Exam Details
Subject | economic geology | |
Paper | ||
Exam / Course | m.sc. applied geology | |
Department | ||
Organization | solapur university | |
Position | ||
Exam Date | December, 2018 | |
City, State | maharashtra, solapur |
Question Paper
M.Sc. (Semester (CBCS) Examination Nov/Dec-2018
Applied Geology
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Q.1 Rewrite the sentences by choosing correct answer from given alternatives: 14
India's largest aluminum deposits are associated with
Gondwana Super group Eastern Ghats Mobile belt
Lesser Himalayas Mahakoshal group
In India, which one of the following ore minerals is produced mostly from
beach sand?
Cassiterite Hematite
Ilmenite Magnetite
Rampura-Agucha in Rajasthan is known for the ore deposit of
Gold Tungsten
Zinc Iron
Which one of the following economic mineral does not belong to the category
of magmatic deposit?
Chromite Titaniferous magmatic
Cu-Ni sulphide Magnesite
Porphyry copper deposits are formed by which one of the following ore
forming process?
Magmatic Magmatic hydrothermal
Sedimentary Metamorphic
characterized by the clays dickite, kaolinite and pyrophylite (all
hydrated aluminum silicate) and quartz.
Advanced argillic alteration Argillic alteration
Prophilitic alteration Potassic alteration
Which one of the following metals occurs as native metal, oxide and sulphide
in the earth's crust?
Iron Copper
Uranium Gold
Identify the odd pair of minerals among the following:
Goethite siderite Pyrite marcasite
Pyrite pyrrhotite Hematite magnetite
In which one of the following lists, minerals are arrange in order of increasing
temperature of crystallization
Galena gibbsite chromite Gibbsite galena chromite
Gibbsite chromite galena Galena chromite gibbsite
10) Economic deposit of primary Uranium is most likely to be found in
Gabbro Rhyolite
Sandstone Peridotite
Page 2 of 2
11) The fluid inclusion which is trapped after the formation of crystal is
Secondary Primary
Pseudosecodary Exsolution
12) Metasomatic replacement deposits are characterized by
Preservation of rock structure
Presence of pseudo morphs of replacing minerals after the replaced one
Absence of Crusification
All of the above
13) Identify old one among the following types of ore deposits by considering the
age of the ore deposits.
Banded iron formation Ferromanganese nodules
Lateritic bauxite Phosphate nodules
14) Which one of the following is a sulphide ore mineral?
Scheelite Siderite
Sphelerite Celestite
Q.2 Answer the following any four:-
Tenor of ore
Optical properties of chalcopyrite
Ladder vein deposit
Definition of Fluid inclusion
Prophylitic alteration
Write notes on. (Any Two)
Eolian placer formation
Use of microhardness tester in ore mineral identification.
Q.3 Answer the following Any
Gravity concentration method
Skarn deposit
Mineralization association with convergent plate margin
Answer the following any one
Opening in rocks
XRD studies in determinative mineralogy
Q.4 Answer the following Any
National Mineral Policy
Magma magmatic fluid
Stratigraphy and depositional environment of Malajkhand copper deposit
Answer the following any one
Early magmatic deposit
Banded Iron Formation
Q.5 Answer the following. (Any two) 14
Discuss in detail texture of ore deposit and associated features.
Write a full note on optical properties of ore minerals.
Write down procedure for preparation of polished ore section.
Applied Geology
Time: 2½ Hours Max. Marks: 70
Instructions: All questions are compulsory.
Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Draw neat and labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
Q.1 Rewrite the sentences by choosing correct answer from given alternatives: 14
India's largest aluminum deposits are associated with
Gondwana Super group Eastern Ghats Mobile belt
Lesser Himalayas Mahakoshal group
In India, which one of the following ore minerals is produced mostly from
beach sand?
Cassiterite Hematite
Ilmenite Magnetite
Rampura-Agucha in Rajasthan is known for the ore deposit of
Gold Tungsten
Zinc Iron
Which one of the following economic mineral does not belong to the category
of magmatic deposit?
Chromite Titaniferous magmatic
Cu-Ni sulphide Magnesite
Porphyry copper deposits are formed by which one of the following ore
forming process?
Magmatic Magmatic hydrothermal
Sedimentary Metamorphic
characterized by the clays dickite, kaolinite and pyrophylite (all
hydrated aluminum silicate) and quartz.
Advanced argillic alteration Argillic alteration
Prophilitic alteration Potassic alteration
Which one of the following metals occurs as native metal, oxide and sulphide
in the earth's crust?
Iron Copper
Uranium Gold
Identify the odd pair of minerals among the following:
Goethite siderite Pyrite marcasite
Pyrite pyrrhotite Hematite magnetite
In which one of the following lists, minerals are arrange in order of increasing
temperature of crystallization
Galena gibbsite chromite Gibbsite galena chromite
Gibbsite chromite galena Galena chromite gibbsite
10) Economic deposit of primary Uranium is most likely to be found in
Gabbro Rhyolite
Sandstone Peridotite
Page 2 of 2
11) The fluid inclusion which is trapped after the formation of crystal is
Secondary Primary
Pseudosecodary Exsolution
12) Metasomatic replacement deposits are characterized by
Preservation of rock structure
Presence of pseudo morphs of replacing minerals after the replaced one
Absence of Crusification
All of the above
13) Identify old one among the following types of ore deposits by considering the
age of the ore deposits.
Banded iron formation Ferromanganese nodules
Lateritic bauxite Phosphate nodules
14) Which one of the following is a sulphide ore mineral?
Scheelite Siderite
Sphelerite Celestite
Q.2 Answer the following any four:-
Tenor of ore
Optical properties of chalcopyrite
Ladder vein deposit
Definition of Fluid inclusion
Prophylitic alteration
Write notes on. (Any Two)
Eolian placer formation
Use of microhardness tester in ore mineral identification.
Q.3 Answer the following Any
Gravity concentration method
Skarn deposit
Mineralization association with convergent plate margin
Answer the following any one
Opening in rocks
XRD studies in determinative mineralogy
Q.4 Answer the following Any
National Mineral Policy
Magma magmatic fluid
Stratigraphy and depositional environment of Malajkhand copper deposit
Answer the following any one
Early magmatic deposit
Banded Iron Formation
Q.5 Answer the following. (Any two) 14
Discuss in detail texture of ore deposit and associated features.
Write a full note on optical properties of ore minerals.
Write down procedure for preparation of polished ore section.
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