions from 4.
Answer any two short notes questions from 7.
Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Q.1 Rewrite the sentences by choosing correct answer from given alternatives: 14
FCC stands for
Falles Colour Composite False Colour Composite
Few Colour Complex All of the above
in form vector data Generate.
Point Line
Polygon All of the above
Which of the following satellite series concerned India?
Land sat Spot
G.P.S. provides data of
Latitude Longitude
Height All of the above
Remote sensing system which use the naturally available energy are called as

Passive sensor Active sensors
Both a b None of the above
Ratio between map distance and ground distance
Map scale Projection
Resample Datum
The word RADAR is an acronym for
Radio Detection and Rays Reflection Detection and Range
Radio Device and Range Radio Detection and Ranging
DIP is known as
Digital Image Process Dot Image Process
Digital Image Product All of the above
Altitude of geostationary satellite is
20000 Km 36000 Km
900 Km 700 Km
10) DBMS stands for
Data building management system
Distribution building management system
Database management system
Distribution building manipulation system
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11) wavelength can penetrate clouds.
Optical Thermal
Microwave All the above
12) is the worlds first Commercial high resolution imaging satellite.
Orb View-2 Quick bird
13) is the computer system of capturing, storing, analyzing,
manipulating and display spatial and spatial data.
Remote sensing GPS
GIS Both a b
14) LISS-I is of spatial resolution
10 m 90
70 72.5 m
Q.2 Describe the components of GIS. 14
Q.3 Explain in detail Electromagnetic Radiation. 14
Q.4 What is aerial photography? Describe various types of aerial photographs. 14
Q.5 Write note on the following:- 14
Vector data set
Q.6 Describe in brief the following:-
Along track scanning
Q.7 Write short note on the following:-
Advantages of GPS


  • advances in pest control - i
  • advances in pest control – ii
  • agro-based marketing management
  • analytical techniques for agrochemicals
  • chemistry of pesticides and their formulations - i
  • chemistry of pesticides and their formulations – ii
  • climatology and planetary geology
  • diseases of crop plants – i
  • diseases of crop plants – ii
  • economic entomology
  • economic geology
  • engineering geology and mining geology
  • environmental geology & disaster management
  • environmental geology and disaster management
  • fuel geology
  • geochemistry
  • geotectonic and physical oceanography
  • hydrogeology
  • igneous and metamorphic petrology
  • indian stratigraphy
  • introductory and industrial entomology
  • lgneous and metamorphic petrology
  • manufacture of agrochemicals
  • micronutrients and plant growth
  • mineral exploration
  • minerology and optics
  • pesticide residues and toxicology
  • plant pathology and weed management
  • regulators
  • remote sensing and gis
  • research methodology
  • sedimentology and palaeontology
  • soil science, fertilizers,
  • watershed management (oet)